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ScottyMcGeester's avatar

News on Star Wars Episode VII?

Asked by ScottyMcGeester (1902points) April 11th, 2013

I was in a comic store the other day, Zapp Comics if anyone’s heard of it, and the store is small so I heard the entire conversation the cashiers were having.

Then one guy started talking about Star Wars Episode VII, he seemed to have been talking as if he seriously knew what the next movie was going to be about. Exactly how, I don’t know, maybe he has insider access through a friend or something or maybe he’s just pulling you know what out of his you know where.

But he said the following things:
1. Episode VII would have a Jedi Master played by a well known actor named George something. I couldn’t catch the last name, but the first name was definitely George. (Not George Clooney, but I’m blanking out at the moment on other actor names with George)
2. They are going to have a separate movie about Yoda
3. The Han Solo and Boba Fett movies will come together and explain their rivalry
4. The next Star Wars will be titled “Galactic Empire” (which doesn’t seem to make sense unless it’s about the remnants of the Empire, then shouldn’t it have Remnants in the title?)

I was wondering if any of these were rumors or have some truth or whatever, or maybe someone actually has something new to add.

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8 Answers

Seek's avatar

George Takei as a Jedi Master was an April Fool’s Day joke.

ScottyMcGeester's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr Well, I guess he was fooled. He seemed to have vividly believed it.

Seek's avatar

I did, too, for a minute. Almost had me excited about seeing the new movie.

ragingloli's avatar

George Takei as a Jedi Master? Do not be ridiculous. He is not nearly gay enough to be a Jedi master.

El_Cadejo's avatar

The Empire was still strong for a period after Palpatines death during Thrawn’s time but that only went to 9 ABY and Disney already implicitly said they weren’t doing the Thrawn saga.

I’d really like to see them focus on Jacen and Jaina Solo and Ben Skywalker especially during Jacen’s fall to the dark side.

The ages of Hamil, Fisher, and Ford would match up with Luke Leia and Han at this time as well.
Boba just popped up again in the book I’m reading now. 70 years old and still kickin butt :P

Unfortunately however Disney is probably going to give a good ol FU to all the SW cannon and just make up their own BS.

zenzen's avatar

Lucasfilm whipped fans into a frenzy this year when they announced that JJ Abrams would be the man to bring Star Wars back to the big screen. The director had turned down Episode VII last year, throwing people off the scent, but in a surprise volte face he subsequently accepted the mantle and became a new hope for the galaxy far, far away.

Article here

antimatter's avatar

I hope it’s not true, dear lord the last three Star Wars films were pure torture.
And if this going to happen I will be probably be more CG than the story line.
I hope the galaxy far far away stays that way.

mazingerz88's avatar

@ScottyMcGeester I really hope it’s not George Costanza. : )

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