Social Question

blueberry_kid's avatar

Does wearing a black bra under a sheer shirt make you look trashy?

Asked by blueberry_kid (5960points) April 9th, 2013 from iPhone

I got this new sheer purple top and I wanted to try and pull off that black bra kind of look with it, but I didn’t know if it looked trashy or not. What should I do?

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31 Answers

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Yes. There was a time long ago, a horrible time, called the 80’s. We who have witnessed that time have collectively decided to move on, and never speak of that time again. Do not go there.

chyna's avatar

I think it would look better with a camisole underneath.
I think it would look a tad trashy.

glacial's avatar

@Imadethisupwithnoforethought But but but… new wave and John Hughes! It wasn’t all bad!

marinelife's avatar

You don’t want to be showing your bra. Follow @chyna‘s advice.

SpatzieLover's avatar

IMO, it just looks wrong. Why show your bra? I don’t get it.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar


Pachy's avatar

A little… thank God!

Rarebear's avatar

Hard to tell without a picture.

Jeruba's avatar

I think so.

livelaughlove21's avatar

Yes. Your bra should never be visible through your shirt. Wear a black cami instead.

bkcunningham's avatar

This questions makes me think of this question. But the attitudes seem a bit different.

livelaughlove21's avatar

@bkcunningham Well, yes, because underwear typically isn’t visible in pajamas.

mangeons's avatar

Either wear a bandeau or a tank top under it, depending on the look you’re going for/the setting in which you will be wearing it. If you’re going to school or somewhere else where you might want to be a little more conservative, I’d go for a tank top underneath. If you’re just hanging out with your friends or going somewhere casual, you could wear a bandeau under it. Just a black bra under it would look trashy, in my opinion. Bandeaus are meant to be seen, so in a more casual setting it would be fine to wear one, if that’s the look you want. I wouldn’t choose black, though.

Brian1946's avatar

I don’t think it would make you look trashy, but then I tend to be more libertine than some or a lot of other people.

However, it would make me look transvestite. ;-)

CWOTUS's avatar

I don’t know, since I’ve never tried it. I’ll be sure to let you know when that happens.

Sunny2's avatar

I’d say it was not a good idea, but not as bad as a girl in my high school, who was particularly well-endowed, wearing a sheer blouse with a white bra that had a dark colored hand appliqued on each boob. Now that’s tacky. She seemed pleased with herself, but everybody was snickering behind her back.

pleiades's avatar

If you want to be yourself and explore it. So be it. If you want to get looked at it’ll probably happen. If you want to get judged for purposely showing off the black bra it’ll probably happen. If you want to walk around feeling like you’re being judged, it’s probably happening. If you’re feeling uncomfortable wearing and showing the black bra off in public you’ll probably never do it again. Experiment failed=move on. If you’re just thrilled about this idea and the attention it brings about to yourself experiment=success for you and have fun with it.

It’s really a polar opposite kind of vibe you’ll be exploring. I don’t think there’s a middle ground for it. Either you love the edge or the edge bothers you.

ucme's avatar

Only when the guys who empty your bins wear that look.

Arewethereyet's avatar

It probably is considered trashy now but there was a time I loved wearing my black lacy with my sheer blouse, it felt great, liberating and very sexy but there was a time and place for it, it you get my meaning.

JLeslie's avatar

Probably, but it depends on the top and even where you live in my opinion. If you live in a place where undergarments are never shown, then you will call a lot of attention to yourself. Other places in the US it is more common to have bra straps and even bras more visible. However, even in places where it is common there is a line where it looks trashy.

Honestly, and this might be mean for me to say, when I picture a see through purple top at all it sounds trashy to me no matter what is under it. I have tops that are slightly transparent, one I wear a bra underneath, one I wear a camisole, but the style and color are not what I associate with trashy, one is black and one is a brown pattern. Either color could still be trashy depending on the shirt, don’t get me wrong.

What is the style of the top? Will you have cleavage showing? Is it short and your somach is showing? Are you wearing a very short skirt with it? As long as you are not trashy with the entire outfit it might be ok. I always say you can only be skimpy in one part of an outfit, more than one, and it looks trashy.

Also, something to keep in mind, boys do interpret these things in the most sexual way they can. My husband looks at women wearing thong underwear and imagines they walk around wanted to get fucked all the time. Sorry for the swear word, but have sex is not crude enough. Many girls think thong underwear is better because no underwear lines, but the truth is then you have a thong line. So even if the girl is a virgin and sex is far from her thinking, many of the boys looking at her are not thinking that.

@Imadethisupwithnoforethought I miss the 80’s. My hair did better with glue in it. Now it looks like a raggy flat mess all too often.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Yep, camisole for sure. I have a nice royal blue sheer blouse and a few sheer black blouses and I wear a bra with them and the cami, or spanks or cami. Sometimes I top them off with a nice faux fur vest or other vest if the blouse is uber-fem.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Hm. Define ‘trashy.’

CWOTUS's avatar

Oh sure, now you ask…

blueberry_kid's avatar

What I mean by trashy…streetwalker type? A slut?

chyna's avatar

Did you wear it?
And why the distinction of exactly how trashy would it be? Only mildly trashy is okay?

blueberry_kid's avatar

No I never did. Because it did end up looking a little inappropriate…considering I have fairly large breasts. But, no. I gave the shirt away.

Dutchess_III's avatar

What is the Social Construct of “Trashey?”

blueiiznh's avatar

Personally, I would never wear a black bra under a sheer shirt but that is just me.

just sayin

Strauss's avatar

I think it is the similar to the saggin’-baggin’ look.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Anytime a bra or its strap is seen is somewhat low class to me, and having it push bulges out completely covered is rather sad, bygones…...

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