Why do I keep getting this facebook message?
I’m trying to send a message in fb to someone, but every time I click to send it it tells me ‘one or more of your email addresses are not valid.’ I’m not sending any email addresses. I tried sending a message that simply said, “Test” and got the same message. It’s kind of important that I contact this person, as I may have something of interest for her.
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10 Answers
Do you mean that you’re trying to send them a message in Facebook? I’m not sure how you would send them an email in Facebook.
Yes. I am just trying to send a message. A regular old fb message. I’m not trying to send an email and I’m not even including an email address in the body of the message.
Are you starting from Messages on your timeline or newsfeed, or are you starting from the person’s profile?
Do they still have a FB account?
Did they modify their e-mail attached to their FB page?
Check your friend’s page to see what they have for a e-mail. Go to their page and click on “About” look for e-mail
I’m trying to send it from the person’s profile.
Well, she’s not exactly a friend. I don’t know her at all. OK. My ex husband used to videotape weddings (he had this grand idea of starting a video production business. All it did was help destroy our marriage.) Anyway, I have several edited master tapes of various people’s weddings. He has them listed like, “Fred & Nancy Picering (Williams.)” (not real names, but it was a little unusual, like “Picering” would be.) So I type in Nancy Picering and a Nancy Picering Williams came up. So I tried to send her a message about the tape, asking if she wanted it but kept getting that dumb email message.
So, it isn’t anyone I can contact otherwise.
Are any of her postings on the “Wall” current? It maybe a “Dead” account.
She posted last in January. Her privacy settings are such that you can’t see her friends list either.
Go sidewise, try “Linked-In” or another social website.
@Dutchess_III So… you are going to that person’s profile, and clicking “Message”, and you get a pop-up message box with the other person’s profile name in the “To:” field, and you write your message and send it… and your error is occurring after that point?
It can’t be that their email is invalid (because the message should still reach them via their profile, even if notifications can’t be sent to them via email), and it can’t be that their account is deactivated (because you wouldn’t be able to reach their profile at all). This is mysterious!
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