General Question

ragingloli's avatar

Watch this video and tell me, is this the prelude to a future corporate global tyranny?

Asked by ragingloli (52384points) April 6th, 2013
Is this the Obama’s “radical socialism” that right wingers accuse him off?
Looks like Obama is the opposite of a socialist.

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11 Answers

bookish1's avatar

I’m about to lose my lunch. Thank you for sharing this. I need to research; I doubt we’ll be hearing a real discussion of this on any national news outlet…

Linda_Owl's avatar

I have been greatly concerned with this “Trade Agreement” ever since I found out about it. It has been written behind closed doors, where a lot of secrecy has reined. I (personally) feel that it will be an unmitigated disaster for the United States. If I can find the original Link where I read about this Trade Agreement, I will post it for all of you to read

ETpro's avatar

Where are so called “conservatives” when there actually is something to fear, when loss of sovereignty really is in the balance? If they don’t close ranks with progressives to fight this, I fear the outcome will be the one-world dictatorship they have always claimed to hate.

Linda_Owl's avatar

I finally found the original Link for the Trans-Pacific Partnership Trade Agreement.

If you are not already disturbed about this agreement, you will be by the time you read this.

Pachy's avatar

I don’t know who this guy is or whether his suppositions and conclusions or even facts are correct. Anybody can (and does) post a blood-stirring video online, and some people tend to believe anything they see or hear on TV or the Internet (especially when it plays into their currently held beliefs and fears), and to get worked up over things they know really nothing about. Maybe this guy is right, but I’m simpy counseling a bit of caution here and further research.

Linda_Owl's avatar

While I tend to agree with @Pachyderm_In_The_Room in that ALL of us must do our own research, I also agree with @ragingloli that this new “Trade” agreement is something that should concern ALL of us (especially) Americans.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I do not see what would motivate the President to promote or support such an agreement. Even if he desires to stimulate the US economy and expand foreign trade, the exposure to risk that such an agreement would entail is much more serious that a free trade agreement between sovereign nations with an independent dispute resolution mechanism.

It sounds like something the conservatives would be willing to entertain but certainly not something a Democrat would endorse. Already domestic corporations hold too much power. To extend this to foreign corporations seems truly foolish.

Linda_Owl's avatar

@Dr_Lawrence, unfortunately, President Obama appears to be all FOR this new ‘Trade’ agreement. He has contributed to the secrecy that has surrounded this new Trade agreement. I voted for him, but that does NOT mean that I support him in every action that he has taken.

ETpro's avatar

This explains it pretty well.

Linda_Owl's avatar

Yes, George Carlin definitely had the answer(s) & he was not afraid to speak his mind!

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