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Dutchess_III's avatar

What are people thinking when they come to court dressed like they're going to a night club?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) April 4th, 2013

Watching Judge Judy. There are some people, women mainly, who show up in short, tight fitting, low cut, glittery dresses. It isn’t the least appropriate IMO. What are they thinking?

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20 Answers

bkcunningham's avatar

That they look good?

Dutchess_III's avatar

It seems to me that court is a place where people should show some dignity. Flaunting and showing off your butt and your boobs is not dignified.

Inspired_2write's avatar

As if sex appeal was considered in there sentance?
Some people do not get it until it gets very serious.

bkcunningham's avatar

Not everybody was raised right and are as classy as you and me.

Inspired_2write's avatar

Classy? You mean mature.

thorninmud's avatar

Judge Judy is TV, not court.

marinelife's avatar

I went to real court (traffic court) and saw the opposite. I wore business attire, a two-piece conservative dress) and most people were in ragged jeans, even sweats. I was very surprised.

Kropotkin's avatar

It’s not a real court. Judge Judy isn’t a judge—she’s retired and was never any sort of distinguished or notable judge.

It is a reality TV show. Some of it is staged and scripted. The audience are actors and extras. The participants are paid to appear. I’m not even sure the so-called Judge Judy’s decisions are legally binding.

chyna's avatar

I think they are hoping to be “discovered”.

thorninmud's avatar

You can be sure that the production team that chooses the people whose “cases” are to be shown are looking for the ones most likely to put on a good show. If they arrive in a gaudy outfit, all the better.

Many people watch this kind of show because it makes them feel better about their own lives: “At least I’m not that clueless”.

ucme's avatar

Maybe they think they’re on Dancing with the Stars & are trying to impress the judges.

Pachy's avatar

I don’t think you can over go wrong dressing nicely in public. First impressions count for a lot, even in a pseudo court room.

Blueroses's avatar

I think they just dress with the awareness that they’ll be appearing on television and perhaps their next relationship failure will be watching and thinking “I gotta get wit dat!”

josie's avatar

‘Ho Chic

JLeslie's avatar

I agree with @bkcunningham that they think they look good. They very possibly have no idea court calls for conservative attire.

I remember being a teen and going to court to support someone who was brought up on charges. My skirt was rather short, but it was fashionable! I was not dressed sleazy all around, but the judge would not allow skirts that short in the courtroom and I couldn’t go in. I had not anticipated that. It actually happened to me at the Vatican to. I purposely wore what I though was very conservative, and purposely wore a skirt thinking it was more appropriate than slacks. The skirt came right to my knee (much longer than my example about court) and they didn’t want to let me in because my knees were showing. I did get in though. My to was a long sleeve thick man tailored shirt, there was nothing vertly sexy or sleezy about the outfit, but it seems knees showing if innappropriate. No ne had told me.

livelaughlove21's avatar

That they’re going to be on TV and they want to make an impression. May not be the right impression, but an impression nonetheless.

And yeah, Judge Judy is nothing like real court.

@marinelife I don’t dress up for traffic court either. I don’t wear sweats, but I will wear jeans. I’ve only been twice, but I’m not dressing up to sit in a crowded room for hours waiting to be called, talking to a cop for two minutes, paying my fee (or not), and leaving. I dress up for regular court though.

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^^LOL! You go to traffic court a lot?

livelaughlove21's avatar

@Dutchess_III I said, “I’ve only been twice…”

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