Meta Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What tricks were pulled to earn 20K lurve?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37815points) April 3rd, 2013

Congratulations to Bellatrix! The points are hard won, and you deserve all the credit.


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53 Answers

tinyfaery's avatar

Oh, yay! You’re cool beans. Congrats!

ETpro's avatar

Bella, Bella! Look what all your trix have led you too. A new luxury suite in the 2nd floor of the mansion. And a well earned honor it is. Keep up the good work.

Blueroses's avatar

I love you like a bestest friend/sister! You are amazing, funny, incredibly smart and everything I want to be if I ever grow up.

I adore you completely. Congratulations on 20k… In my book you have a million lurves.

zenzen's avatar

You lurvewhore you.

Congratulations, babes.

Sunny2's avatar

Congratulations and twenty thousand red roses to you! I hope you’re not allergic.

glacial's avatar

@Bellatrix, you are awesome!! Congratulations on the milestone. :)

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

↖(^▽^)↗ Hurray! Congrats!
I’m gonna have to take your picture (⊙『』) while your having a beautiful life!! (^__^)

♡♥ .,.’`’.,.’`’ ♡♡
♡♥ .,.’`’.,.’`’ ♡♡

whitenoise's avatar

That’s just great.


Berserker's avatar

Damn man, I thought you’d be there a long time ago. Congratulations Bellatrix. You rock, and I consider you one of my precious Fluther friends. ’‘hug attack!’’

9doomedtodie's avatar

Bella is doing tricks and I am sure, one day, she will do hat-tricks.
Congratulations on 20K!

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Definitely NOT LESTRANGE to see 20K Well done to our Bella full of trix! Here’s to more!

Tropical_Willie's avatar

How do you say congrats in “Down Under” ??

blueiiznh's avatar

Oh my Congrats and say hello to Harry.
It’s Party Time!!!!!!

augustlan's avatar

Yay! Congrats Bella! I lurve you. <3

Arewethereyet's avatar

In Aussie we say Good on ya Bella!

bookish1's avatar

Hooray Bella! I’ve been watching for your 20k and was hoping to catch it and throw your party myself!
You are a classy, witty, tranquil, and wonderfully kind jelly, and a great mod too! I don’t really understand how you have time to do all the work you do and help us keep it civil around here, but I’m glad you do.
I’m on kitchen duty tonight… what kind of treats shall we have for the banquet???

rooeytoo's avatar

Congrats to a fellow aussie implant! Our numbers seem to be growing here in fluther. Soon we may take over!

syz's avatar


Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Congrats to one of my very special Aussie friends.

ucme's avatar

Well I still see her as a Brit, way too cool for a Sheila, Liz is the biz!
Congrats, to the brightest star, betcha way prettier than Helena :-)

tedibear's avatar

OH YAY!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! I seriously thought you were at 20K already! You’re a wonderful jelly and a great moderator. Thank you for being here!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Big, fat, mega, ginormous congratulations to one of my favorite jellies! Love you, you beautiful, evil wench. Now, take out your wand so we can duel, and no fighting dirty! <3

bkcunningham's avatar

Congratulations! You are level headed, wise and kind. When I grow-up I want to be just like you.

janbb's avatar

As soon as I get my dingos trained to pull a sled and not eat babies, I am coming your way for tea, Bellatrix. You are a great swimmer in our sea – moderate, wise and measured; full of down-under compassion and wisdom.

Mazel Tov on the 20K!

picante's avatar

Bellatrix—your intelligence and warmth radiate through the ether! Thank you for your generous contributions to this community. If @janbb‘s polite dingoes can pull another passenger, I’m on the sled headed your way. Congratulations!

LuckyGuy's avatar

Wowza! It is so great to see you here.
In your honor I am printing this your way, so you won’t have to turn your monitor upside down!

¡ʞ02 ǝɥʇ uo sʇɐɹbuoɔ

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@LuckyGuy LMAO. How did you do that?

wilma's avatar


Mama_Cakes's avatar

My new favorite jelly!!! Congratulations!!!

linguaphile's avatar

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Hug, hug, hug, hug!!!!!

Bluefreedom's avatar


YARNLADY's avatar

* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS * * * GOOD WORK * * * Y * A * Y * * *

Some_Ghost's avatar

I’m going to haunt the 2K mansion, with good cause! Congratulations @Bellatrix for this fine achievement. :)

chyna's avatar

I’m late! Congratulations to a very lovely jelly.
So glad you are here.
Get ready to party!!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well W00T! Way to go, Bella! I didn’t know you were from Australia! That does explain a few things, though. :) ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ << 20K lurves. That’s what they look like.

cookieman's avatar

Silly jelly, trix aren’t for kids.

Nice job Bella. I might even say Molto Bella.

Brian1946's avatar

Congrats, Elizatrix Lestrange! ;-O

Bellatrix's avatar

Thank you @Hawaii_Jake. I am so honoured that you held a party for me. I think we should all get leis and go down to the beach and have a barbecue!

Thank you to everyone for your lovely thoughts. This thread was a beautiful way to end a big day. You are all so lovely and I’m very glad I accidently found Fluther!

@tinyfaery, coming from one of the coolest jellies on Fluther that means a lot! Thank you.

@ETpro thank you. Oh I’m a little bit tricksy! Talking of tricksy, I think I’m in your old room. I found a box of very interesting toys in the wardrobe. Are these your Frisky Friday things?

@Blueroses, it’s so good to see you back here more often! I think you’re more smart, funny and amazing than I will ever be . And thank you, the feeling is absolutely mutual!

@zenzen! You told me you wouldn’t tell people about my whoring … oops you said ‘lurvewhore’! Oh well, cats out of the bag now… Thanks Captain Zen!

Oh thank you @Sunny2! I do love roses and no hayfever here. Thank you so much. I might need some more vases…

@glacial, who is never icy, you are pretty awesome yourself! Thanks and don’t forget I’m going to be picking your brains soon.

Poses for @nofurbelowsbatgirl, thank you! I hope you got my best side. One day you will have to explain the origins of your name!

@whitenoise, thank you so much. I’m glad you’re here.

Awww @Symbeline. I know! It’s taken ages hey? We need to do some sort of Viking raid and find more newbies! You are most definitely one of my precious Fluther friends. When I get over there, I hope I can come to your city and have a cuppa with you. Great big “hug attack!” coming back at you!

@9doomedtodie, thank you! Another 10,000 and I’ll have the hat trick!

@ZEPHYRA, welllll… truthfully I am a bit strange but I think the best people are. Oh and I do like to play tricks on people, so watch you! I know you are pretty magical yourself. Thank you!

@Tropical_Willie, “How do you say congrats in “Down Under” ??” Well “Good onya Bella” will pretty much do it. We like to keep things pretty low key here  Thanks!

@blueiiznh, Harry couldn’t make it unfortunately. I was sort of hoping I’d find some handmade chocolate made from your cocoa tree beans! Bring some to the party. Thank you!

@augustlan Aww thank you Boss! Do I get to play with the whip now? Pretty please?

Thanks @Arewethereyet! You are one of our newest jellies but I feel absolutely certain you are well on your way to becoming one of our favourites in the flutherverse.

How lovely @bookish1! You are so gorgeous! Nobody has ever called me tranquil before… so thank you! It’s such a joy to share stories about our similar work. Hmmm I was thinking a barbecue on the beach with Aussie beers and wines (perhaps a few Kiwi wines too). It’s a beautiful evening here.

Thank you @rooeytoo. You’re so right. I think we’re well on our way to ruling the Flutherverse! One upside down jelly at a time.

Thank you @syz. I am still reading that book you suggested Stiff. I often think of you when I pick it up.

@Adirondackwannabe and you are one of my special US friends! Love our little chats.

Ayup! I do cu2 @ucme and you’re right. I’ll always be a pom just with a hint of Aussie. Flattery will get you everywhere too!

@tedibear! Thank you so much. I think I got stuck on 19996 for quite a while! :D Thank YOU for being here.

@WillWorkForChocolate, what do you mean you don’t want me to be dirty! Why? What changed! Love you too my lovely, crazy cat lover with the best cat avatars ever. We could duel (as long as you don’t use the shovel!) or we could just party!

Oh thank you so much @bkcunningham. Let’s make a deal and just not grow up!

Our favourite little penguin! @janbb I’ve had the kettle on for ages. What’s taking so long? There was a story about a penguin being found on a New Zealand beach, I thought you took a wrong turn. You will be welcome anytime and we have some great walking tracks.

@picante. Absolutely! The more the merrier. Not sure about dingo pulling power. We might have to ask our resident dingo expert about that (@Rooeytoo). You will definitely be welcome though. I’ll get another cup out!

Give me a sec, I have to stand on my head to read your message @LuckyGuy.
Drat! I tried to respond in upside down text but you’ll have to give me lessons in how to do that. Hey, what’s happening on Critter Cam! I’m missing my updates.

@wilma thank you. I’ll tell you a secret, my name isn’t really Bellatrix either. I would love to live in the house in your avatar though.

@Mama_Cakes, jelly of my dreams – for real! Thank you! How lovely. Hope you feel better today.

@linguaphile, hugs coming right back at you! Hope you’ve had a lovely holiday. I’ve been watching your posts on Facebook.

Thank you our eagle eyed, @Bluefreedom.

@YARNLADY thank you for the kind thoughts. Very much appreciated. I think it must be about time for another yarnapocalypse.

Oh it’s my secret love! @Some_Ghost! If only you weren’t so ‘spiritual’ we could be a match made in … where are you exactly?

@chyna, and you are one of the loveliest so thank you! Yes, let’s party!!

That’s so funny @Dutchess_III! After all the conversations we’ve had you didn’t know where I live and I bet it does explain a few things. They’re purty!!! Thank you!
@cookieman, now you have me blushing! I’ve got chocolate chip cookies! There’s one here with your name on it.

Thank you @Brian1946! My favourite Fluther music man!

OpryLeigh's avatar

Woohoo! Congrats sorry I’m late.

flutherother's avatar

20Kongratulations @Bellatrix

rojo's avatar

Tricks are turned, not pulled. Pricks are pulled not turned.

You’re welcome, glad I could clarify that.

AmWiser's avatar

Sorry to be soooo late.

Buttonstc's avatar

You’re such a calm voice of reason around this crazy place. Congratulations on the 20K. Well deserved.

ETpro's avatar

@Bellatrix I’m not sure what toys you’ve been playing with, but since I like them all, they most likely are mine. :-)

SuperMouse's avatar

Congratulations to a fabulous jelly and wonderful mod!

Bellatrix's avatar

Thank you @Leanne1986. No problem at all. I thank you for your congrats.

Thank you @flutherother too. I would still love you to read to me with your delicious Scottish accent.

@rojo, I don’t turn tricks. That would get me into some serious trouble.

@AmWiser, it’s lovely to hear from you late or not.

@Buttonstc thank you! I’m glad I give the impression of calmness :-)

@SuperMouse, thank you it’s a joy to be part of the mod team with you.

Seaofclouds's avatar

Congratulations Bella! Sorry I’m late to the party.

Kardamom's avatar

Good gracious, look at the time! Sorry I’m late, but I’ve been scouting the great outdoors for a place to put your New Studio I know you like to un-plug at least once a week and spend time painting, writing and taking photos and I thought this studio would be perfect for those activities. I know you also like to cook, so we added a Special Bellatrix Kitchen in the mansion down at the other end just for you. The reason we put it there, is because you get the magnificent view. At night time you can see things like This and This and This Just down the lane from the mansion, we installed this cute little Writing Space just for you. Enjoy and Congratulations to a wonderful Mod.

bob_'s avatar

Congratulations! :)

Bellatrix's avatar

:-) you know me too well @Kardamom! I love ALL of those places and I can’t wait to watch the ‘light’ show from my window! Thank you so much.

@bob_ thank you! I hope you will hurry up and come and party with me.

Earthgirl's avatar

@Bellatrix You are the best! Congratulations. I just know that you’re one of those people that in real life, I would like you immediately! Intelligent, warm, kind and so many other good things. I totally respect and lurve you!!!

Bellatrix's avatar

@Earthgirl I absolutely feel the same way about you! Wouldn’t it be cool if we could sit together over a cup of tea and just talk! Thank you.

Bellatrix's avatar

I missed @Seaofclouds! Thank you and you are fashionably late and it’s just fine!

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