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Marijuana -- If legal would/do you use it, and how?
Perhaps I should rephrase that question. It’s probably not “If” but “When”. For the first time since polling began in the late 60s, US public opinion has shifted dramatically and now the majority of Americans say marijuana should be legalized and taxed. Looking at the trends in the polling from the 60s till today, it does not look like that trend is going to reverse itself. Support for legalization is likely to continue to grow.
There are two primary potential benefits of legalization that might be driving that increase in support. One is the rather widespread human interest in getting high. People that want that “benefit” would like it to be legal. The other is a new sin tax to raise revenues. Those that wouldn’t use pot no matter what might support legalization so somebody else, who will use it, can carry a bigger chunk of the tax burden to keep the country running smoothly. What’s your position. If pot is legalized, will you use it? If so, how? If not, do you still support legalization because you’d like to tax the schmucks who will use it?
Let’s set one red herring aside before launching into this discussion. MJ’s critics rightly point out that breeding for higher THC has produced super-pot that’s nothing like what baby boomers may remember from the drug-crazed 60s. While true, that’s neither here nor there. If an intoxicant is more powerful, you simply use less of it to get the desired effect. A dedicated drinker can consume a whole six pack of 12 ounce beers in a single evening. That’s 72 ounces of beer, or 2¼ quarts. If they drank 2¼ quarts of Everclear (190 proof grain alcohol) in the same time span, they would not awaken the next morning. Moderating intake based on potency is something we’ve been doing since we first learned to distil alcohol.
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