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josie's avatar

Is what happened today evidence of Global Warming?

Asked by josie (30934points) April 5th, 2013

Today (5 April) for the first time in more months than I can remember, I wore flip flops and a T-shirt, no jacket or sweater.
I may be over reacting, of course. It only made it to 55 degrees.

But now I am wondering if this Global Warming business might be legit.

If so, I’m willing to admit it, because I sort of like it.

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15 Answers

marinelife's avatar

What you are describing is not at all evidence of global warming.

However, it does sound nice.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@josie You’re just tired of the winter. This one has hung on for a lot longer than some years.

tom_g's avatar

Weather != climate. A single weather event at a particular location tells us nothing about global climate, which is what is changing.

flutherother's avatar

No, that is evidence for spring. I wish it would hurry up, it only reached 46 degrees here today.

glacial's avatar

No. What happens on any one single day is not evidence of global warming. But I suspect you know that already.

rooeytoo's avatar


Lightlyseared's avatar

Here in the UK it’s snowing, not that that’s stopping us going out in shorts and flip flops it is April after all (you would not believe how easy it is to spot the locals from the tourists). So you can hardly call it global…

ETpro's avatar

I take the humor in the question, @josie but climatologists’ models predicted unusually cold late winters and springs in the bulk of the North America and Northern Europe due to anthropomorphic global warming disturbing the flow of the northern jet stream and dragging cold air down from the Arctic to merge with moisture from the Northern Pacific and now largely ice-free Arctic Ocean.

Nonetheless, global average temperatures continue to rise, and the likelihood is it’s going to be far worse than current models predict. Current models include CO2 rise but not massive releases of Methane which will occur as the tundra melts and deep ocean temperatures increase, melting methane clathrates. Methane is 72 times more effective as a greenhouse gas than CO2 over a 20 year span.

Listen to this, and resist the temptation to dismiss it because you don’t like the source, which is an ad hominem fallacy. Refute his facts, or verify them.

cazzie's avatar

If you notice it, it is weather. When data sets show statistically significant changes over decades, THAT is proof of global warming.

NostalgicChills's avatar

Personally, I think Global Warming is all complete bullshit.

ETpro's avatar

@NostalgicChills The facts are overwhelmingly against you. Not just the consensus of the scientific community, but things that are pretty hard to fool, like thermometers, melting glaciers, and the loss of polar sea ice.

ETpro's avatar

I happened across this article today in Mother Jones. It explains the Game of Thrones style winter the North Eastern US and Western Europe got this year. And yes, it it further evidence of global warming.

ETpro's avatar

While I’m at it, Google News had this on how climate change’s effect on the jet streams is increasing clear air turbulence for air travel. That Al Gore sure is one hell of a clever hoaxter, fooling arctic sea ice into melting, thermometers all around the world and even the jet streams.

glacial's avatar

@ETpro There were zombies in the northeastern US and nobody told me? Am I disappointed.

ETpro's avatar

@glacial Didn’t you hear, manbearpig was there too.

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