General Question

wildpotato's avatar

Does anyone remember the name of this children's book?

Asked by wildpotato (15229points) April 11th, 2013

It’s a beautifully illustrated book. The story is myth-like: a woman cannot conceive and goes to a wise/magic woman in the forest, who does something to allow her to become pregnant. She has a girl, and is very happy. The girl starts growing nubs with feathers on her shoulders, and the mother, in panic and denial, binds them to hide them and stop their growth – but they keep growing. Eventually something happens and the girl leaves home (I think she was 13ish), goes to the forest and encounters the wise woman, who informs her that the wings are her gift to the girl and unbinds them. They are giant, and brown, and look like owl’s wings. I don’t remember the rest. Does this sound familiar to anyone?

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7 Answers

Bellatrix's avatar

Spoil our fun! You could have let us mull on it for a while! Although I wouldn’t ever have got it.

wildpotato's avatar

@Bellatrix :) Sorry, didn’t occur to me to make a game of it.

pleiades's avatar

Now are there any movies like this?! I’m in need of good myth like movies

Blueroses's avatar

Damn. I wanted to play.

I have another elusive book I need to find. I guess I’ll create a new question because all the google-fu I possess has not helped me to find it.

rojo's avatar

Hey, I have that book in my library. It was my daughters and I keep it for the grandkids to look through.
I never would have thought of if however, it has been too long since I read it to her.

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