Social Question

chyna's avatar

Facebook question?

Asked by chyna (51712points) April 6th, 2013

I have 2 groups on Facebook that I “like” and up until yesterday I could see their posts on my news feed. I can no longer see their posts. I still have them as group likes and can’t see anything else has changed. Any ideas?
I did contact both groups and they said they had not changed anything.

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7 Answers

glacial's avatar

Facebook has cut back a lot of newsfeed access for groups as a way of prioritizing those who spend money for better newsfeed visibility. This didn’t affect everyone and everything at the same time, it seems to be trickling through the community at large. I noticed it about two months after I saw my friends complaining about it, for example. I have heard that you can improve the visibility of these groups in your newsfeed by commenting on posts on their pages (not really enough to just “like” posts), but I haven’t tried this myself.

Anyway, I don’t know if that’s what is causing your situation, but it’s one idea.

chyna's avatar

Thanks @glacial, I’ll try that.

glacial's avatar

Removed by me – I thought I found something good, but it was outdated advice. :(

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Go to their FB page and hover over the “Liked” button, you’ll see a drop box with “Get Notifications” Check that line.

chyna's avatar

I tried that and it just sends me notifications, it doesn’t appear in my timeline.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I miss read, you can’t have your liked groups posted to your “Time Line” page.
( I maybe wrong but liked pages can only be notification to your “home” page.)

JLeslie's avatar

Right, it would show on your “home” page on your news feed. Meaning when you click on Home. Your profile page, or timeline, just shows what you have posted as status and what you have done in terms of commenting and updating. It also will show when someone writes on your timeline.

I think you mean these are pages you have “liked.” You join groups and like pages.

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