NSFW: Am I the only person obsessed with having bigger boobs?
Sorry if this is crude. . . but am I the only one who seems to be obsessed with wanting larger boobs like, yesterday!? I know for a fact that my “significant other” wouldn’t argue with me if I do. I am about 10 seconds away from trying one of those cremes. It is waaay cheaper than fully committing and going to surgery. Any thoughts??
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34 Answers
If it is what you want, I say go for it. I like B/C’s myself but I married an A and she is happy where she is. I married her not her boobs. My daughter was talking about enhancement but has opted for lasiks’ instead; preferring to see over being seen, so to speak.
Don’t bother with magic creams. I’m not one who will judge you for wanting a fuller bust, but don’t go with the snake oil.
Find a great bra. Your money will be much better spent on a perfectly fitting and lifting piece of underwear than on empty promises from “as seen on tv”
Actually, liberal doses of “ManCreme” on a regular basis will cause them to grow existentially.
this is, of course, total bullcrap but might make your SO happy
Be careful what you wish for. If you become more buxom and past 50 years of age, you may find yourself with boobs that droop to your waist when you are naked. If you are are smaller, it’s possible to age without the sagging being so obvious.
You don’t say what size you are now. Enhancement may make you feel more confident, but going for huge boobs is something you are likely to regret later. Even Pamela Anderson had to go for smaller.
The creams don’t work to increase anything except someone’s wallet.
@tina_sausa Stop the train for a minute. Does your boyfriend talk to your breasts? Does he look to them for love and happiness? Does he confide in them when he’s questioning things? Or does he confide in you, talk to you, find love in you? I always preferred one breast size, and then along came a woman with completely different sized breasts. Know what? I love them like crazy. Why? Because they’re her’s and I love her. Love isn’t a physical attribute, it’s of the heart and soul. Don’t think changing anything physically makes you more loveable. Love is in the heart. It’s not in the boobs.
PLEASE don’t waste your money on creams/pills designed to increase breast size! Like Clair Huxtable once said, you’d get the same results spreading mayonnaise on your chest.
If you really want bigger breasts, there’s only two ways to do it: gain weight or get surgery. Obviously, gaining weight is the cheapest option, but your health and confidence would probably take a fall because of it. So, that leaves us with surgery. If you can’t afford it, save up. If you can’t save that much or don’t want to drop $10K+ on new boobies, you’re shit out of luck. Simple as that.
I’ve always wanted bigger breasts. My mom had D’s, but my sister and I must’ve taken from our dads’ sides, because we’ve only got our barely-B’s to work with. I may get surgery one day, but until then, bras can create a nice little optical illusion to boost confidence. On the bright side, smaller boobs mean I don’t have to worry about back pain, ugly bras with thick straps, premature sagging, and ill-fitting tops like my large-breasted best friend does.
First, creams and other snake oil deals don’t work.
Second, having had large breasts for my entire life (D cup) I can honestly say “Are you freaking crazy!?!”
Do you enjoy having people talk to your chest rather than your face? Do you really want to spend 3 times as much on bras that are ugly and uncomfortable? Do you want to buy shirts that are a size too large so the buttons don’t gape open? Do you like those divets that you get in the top of your shoulders from bra straps? Are you physically active or like sports, ‘cause they’re seriously gonna get in the way of that! And of course there’s the issue of fake boobs looking and feeling fake – I find them unattractive because they look so freakish (that’s a matter of taste, of course).
I spent thousands of dollars and no small amount of pain having a breast reduction. I wish I had to do it over again, because I would’ve gone even smaller (when I gain weight, guess where I gain it).
Creams do not work, so don’t waste your money.
If you want bigger breasts, gain weight or get pregnant. But seriously, a lot of women think they want bigger boobs until they get them, then it becomes, “Well shit, why did I want bigger boobs?” I always used to wish for them when I was a perfect C cup, but when I was pregnant I increased to an uncomfortable FF. I’m back down to a D/DD now, and it still sucks. I want my old boobs back.
If you don’t already, but plan to have children I suggest you wait until after your last child and then get a “mommy makeover.” Babies do some crazy things to your body but a tummy tuck and a boob lift can do wonders.
I had a huge shower with a mirror on one end the first time I saw myself post surgery. My jaw dropped! My first thought was << redacted.>> I had never looked so good even as a teenager.
It’s a very personal choice.
I know you’re not considering surgery but the creams are a waste of money. Just get a good padded wonder bra for now!
I hate big boobs on a woman, always loved a nice firm handful…contented sigh.
Dear dear @ucme, it’s not about you, it’s about what the OP likes.
Oops, I saw the word boobs & immediately became selfish for some weird reason…sorry :-)
@ucme Don’t be selfish, share. That’s why they come in pairs.
In my defence, I do like to stay abreast of what’s going on here.
At least you are being supportive.
Now, if only you could “lift and separate”.
If you are a big fan of scams, by all mean yes try putting a CREAM on your BOOBS to make them bigger. What an obvious waste of time.
The first thing that comes to my mind is all my friends that are having theirs removed due to back problems. It’s also harder to detect breast cancer. You can be beautiful without big breasts, I’d work on the self-esteem.
Do you tell someone with tattos or piercing a to work on their self esteem?
@Judi I just had my niece for a week and we did discuss her passion for tattoos, and self-esteem was discussed, yes.
I think you are trying to make me feel bad, but fitting in with everyone else usually is a self-esteem issue.
I really didn’t mean to direct it exactly at you but at a lot of people. I figured you might have a problem with tattoos from what I know about you. A lot of people are down on “fake boobs” but don’t have a problem with tattoos or piercings. I find that a but hypocritical.
@Judi I am down on anything that keep you from being your authentic self. If my 14 yr old niece gets a bunch of tattoos while her meth head mom is in jail and her pill head dad is otherwise occupied, she is perpetuating the stereotype, limiting herself in life and permanently marking her body before she is old enough to know the consequences and how they affect her life.
I’m not even down on fake boobs at all, but instead of a only positive benefits, someone needs to tell these women about the negative consequences.
Whoa, whoa, WHOA! Not sure what tattoos have to do with boobs, but no hating on the tattoo crowd! Getting tattoos does not equal self-esteem issues! Neither does getting a boob job!
@WillWorkForChocolate Adults can do whatever they want, I just want to make sure that my thirteen year old niece gets my honest opinion since I have more experience than she does.
I see far too many women that later regret boob jobs to recommend them to anyone, seriously. Sorry fella’s, if it comes down to looking super fab or dying from undetected breast cancer, the choice is obvious.
Hmm, tattoos on tits, handy for breast feeding new mums, left tap/right tap.
@ucme Good God man, can you imagine how much that would hurt?! :)
Breast tattoos are actually less painful than many other locations. It’s all fat. I’d steer clear of the nipples, though.
Yes I could April, but as Lyndsey points out, not all that bad.
Older women whose boobs have seen better days, may consider thanks for the mammaries as a poignant breast tattoo.
@livelaughlove21 I did not know that, my ankle hurt plenty.
@ucme Look at you using real names and everything, you big flirt!! ;)
Yeah, @KNOWITALL, boney areas hurt more than fatty areas, in general.
@KNOWITALL LOL, boob tats don’t hurt much. Neither do ones on the butt, thigh or back, unless you’re directly over the spine. Tats around bony areas are the ones that suck, haha!
No, you are not. However, many do stress, whether they say so or not. If it were not the faxct boob jobs would not be a multimillion dollar business.
Has this become a tat-for-tit conversation?
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