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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What's the silliest baby name you've ever heard?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37846points) April 7th, 2013

This question hasn’t been asked for about three years from what I can tell.

I have heard of two different examples of parents naming their child Abcde. That’s pronounced Ab-ceh-dee. I can’t think of anything more ridiculous to name a child. It’s not even a name. It’s the first five letters of the alphabet with an invented pronunciation.

What silly names have you heard parents give their children?

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63 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Hard to say which one is the silliest ever, since I have forgotten almost all of them, but the most recent silly name I came across is the name of Cenk Uygur’s kid, Prometheus Maximus.

SuperMouse's avatar

Twins: Lemonjello and Orangejello. (Yes, lemon jello and orange jello.)

AmWiser's avatar

Vagina pronounced Vag-gin-nay.
Seriously, what do people be thinkin?

linguaphile's avatar

Thor Atlas


Tropical_Willie's avatar

Moon Unit Zappa

genjgal's avatar

Name two of your kids the same thing (after yourself on top of that!) and then have to call one Blanket (of all things you could call him!), because you weren’t creative enough in the first place. [No insult to MJ intended here. I respect him in all areas except baby naming.]
Blue Ivy is pretty dumb too.

ragingloli's avatar

Also, do “unfortunate” combinations of normal names count, too?
If so, there was a woman in Germany named Rosa Schlüpfer, which literally translates to “pink panty”.
there is an entire list of those

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Yes, by all means, silly combinations count, too.

zenvelo's avatar

The famous philanthopic woman whose father was Governor of Texas, Ima Hogg.

snowberry's avatar

The baby came out, the mom looked down and said, “What’s that?” They told her it was the placenta, and that’s what she named her baby boy- Placenta.

Poor kid. If he survived with that name, he’d be one troubled person.

linguaphile's avatar

Gulp. I did a web search for Mepper out of curiosity. Poor child.

Plucky's avatar

@genjgal MJ’s three kids are Prince, Michael and Paris. The weird part is that (the son) Michael’s nickname is Prince…and Prince’s nickname is Blanket.

keobooks's avatar

I first heard this name on STFUParents. The name is Vagena. Pronounced “Vah-JEEN-ah”

Plucky's avatar

A friend of my cousin’s just named their newborn girl, Sharpay…. I mean, really? Why not Rottwalter or Dalmashon… jeez.

I think one of the things that bugs me is the trend to name your kid a spelling variation of an older name. Like, instead of Lily it would be Lilee or some such nonsense.

keobooks's avatar

This list made me laugh out loud. Some of the people here actually named themselves, but many of them were named as babies.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

La-uh, pronounced Ladasha.

AshlynM's avatar

Blue Ivy
Audio Science… Seriously, what the F?

linguaphile's avatar

@Plucky Sharpay is a character from High School Musical… They might not realize that it sounds exactly like Shar-Pei, which is the animal you’re thinking of.

I always wondered why the Moms United didn’t freak out over this…a female Shar-pei=Sharpay =??

gondwanalon's avatar

Ladasha spelled “La-sha”

Also “Doorknob”

keobooks's avatar

I just read more on the Vagena post: Apparently she had twins. Here are the full names of both: Vadgesty Foxi Maiden and Vagena Tamphen Pohtaytar—I am DONE with finding bad names. These are the worst and I can’t decide which twin got the worst deal.

Sunny2's avatar

Old story: New mom and pop didn’t know what to name their baby girl. They looked at the birth certificate and saw Female and decided that must be her name. Pronounced Feh-ma-lee.
I’ve heard of babies being named Judge, Prince, King, and, of course, there’s Tiger.

Berserker's avatar


@ragingloli I don’t remember what it was from, but I saw this joke once, about what movies should be combined; Maximus Overdrive. Not that it has anything to do with names, but I couldn’t mention that name and not @ you, otherwise it would have looked as if I pilfered your answer.

But for the record, if I ever have a kid, I’m calling him Maximus Overdrive. Or Maxima Overdrive, if it’s a girl.

Brian1946's avatar

Gorgoonsklio, Slutina, Gaga, Assjulio, and Barfarfa.

Berserker's avatar

Barfarfa?? ’‘Bart simpson voice’’ What the hell, man?

livelaughlove21's avatar

@genjgal And baby fucking…

…too soon?

Mimishu1995's avatar

Ice-cream. That’s the name my parents almost gave my brother (at my request seriously! I was a crazy ice-cream destroyer back then)

Pachy's avatar

Sarkisian La Pierre.

You may know her as Cher.

ucme's avatar

Paula Yates had 2 kids with Bob Geldof & named her daughters Peaches & Pixie.
She saved the best when she had a kid with Michael Hutchence though, you ready for this?
They named her Heavenly Hiraani Tiger Lily…fucking nutters!

RandomGirl's avatar

At our church’s VBS one year, a kid brought his friend, whose name was Sun. Poor kid. He said his sisters names were Rain and Hail.

The whole new-spellings-of-regular-names thing… Ashleigh? Coartney? Courtneigh? EmmaLee? Emileigh? The eigh instead of ey or y ones make me want to say “neeeeiigh” like a horse.

Seek's avatar

Focussing only on people I actually know

Two identical twin baby girls: “Tanya” and “Na-Tanya”. Yes, Not-Tanya.
“Tarantula” – a girl my hubby went to school with.
“April May June”, though I’m sure there are a few of those out there.
“Harry Butts”. Not kidding.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room Cher’s real first name is Cherilyn (Sarkisian La Pierre are her surnames although often you just see it as Cherilyn Sarkisian). I don’t consider that to be anywhere close to as silly as some of the names people have come up with on here.

girassol's avatar

“Baby”. She was sixteen. I looked at her photograph on her student pass and wondered how she must have felt, growing up.

Pachy's avatar

Thanks for your comment, @Leanne. As for whether the name is funny or not, that’s strictly in the ear of the be-listener. Saying her whole name out-loud at least ticked me.

keobooks's avatar

Oh does this one count? My grandmother shared this with me. When my great grandmother died, somehow it was discovered that one of my great uncle’s real legal name was “Boy Boy” My great grandparents forgot to turn in the paperwork to the hospital so the hospital records staff just put in “Boy” in the middle and first names. It wouldn’t have been a big deal except one of my other great uncles was trying to claim that “Boy Boy” couldn’t inherit his share of the estate because it was willed to “Richard James” and even though “Boy Boy” had been going by the name “Richard James” for well over sixty years, it wasn’t his real name.

Luckily the lawyers were smarter than my great uncle who was trying to scam the family. They let “Richard James” inherit. But he did finally go and change his name legally to the name he’d been using his whole life.

ucme's avatar

How about Tarzan & Jane naming their son Boy?
Yeah, nice one jungle dwellers.

Pachy's avatar

@ucme, good one!

Plucky's avatar

@linguaphile Oh, I know where the name comes from because, when I first heard it, I looked it up to see if it was from another language. And I know what a real Shar-pei is, lol. How could the creator of Sharpay not know? Perhaps I’m just assuming most people know what a Shar-pei is, lol.

On another note, I’ve also noticed a trend at naming babies with backwards names/words. Like my cousin, that same one I mentioned before, naming her daughter Nevaeh…meaning Heaven (this cousin is one of the weirdos in our family).

Pachy's avatar

I meant “tickled” of course.

diavolobella's avatar

A’Million, which was the name of a child in the school I once worked at. We often joked that if he had a brother, he could be named A’Nickel.

Lemonjello and Orangejello is an urban legend. Never happened.

I also knew a girl in middle school whose name was Hynie Lee

genjgal's avatar

@RandomGirl Sun and Rain aren’t too bad…they just sound like Indian names to me. But Hail…what on planet earth were they thinking?

genjgal's avatar

@Plucky Maybe so. I heard that the boys names are Prince Michael and Prince Michael II. Prince Michael the II is Blanket. I’ve never thought that Paris’ is bad.

Sunny2's avatar

A student at our school was named Zizi. Always wonder what would happen if she went to France and learned what it meant there.

newtscamander's avatar

Wendtoe Sylver Dylan & Rosalie-Renesmee…and these are German children….

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Most of George Forman’s sons are George . .. including a George IV. ( the others were Jr and II and III . . . etc.).

RandomGirl's avatar

Oh and then there’s the girl I met at camp where I was working last summer. Her name was Peaches. She actually liked it!!

AmWiser's avatar

Oh! I forgot this one…I knew a woman who was shot during her pregancy, she and the baby survived the shooting and so she named the baby boy Steel.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@RandomGirl I once knew a girl named Peaches. My husband said she was rotten and should be crammed down the garbage disposal, lol!

AmWiser's avatar

@SuperMouse, speaking of drinks, when I worked at a community clinic one of the clients that came in had named her daughter Tanqueray (like the Gin). Sheese! that was over 25 years ago. Wonder how that child is doing?

livelaughlove21's avatar

I work with a lady that named her baby Cash. Now, this isn’t that odd of a name, but it struck me as funny because we work at a bank.

ucme's avatar

^^I so want her to have another kid named Tango.

mattbrowne's avatar


Dutchess_III's avatar

My mom had 7 sisters and 2 brothers. Her parents immigrated from Holland. They named my mom Cornelia (no middle name) and her older brother Cornelius.

RandomGirl's avatar

Oh well now that we’ve started on ancestors’ names… My favorites are Winnifred Wuanita (Yes, that’s Juanita spelled with a W!) and Derias Howe (4X great grandfather). The writer in me is coming up with all the villainous things a guy with that kind of a name could pull off.

keobooks's avatar

I just remembered a story my grandfather told me. When he was in the Air Force boot camp, one of his fellow soldiers was named WB Darling. The sergeant demanded that he give up his real name instead of going by initials. WB at first claimed that he had no first name. The sergeant yelled at him and demanded to know his full name. Finally WB relented and gave it up. His full name that his parents gave him was Welcome Baby Darling. The sergeant kept quiet and he went by WB the rest of boot camp.

tom_g's avatar

I worked with a woman named “Honey” (yes, it was her name given to her at birth). I felt very inappropriate when I would say, “Honey, let’s go over this paperwork together.”

zenvelo's avatar

I work with a woman named Tiwana, her dad was stationed in San Diego and used to tell her mom how much he loved Tijuana.

cazzie's avatar

In New Zealand, there were some pretty strange baby names. Like, Chevy Backseat. They got so bad that the courts finally had to step in and set up some standards, for the sake of the poor children. Here is an article about it:

Names given to children in Norway have to be approved. No ‘Adolf’s allowed.

augustlan's avatar

My favorite odd name is from a customer of a business I used to work for. The guy’s first name was Gay. His last name was Love. True story.

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL @augustlan! When I was in a classroom a few years ago, I came across a book that was edited by a guy name of Peter Gay. The book was by Sigmund Freud, of all people, called The Freud Reader. I snapped a pic of it and used it as my wall paper. Still have it, too.

Arewethereyet's avatar

Ima Hore had a friend who was going to call his daughter this his surname was HORE, and I always loved Nora Titsoff.
I knew a kid called Soul, one called Sol (meaning sun), another Tenzin (the Dali Lama’s name) and I went to school with a girl called Malena (it means bloody faeces) HAHAHA

dxs's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake Someone I know who works at a middle school has a student named Abcde. His sister is Vwxyz. ~
[Addition]: He has also had a La-a.

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