How would you memorialize Thatcher?
Asked by
reijinni (
April 9th, 2013
a building, street, dump, landfill, oil spill?
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25 Answers
I think the Sex Pistols took care of that back in 1976.
I wouldn’t waste the time. The wicked witch is dead.
Head of the British Tea Party in the 80s.
A big TV screen that constantly loops Bond’s “The bitch is dead” from Casino Royale.
She came into office during a period of high inflation and high unemployment. Growth was stagnant and wages had not gone up for years. Thatcher was able to turn that around and put Britain back on track for growth. She was a divisive figure but unemployment dropped from a high of 13% to 5% by the time she left office. Though divisive she was elected three times. More than any other prime minister in that century. She was unwavering in he core beliefs and is likely the reason that the UK is not in the same shape as Greece, Italy, and Spain today. A Great Lady.
Someone I met and chatted with when I was 16 years old. She gave me her full attention, time and focus for 10 minutes. I really didn’t understand her political stance, but she made this American kid feel really, really special.
I can’t envision Thatcher without this picture coming to mind.
I’m still laughing that some pinheads thought Cher had died after #nowthatchersdead was posted on twitter…think about it :-)
That’s no way to speak of your dead sister @ragingloli, show a little decorum…for once.
Not only the worst British prime minister in modern history, but possibly the most ignorant and malevolent. She inherited an economic upturn—the end of the oil and energy crisis. Despite this, she managed to raise unemployment to the highest levels since the depression, and to alleviate this embarrassing statistic, her government repeatedly changed the way unemployment was counted to continually reduce the number.
She left whole swaths of the country in terminal poverty, which is still all too evident today. She destroyed British industry and manufacturing. She destroyed all semblance of democracy by effectively privatising the government, with corporate lobbyists and donors able to dictate policy making. She sold off all the public utilities and North Sea Gas for a fraction of its real value to private investors, who to this day run them as regional monopolies—terrible service and terrible value.
I could write pages about what a loathsome callous woman she was. The only thing great about her was the class war she conducted on behalf of the rich and privileged. The idiots who laud her achievements are the ones too obtuse or callous to understand or relate to the harm she inflicted on millions of British people.
Her corpse should be paraded from street to street in all the towns and cities she destroyed so that everyone can take turns to spit on it. It would be cathartic.
I feel she requires no memorial. Her impact, however you might assess it, has outlived her time in office.
@Kropotkin Her ceremonial funeral is said to cost £3million, you could buy everyone in Britain of a certain age a shovel for that amount & they’ll gladly dig a hole so deep she shall be delivered to Satan.
I wouldn’t. She was an insignificant politician from an insignificant country.
Give me her corpse and I will start up the ovens in Auschwitz again just for her rotting arse.
Reanimate her corpse and put it to work 24/7 in a coal mine, with Ken Loach as her boss.
Looks like a petulant 6yr old hijacked @filmfann‘s account…again.
@ragingloli I’d split the gas bill with you…gladly.
I’d build homeless shelters and support offices in every city of the UK and give them her name. Places that not only offer the homeless a place to sleep but provide services to help them get counselling and to find work.
Whoop whoop @kropotkin excellent GA
All Thatcher achieved was to ensure that people living in garbage camps a hundred years from now will think Hitler was a woman.
One way to get rid of all the politician/royal cunts in Britain is to hope N.Korea fire a nuke at her funeral location…good times.
Personally I was a fan. Although I was only about one when she left Downing Street I have done my research and, whilst I don’t agree with all of the policies she put in place (I certainly don’t disagree with all of them either though), I admire her strength and back bone that no British politician since and not many before have been able to match. I can understand why many will not mourning her death but for the sake of her family and friends, I hope that people are respectful on the day of her funeral and stay away rather than using it as an excuse to cause a scene. She isn’t here to witness it but some of the people that cared for her will be and it won’t be fair on them, after all, regardless of what you thought of her, her loved ones had nothing to do with the decisions she made as PM.
I love a person/subject that divides opinion but this is not an issue I wish to debate with others as I would consider it pointless, there would be no budging on either side, you either loved her or hated her. End of. However, I did want to share my opinion here as a British person.
That’s a fine sentiment well put @Leanne1986 & I agree, those planning to celebrate the death of an 87yr old woman need to take a close look at themselves.
As for her loved ones, Mark & Carol her twins, had a strained relationship with her at best & weren’t even in the country when she died, considering she was on her deathbed for months, that’s a pretty shitty attitude on their part.
Thanks for the answers. There is one thing about her that I will remember above all else and that is the 1992 franchise auction. The auction was set up to get rid of the best station that ITV ever had and its linchpin, Thames Television. The fact that she got rid of this fine station is why my opinion about her are the way that they are.
Thames Television, The Sweeney/Benny Hill Show/Minder…great telly.
I have just realized a mistake in my answer. I was actually four when she left Downing Street. It would have bugged me if I didn’t correct that point!!!
One could even argue that Thatcher is the root cause of the financial meltdown of 2008.
In a quiet way. She was such a divisive figure that giving her a huge send off looks like triumphalism and opens up the divisions afresh. She should be buried quietly and with a stake through the heart.
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