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AnonymousWoman's avatar

What does an organ donor look like after getting put in a coffin?

Asked by AnonymousWoman (6538points) April 7th, 2013

I want to be an organ donor, but the thought of what one would look like after being put in one creeps me out.

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12 Answers

glacial's avatar

Probably better than an intact corpse would look after a few months. Why would it matter how it makes a dead body look?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Have the funeral closed coffin, with a pic of you on the coffin. The gift you give to others would way outway any messing with your looks. I had an organ donor card at 16.

marinelife's avatar

Nothing bad. There are carefully sewn back up.

RandomGirl's avatar

This isn’t a helpful response, I know, but I thought I’d comment and say that this thread has been helpful to me! When I got my driver’s license a few months ago, I thought, “Whatever, sure” and checked the box to be an organ donor. I had been wondering about this very subject!

BhacSsylan's avatar

@marinelife has it right. Much like corpses subjected to an autopsy, they stitch the body back up and then the funeral home would make them presentable. Keep in mind no one is every shown in a coffin naked. Clothes would cover pretty much anything from organ donation with the exception of retina or face transplants, the first of which is also easy to hide and the second is rare (and, as @Adirondackwannabe mentioned, then you just have a closed casket).

LuckyGuy's avatar

My neighbor’s mother look fine. You could not tell anything was missing. We heard they removed some bone in he legs and replace it with some other material. She might have been missing corneas too but her eyes were closed.

Sunny2's avatar

You’ll look fine. You can even choose the clothes you want to wear before you die. Parts that are taken won’t show unless you give somebody your whole face (We’ve read about face transplants recently.) In that case, as others have said, have a closed coffin. Of course, if you choose cremation following the organ removal, you’ll be at the funeral in spirit and that will be that.

elbanditoroso's avatar

He/she looks hole-y.

jaytkay's avatar

I am hoping to be a kidney donor soon.

I’m no George Clooney, but I look OK.

Live donation, hopefully, no coffins involved

gondwanalon's avatar

A lot depends on what the organ donor went through in order to become an organ donor. Usually a person becomes a donor through an accident of some sort. Just to name a couple of organ donors who would be bad candidates for an open coffin: the donor went through a really bad car accident; one that committed suicide with a gun shot to the head; a donor who fell 20 feet and landed the head (etc).

If you happen to look bad then they will very likely put you in a closed casket. Also don’t worry about it because you’ll be dead. It is better to worry about not becoming an organ donor and concentrate on being healthy and living to be so old that no one would want your organs.

zenvelo's avatar

I am hoping my organs are good enough for donation when I finally check out. I’ll look just the same if I donate or not, just might have an ounce or two less ashes.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

You will look an angel of mercy!

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