Social Question

simone54's avatar

What do I if I am choking?

Asked by simone54 (7642points) April 3rd, 2013

OH MY GOD! I CAN’T BREATH. What do I do?

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16 Answers

ucme's avatar

Turn blue & look funny.

rebbel's avatar

Stay real calm.
Open your PC and surf to a Q&A website (for example Fluther) and compose a question, asking what to do in such cases.
Be sure to take the time to spellcheck…~
Wish for some real fast answerers!

Kropotkin's avatar

Open your browser. Go to Ask what to do if you’re choking.

Sunny2's avatar

Give yourself the Heimlich maneuver.
Take the pillow away from your face.
Seriously? Depends on what is getting in the way of your breathing. Maybe, get outdoors quickly.

DigitalBlue's avatar

If you were actually choking 25 minutes ago, I’m assuming you’ve gotten help, cleared your airway, or are currently passed out/suffocating.
However, in the future, if you are choking and you cannot breathe, you can call 911 and attempt to clear your airway of whatever is obstructing it. Try forcefully hacking/coughing it out. If that doesn’t work, it is possible to give yourself the Heimlich maneuver. It helps to have a chair or a table to force your fists up under your ribs in order to expel the object blocking you air supply.

And, in case the above responses weren’t clear, it’s probably not a good idea to get online and ask Fluther.

glacial's avatar

Be sure, while asking for advice on Fluther, to spell “breathe” properly. Otherwise, your question could be modded for not meeting standards, and you would receive your answers several days later.

Bellatrix's avatar

I’ve sent a message to @simone54 to ask if she’s okay. No reply yet. I will report back if and when I hear from her!

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

It really depends on what exactly you are choking upon.

glacial's avatar

@Bellatrix It actually never occurred to me that this might be a serious question.

Bellatrix's avatar

I have no idea @glacial. She hasn’t responded. People do the darndest things when they are freaked out. Perhaps she was choking and her first instinct was to post on Fluther. If that’s the case I hope her second was to dial the emergency services.

I hope it’s a joke!

Bellatrix's avatar

Apparently @simone54 is okay and not a her.

DigitalBlue's avatar

Thanks for the update, @Bellatrix

SABOTEUR's avatar

Got a piece of steak caught in my throat and my wife looked at me helplessly as my eyes watered while frantically gasping for breath.

In desperation, I plunged my finger down my throat to induce vomiting. I don’t know where that idea came from, but the vomit successfully propelled the meat that was lodged in my throat onto the floor.

Now I know what a close call really means.

genjgal's avatar

You know a real Jelly when they get on fluther and ask how not to die, instead of something more logical.

Bellatrix's avatar

You think @genjgal? I hope you’re wrong and people won’t do that. No idea if the jelly here was really choking or not. This question makes no sense to me at all!

genjgal's avatar

@Bellatrix You would think they’d be smarter. lol

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