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Dutchess_III's avatar

Can you buy a gun at a gun show without a back ground check?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47236points) April 11th, 2013

I’ve heard that you can. But someone just posted on fb that you can’t (Obama’s been lying to you, he sz.)

Do any of you have any experience with that?

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16 Answers

Seek's avatar

Yep. People go to gun shows, bring their guns, and sell them to each other. All the time. You’ll see dudes with a 1903 Springfield half-hanging out of their backpack with ”$300 OBO” on a piece of cardboard taped to the barrel. Cash transaction, no paperwork.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I meant, can you buy them from the dealers with no background check at the gun shows?

Seek's avatar

Legally, or actually?

I’m just saying, I’ve never personally seen anyone fill out paperwork.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Actually. I think 60 minutes did something on that. Let me see if I can find it….

Random1324's avatar

I think not. Unless you’re buying it from a friend or someone you know, then no.

WestRiverrat's avatar

If it is from a dealer with an FFL, you have to go through the background check, or wait 3–5 days to pick it up. If it is from a private citizen then you don’t need the background check.

filmfann's avatar

It depends on the state. You can’t in California, but many states have no laws requiring background checks.

LuckyGuy's avatar

You can’t in NY. The dealers at the shows all do instant checks.
If you are buying a handgun the rules are even tighter.

You can buy a rifle or shotgun with no paperwork from an individual but not a handgun. In the case of handguns, the original owner would want to take it off their permit and put it on yours so you are responsible for it. That paperwork must be filed with the County Clerk. The Clerk always has a well staffed, open office located right at the gun show for your convenience.

KNOWITALL's avatar

In Missouri you can buy them no problem at gun shows. From a pawn shop or actual dealer shop, you have to jump through the hoops.

I’m a little concerned about Obama’s allowing no paperwork between family members and friends honestly, that is a pretty wide range of transactions and personalities.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I hadn’t heard that, about no paperwork between family and friends. What is the point of that?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III Not sure, probably some concession to a special interest group- lol

cazzie's avatar

there are dealers in guns and then there are ‘dealers’ in guns….. if you sell guns as a ‘hobby’ then no paperwork is needed.

SpatzieLover's avatar

In Wisconsin, you can legally buy a gun on Craigslist with no background check. I think in this state if you are a gun dealer you are required to do a check.

The guy that did the “Salon Shooting” near my home, bought his gun on Craigslist about 24hrs prior to the shooting spree. The “loop-hole” allowing this in our laws still hasn’t been closed. I doubt it will be any time soon.

WestRiverrat's avatar

@SpatzieLover then the gun was not legally shipped from out of state or through any of the common carriers. They all require firearms to be shipped to a FFL dealer who is required to do a NICS check before releasing the guns.

I had to go through an FFL at both ends to send my nephew his shotgun when he forgot it here the last time he came hunting.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I had to go through two FFL holders when my Dad in Florida wanted to send his gun to me in NY. Both dealers made a little money on the transaction.

woodcutter's avatar

Sellers pay rent to the venue to set up tables to display their wares but shoppers can bring their own guns after they check them in and sell them to dealers or barter or sell them to other shoppers but etiquette dictates they might conduct that transaction outside since they haven’t payed to do business there. For them it is a gathering place of people with common interests. It’s creepy advertising in a newspaper to sell a gun even if the publication would allow it. I personally have not seen this but it happens. Every dealer I have done business with at GS was licensed. If something was wrong with what you bought at least a dealer has a contact number. There is no guarantee any one gunshow will have unlicensed dealers selling there if that is the only kind you will be able to do business with. I never see any notice on their table they are not FFL’s. I have seen many sales stopped because the buyers information was wrong on their DL.

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