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flutherother's avatar

Where are all the Kim Jong-un jokes?

Asked by flutherother (35015points) April 6th, 2013

OK, here’s one. Kim Jong-un agreed to give an interview to CNN. The reporter tried to explain to him what it meant to live in a democracy. “America is a free country” he said “If the president is not doing a good job, anyone can go to Times Square and say out loud, ‘Down with Barack Obama!’”

Kim Jong-un gave this some thought and then said “North Korea is a free country also. Any North Korean can go to Kim Il-Sung Square and say out loud, ‘Down with Barack Obama!’

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25 Answers

CWOTUS's avatar

Kim Jong-who?

ragingloli's avatar

What will Kim Jong Un name is son?
Radioactive Man.

Sunny2's avatar

He is such an uncontrollable, unpredictable and scary man, it’s hard to make light of him.

bookish1's avatar

No one’s telling jokes about him because we are all awed and intimated by his super sweet hairstyle.

elbanditoroso's avatar

The first time I heard that was around 1965, and the joke was set in Moscow (and Kruschev was saying how he was free to say “I hate President Johnson”

SavoirFaire's avatar

I assume he ate them all.

Pachy's avatar

If he starts a war, we’ll M*A*S*H the little fella flat.

talljasperman's avatar

I think it is time for a “Team America World Police 2” movie. with (NSFW) references to thee tree types of people.

talljasperman's avatar

Sorry I meant three types of people.

Brian1946's avatar

Doesn’t he have an uncle named Menta Lee Il?

Berserker's avatar

You just don’t fuck with this guy.

so much so that my link doesn’t even work as intended

woodcutter's avatar

We all can recycle those old one’s about the shitbird he replaced.

Fly's avatar

Oh, and this.

I just can’t get enough of all the Kim Jong-un memes right now.

woodcutter's avatar

If we can take Manuel Noriega, we can take this bitch too.

Fly's avatar

Oh, and I just found this gem.
Okay, okay, I’m done. ...for now, anyway. ;)

woodcutter's avatar

If sanctions work long enough, this bloke will start to look a little better. Making new jokes about him will be more of a challenge.

ucme's avatar

Reading this thread is like watching a stroke documentary, a bit one-sided.
Poor Kim, he was arse raped by a dragon after being spat out by a giant with a nut allergy, that’s a tough birth…sympathy for the guy who looks like he was fashioned outta goat turds & bubble wrap.

CWOTUS's avatar

There were some other good ones at that site, @Symbeline. Here’s one. Thanks for that initial link.

Here’s another.

Berserker's avatar

Oh shit, if Canada gets nuked, we’ll have Gangnam to blame.

Fly's avatar

Okay, maybe just one 25 more.
I may have a problem…

ragingloli's avatar

I wonder though. People make Fun of North Korea, which does have nuclear Weapons, but think Iran, which does not have nuclear Weapons, is the next Nazi Germany.
I wonder why. It seems the anti-Iranian Propaganda is quite effective.

CWOTUS's avatar

Perhaps the difference (aside from Iran having oil, of course, which is of some interest in itself, obviously) is that North Korea doesn’t have the ability outside of its still unproven nuclear capability and iffy missile delivery system, and can’t close off the Persian Gulf to all shipping (or threaten to, which amounts to the same thing for insurers).

In other words, North Korea cannot mount the same kind of strategic threat to anyone but its near neighbors, and that would probably have to be an incredible blitzkrieg before they simply outran their supply lines. Iran’s supply lines don’t have to be long at all to cause extreme havoc to the rest of the world’s oil supply.

Fly's avatar

@ragingloli Interestingly enough, I just wrote a research paper on this for my international relations class.

I think the main difference is the capability and credibility of North Korea. We are fairly certain that North Korea does not have the technological ability to follow through with most of its threats. And we know from past threats that North Korea is unlikely to actually attempt anything and that the threats are more of a scare tactic. To add to that, even if they did launch a nuclear attack, we know that the amount of damage they could do is minuscule compared to our second strike capabilities.

With Iran, there is also a huge element of uncertainty. They have been intentionally vague about the intentions of their nuclear program and have been uncooperative in the international community as of late. And while we know that they don’t currently have nuclear weapons, we also know that they are becoming increasingly able to create one if they so choose. Especially with Israel’s hostility towards Iran and anti-Western sentiments, it is certainly possible that they will choose to go that route, despite the fact that they have signed the UNSC Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty. What really makes it so concerning is the context- considering Iran’s hostile relationship with Israel, it is easy to see how quickly both states having nuclear weapons and constantly threatening each other could go wrong. And as @CWOTUS points out, it’s not exactly difficult for Iran to cause a significant amount of damage internationally, and they are well aware of that. That said, I wouldn’t go as far as comparing Iran to Nazi Germany. There is still potential for negotiation, however small that potential may be.

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