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gorillapaws's avatar

Woodworkers: can you help me figure out how this pergola gate was constructed?

Asked by gorillapaws (31058points) April 8th, 2013

This is the pergola gate I’m thinking about trying to reproduce (It’s not going to be an exact copy). I’m mostly interested in understanding how they achieved the 4 arches that create the ring. I zoomed in on one of them and superimposed a board onto an arch to get an idea of how big the lumber would need to be if it was cut from a single board. I’m not sure if that’s how it was done.

I found this article on how to build an arched arbor but their approach results in a lot of screws in the face of the boards (which works in their example because they paint it—I’m planning on keeping the wood natural with just a water sealant.

Also, once they have the two top arches, how do you think they secure them to the rest of the structure at the top without exposing any hardware?

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide!

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14 Answers

CWOTUS's avatar

I’m not a woodworker, but I’ve read a fair amount of it as it applies to wooden boat building and some other techniques. I suspect that something like this would answer your question. (Note that the link has a cockpit rail that looks very similar to your gate.)

syz's avatar

This might be helpful. Or this.

jaytkay's avatar

Use better quality lumber than the photo.

That right-side vertical looks like a rejected 2×4 found behind Home Depot

gorillapaws's avatar

Thanks for the responses. I don’t actually think they’re bending the wood. When I look at the grain (it’s hard to see because it’s pixelated) it does look like a straight board. I think trying to steam-bend something that thick into such a tight radius would be a major undertaking, and I’m a bit concerned laminating thin strips together because this will be outdoors.

CWOTUS's avatar

I wouldn’t be too concerned about the lamination aspect because it’s an outdoor application, @gorillapaws. I didn’t mention that method, but that’s also another very common marine / fresh water boat construction technique. And if it works on a boat or canoe hull, I’m sure it will work for you, too.

But we never even addressed the possibility that these pieces are just covers cut from plywood to cover wholly different construction.

gorillapaws's avatar

@CWOTUS Great point about the plywood facade. And also about the laminations being used in marine applications. Laminating strips together would probably be a reasonably easy way to make those.

gasman's avatar

Here’s my guess: The circle is assembled from four 90-degree arcs cut from ordinary flat boards or plywood with a jig saw. The joinery at 9 & 3 o’clock might be hidden behind those lower-side vertical pieces. It looks to me like the circle isn’t strictly coplanar, which you might consider a problem when seen up close, if you’re fussy about such details. At a distance it will look good anyhow.

augustlan's avatar

The circle looks like four pieces to me, too, with the joints covered by the vertical pieces. Could be cut out of high grade plywood or wide boards, and may be joined with biscuits, dowels, or pocket screws (holes then covered/filled). Since the joints are covered by the verticals, they may have even used joining plates to connect the pieces. When you put the verticals on, you can just use wood adhesive and clamps to avoid screws on the face of the wood.

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

You have to have the right type of jigsaw and all the right tools for this gate.

I am an interior designer but I don’t do much on the exterior. The best I can do is give you a link that I found to someone else who does do exteriors. I have never worked with this person but it looks like by their photos they do a very good it’s always worth loooking into.

Btw, if you need any gates torn down, I’ve got that covered if you like..I had a beautiful archway gate that was torn down within minutes by my dog, he can get the job done, oh free of charge too! :/ lol

DaphneT's avatar

You might find this information of use.

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CWOTUS's avatar

I would, @DaphneT. Nice find.

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