@Dutchess_III I have 2 dogs. 9 & 10. My 10 yr old is the black version of Dakota :) but his ears never fully developed and they are flopitty.
My husband got him from a shelter and the story goes he was rescued at 4 weeks from a puppy mill, my husband got him at 6 weeks old, because of this he has emotional problems and is more wild like than domestic.
Then there is the lab. My husband got her from a farm at 10 weeks old she is well integrated and social. She is 9.
Having dogs was my husbands decision, as a vegetarian I don’t really condone it, but I am now looking after them and I love them of course since my hubby’s passing.
Anyway, brownie tries to domesticate stinky odor. She loves him to bits regardless :/ She tries to lay with him he will only put up with so much. He gets sick a lot because of anxiety and he cannot go in the car because he hyperventilates and then once that is over he whines the entire car ride. But honestly I never met a dog who is more attached to his blanket than another dog or person like he is. I have had to buy dollar store blankets since he was a puppy because he sucks on the blanket and it is the only thing that relieves his anxiety in certain situations. I tried once to wean him off of the blanket and that was a nightmare! He whined and howled and threw up, paced back and forth, panted and he did this for 2 months straight I actually thought he was really sick and made a vet appointment until I realized he hadn’t had a blanket so I got him one I didn’t even get it out of the bag and he was jumping up off of all fours when I gave it too him, all the “symptoms” went away! So I called the vet and canceled the appointment.
Brownie also likes to take the blanket lay on it, throw it around in stinkys face, she always greets you at the door with his blanket lol! He just looks at her like, wtf lady, and every once in awhile he will quietly go and pull the blanket out from under her while she is sleeping, then he shakes it around and wraps his paws around it and starts sucking, it’s quit comical actually.
Because stinky doesn’t like to give affection, brownie just comes to me for affection, since stinky has no idea how to give affection and hasn’t learned despite brownies many attempts to try to teach him since we first brought her home.
Stinky is challenged. And brownie, well she just loves him no matter what, cuz that’s what dogs do they never judge and she doesn’t treat him any different but I have seen her sit in front of him if we are outside and another dog walks by I have also seen her correct his behavior.
Also brownie was really attached to my husband and just weeks after he passed is when she ended up getting really sick and getting liver failure, they had no clue what caused it, but because of it both dogs are on a strict vegetarian diet! :))