Social Question

Does this mean he likes me?
So I’ve been married to this guy for, like, 10 years. Our first date was REALLY special. He came over to my house and we sat on the deck and drank beer then I dragged him to bed. I felt so bad when he told me, the next day, that he had a couple of cracked ribs from falling off a tramp when he was drunk. I would have been a little easier on him if I’d known. But he’s such a nice guy that he forgave me right away! (Oh, and he fell off a trampoline, not off of a homeless person.)
He does really nice things for me, like, he lets me watch NOVA every Wednesday night and 60 Minutes every Sunday, unless football or American Idol is on, because he knows that those are my two favorite shows.
And one time he remembered my birthday all by himself and surprised me with tickets to a Chiefs game. I don’t even like football so it was really thoughtful and sweet and I know he wasn’t just doing it just to get me in bed (see above.)
And, like, this one time I got really, really sick and almost died and he didn’t pick a single fight with me while I was in hospital. Or, if he did, I don’t remember because I was unconscious. But he said he didn’t.
And,like, this one summer evening me and our dog, Honey, got stranded in the middle of the lake cuz the boat ran out of gas because of him. It was dark, and getting darker, and I could see the headlights of the truck as he frantically drove around and around and around the lake, like 60 times. Not sure why he did that because it really didn’t help very much, but knowing that he was in a screamin’ panic was really, really neat. I spent a very peaceful two hours, watching the stars come out and slowly floating to shore. When I got within earshot he yelled “Honey! Are you OK?”
I yelled back, “Yeah, the dog’s fine!”
“Oh, thank God!” He said. It was like he really cared! :D :D :D
And, like, he shares little things with me. He’ll be all, ”VAL!!! You gotta come see the replay of this tackle! I think he broke every bone in his body! He’s still not getting up! It’s so cool! Come here, quick!”
And, like, I smashed the hell out of my finger because of him and the blood pooled up under the nail and it really hurt and he offered to drill a hole in my nail to release the pressure. He even asked if I broke it. It was so sweet.
And, like, yesterday I was rebuilding this little rock wall thingy that outlines the deck, cause it had fallen down (the wall, not the deck,) and he came outside and watched for a while and made stupid suggestions and even handed me a rock I didn’t need, then went back inside.
Just having him watch me while I’m doing things, like raking the yard and stuff, makes me feel really special, like all squishy inside and I almost want to throw up. Does this mean I love him? And do you think he likes me too, or is he just using me? And also, was it wrong to have sex with him on our first date? Do you think I made a mistake?
Sorry this is so long but I’m going a little crazy over this guy and my finger still hurts and it’s hard to type.