General Question

brown_eyed_blonde's avatar

Help me think of catchy words that combine two things/objects together?

Asked by brown_eyed_blonde (90points) April 9th, 2013

For example

-Monstar (Monster and Star)
-Forkupine (Fork and Porcupine)
-Wriking (Writing and King)
-Kingaroo (King and Kangaroo)
-Petstigious (Pet and Prestigious)
-Beeluxe (Bee and Deluxe)
-Smaile (Smile and Mail)
-Loove (Loo and Love)

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10 Answers

marinelife's avatar

doat (dog; cat)

rebbel's avatar

Answhere (there is an answer somewhere here, but where…)

Judi's avatar

Beautilicious. Beautiful and delicious.

fundevogel's avatar

deja voodoo – the invocation by a second party the experience of feeling that a new situation had occurred before, the practice may involve black magick, sacrifice and on occasion, links.

augustlan's avatar

From my kids when they were little:

Squarular (square + circular)
Deliciyum (delicious + yummy)

tina_sausa's avatar

exealth (exercise for health/exercise health)

Arewethereyet's avatar

Diabesity – diabetes and obesity

rojo's avatar

Gangaroo – a pack of deliquent kangaroos.
Parsimole – a parsimonious a**hole.

rojo's avatar

Limbullcrap – right wing talking points loosely based on truth but purposely misinterpreted.
Dildont – an unwanted sex toy.

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