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XOIIO's avatar

How can I fix my desk?

Asked by XOIIO (18360points) April 11th, 2013

Alright, so before buying a fancy gaming mouse, I was stuck with a standard one, which didn’t track well on my desk surface for some reason. I used a piece of paper as a mousepad. Now, this is a small room, I am running a PC with Four hard drives, 3 monitors, two video cards, and a partridge in a pear tree, and without a fan it gets up to 30 degrees Celsius. Since it was so warm my wrist got sweaty from staying in the same spot, and for some reason that has messed up my desk surface, here’s a picture.

Now because the surface is like that, my new mouse doesn’t track well, and has trouble reading the surface sometimes. I was wondering how I could fix it. I’ve been contemplating getting some latex or maybe better would be water paints, painting over then lightly wiping off the surface so that it just stays in the scratches in other parts of my desk, but that area doesn’t seem to have many dips down, it feels a bit rougher but not much.

How can I fix this for cheap?

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8 Answers

SpatzieLover's avatar

Mouse pad. I have a nice one with a wrist rest that swivels & moves.

XOIIO's avatar

@SpatzieLover Yeah, unfortunately I’ve never liked mouse pads, the spot it is in would make it odd to put one there, and I change the mouse’s spot quite a lot, as a shift my chair from side to side, lean back or forward, I just don’t stay still enough to keep the mouse in that small of a space.

Judi's avatar

There are ways to resurface Formica if you feel ambitious. Google “resurface laminate countertop.”

2davidc8's avatar

How about DesignCrete? I understand that you can layer this on top of anything.

pleiades's avatar

Sand the whole thing down with 300 range sand paper, apply primer, sand it down with 220 sandpaper, then apply paint color of your choice, then sand it down with 600 sand paper, then last but not least apply final coat of paint <3 glhf

jerv's avatar

I have a Logitech laser mouse. The great thing about laser mice as opposed to regular LED optical mice is that laser mice are far more forgiving about the surface they are on. And when I am on El Halluf trying for that 460m kill-shot on that pesky ELC, you know I’ll miss if my mouse doesn’t track well, but my mouse doesn’t care where I put it; it always tracks well enough to make even tricky shots like that.

XOIIO's avatar

@jerv well I am using a razer ouroboros, which is both laser and optical, but sometimes the surface still messes with it a bit. I’m sure it could be many times worse, and it doesn’t happen to often or if it does it doesn’t interfere much, but sometimes in messes up a shot.

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