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talljasperman's avatar

I saw a family members porn video on the internet... how do I forget it (NSFW)?

Asked by talljasperman (21926points) April 8th, 2013

I quickly turned off the video and forgot the address and I kept my mouth shut for 25 years after warning her not to make it, and after finding it on the internet 6 months ago . What should I do if the family member is not on speaking terms with me and holds a good job that the video could hold her back if discovered.

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24 Answers

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Inspired_2write's avatar

Its ther business.
If they are an adult now…..

talljasperman's avatar

the movie was never meant for the internet and she was underage. As a child nerd I knew that everything eventually ends up on the internet but she needed the money.

gailcalled's avatar

She probably would not recognize (nor would anyone else) her 25 year younger self.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The only possible mess-up is if she used her real name.

talljasperman's avatar

@Tropical_Willie yes she used her own name and it was a famous one at that, and even picked out the costume of a character that uses the same name.

livelaughlove21's avatar

If it hasn’t held her back in 25 years, why would it now? And even if it did, how is it any of your business? Why would you say anything at all about it? It’s been 25 years; I think it’s time to get over it.

talljasperman's avatar

It’s held me back keeping her secret… so I will say that life sucked 25 years ago and let it go, an I told you so won’t help; seeing everything will be on the internet in the future for public display.

gailcalled's avatar

Keeping her secret for 25 years has held you back? So why did you discover the site again six months ago? A random click?

Rarebear's avatar

Lots of alcohol.

janbb's avatar

This sounds very odd.

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marinelife's avatar

Let her accept the consequences of her actions if they catch up with her.

filmfann's avatar

I don’t think making a porn video is much worse than looking at them online.
Do you think she could forgive you for looking at such things? If word got out that you look at porn online, would it hurt your career?
Keeping in mind she was underage, you would go to jail a lot faster than she would.

ETpro's avatar

@talljasperman What should you do about it? Nothing. If you need pointers on how, let me know. My wife swears that doing nothing is the one thing I truly excel at.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Unfortunately you can never unsee something. At this point, will any action you take protect anyone you care about from harm?

talljasperman's avatar

@ETpro I will try doing nothing.

ragingloli's avatar

Do you have a link?

livelaughlove21's avatar

So, being in porn is shameful but watching it is perfectly fine? Gotta love hypocrisy.

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bolwerk's avatar

I like how this conversation would go.

“So, I was trolling around the Internet for porn, and I saw a video that you made decades ago. No, don’t worry, I didn’t masturbate to it. Yes, yes, I think you should perhaps e-mail the person who posted it and polite request they remove. Yes, I’m sure they’ll be understanding blokes.”

Really, though, if she was underage, and it’s hosted in the USA, you can probably get it taken down pretty easily by tipping off law enforcement. OTOH, you probably invite scrutiny yourself by admitting to having seen underage pornography.

snapdragon24's avatar

Messy question

waldo8's avatar

What has been seen can’t be unseen!

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