Will you send a prayer for my cat?
Ok. So it’s mid very early morning here. Let me give you a little back story. I am or maybe was against owning pets because I am a vegan but because of unfortunate circumstances I ended up with 2 dogs and an 18 yr old cat. So now even though I have pretty much broken every one of my own vegan rules, I am stuck loving these little fur babies till the end and of course I want no suffering.
(which I can say in times previous I was against euthansia, because I thought it was breaking some kind of wild animal code and animals should be left to their own vices in the wild)
Anyway, my siamese cat who I saved at a young age (yes I will save animals, don’t ask it’s complicated and really my own vegan rule system :/) I saved her from certain death as she was headed to a local kill shelter, so she is 18 now.
Before bed about 6 times she was in and out of the litter box but she was just standing there for about 2 minutes each time when she was in there. In short I’m freaking out. We can’t get to the vet at least until another 5 hours. I have had many losses and fear that part and the irrational part of me has gone through every scenario which is what I do, maybe it’s slight PTSD who knows, but I know I could be dealing with a varitey of issues from bladder infection, kidney stones, urine crystlization, other blockage, tumors/cancer. I want the first one, it is easily treatable.
This is where my jellies come in. Could you say a prayer for my kitty?
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23 Answers
Beloved Bastet, mistress of happiness and bounty, twin of the Sun God, slay the evil that afflicts nofurbelowsbatgirl’s cat as you slay the serpent Apep. With your graceful stealth anticipate all diseases that cause pain and death for her faithful feline servant and stay their hands against your children. Grant her the joy of a successful hunt, and ever watch over her in the dark places in which they must stalk.
I love my cat and dread the day when he’s not in my life. I’m sending your kitty heartfeld wishes for only a mild illness and a speedy recovery.
I prayed to the Great Spirit to care for your kitty’s heart and soul. May she just have a mild treatable condition.
I said a prayer for you cat, but I don’t think anything is going to happen. Sorry.
Thanks guys. I haven’t had much sleep I am really worried.
@Crumpet thank you. I understand that people don’t believe and looking through crying eyes and my being half asleep I basically could only think of how to word it like that since my mind was wandering.
I guess I am just looking for support so anything supportive will do. :)
My kitty behaved this way, it was urine crystals, that was at least a good five years ago and he’s still kicking today. No more crystals since we changed his diet, either.
Try not to worry too much. Sending you and kitty happy thoughts.
@nofurbelowsbatgirl. I said two prayers for your cat. I have 5 cats of my own and had to put one down last year due to failing health. I know what you’re going through. Be strong and think positive thoughts.
@ragingloli, I don’t care if you were being sarcastic, that was a great prayer.
Creator of all things great and small, calm @nofurbelowsbatgirl ‘s heart. Keep kitty from pain and hold her in your hands. Thank you for @nofurbelowsbatgirl ‘s kind heart that rescued her all those years ago. Thank you for the companionship you have provided her through this kitty through pain and loss. Regardless of what the future holds, grant your peace that surpasses all understanding on @nofurbelowsbatgirl and all the critters that she has reluctantly found in her care and her heart.
If I thought we could pray for things and receive miraculous help from it, I’d be praying for all our wounded warriors who’ve lost limbs fighting for their country to grow new arms and legs, along with praying for your kitty to be able to visit the litter box in comfort. All I can do with confidence it will help is send you my hopes that kitty will soon get better. I know how I’d feel if it way my own beloved Spoony.
Soon you will discover the cause (constipated?) In the meantime I feel for your cats pain and yours too.
Prayers for the both of you.
At times like this one does feel helpless in assisting others, in animal kingdom, the cat knows what to do for itself, just have the right food (diet) for it.
Might need fiber , check catfood ingredients.
“ever watch over her in the dark places in which they must stalk”
I LOVE this line!
All prayers asked for will be made. My heart is with you.
Sure, and I’ll pray for you as well, honey.
You and your kitty are in my thoughts and prayers (and I’m so happy to hear that love won out over strict vegan rules :) and who made those rules anyhow?
I’ll light a candle for your kitty…
I’m so sorry. It’s gonna hurt. :(
Ok, first I want to say thank you so much to everyone!. :)
Kitty went to the vet. And I told him the symptoms that I had seen, so he poked and squeezed her :( I felt bad but he squeezed her bladder and she peed on the table..poor kitty! Anyway, obviously she can pee.
So we have come home with meds that will help clear out her bowels or maybe her bladder I can’t remember now because he talked about her bowels also :/ all I know is she will drink a lot. If it is the bowels—(good call @Inspired_2write!)—
But if she is still straining by sunday then we are going to have to get xrays and blood work and so on so that she can get checked for a possible blockage and that estimate is $735. So I get to plunger the liquid down her throat starting 2hrs from now yippie skippy.
Apparently she looks extremely good for 18 according to the vet, so obviously I have PTSD :/
@Mariah I actually asked about the urine crytsals, and the vet said it doesn’t really happen much in female cats, so he didn’t think that would be the cause, and then he squeezed her and she peed at that point he was able to see that there was no blood present in the urine.
If anything changes I will let everyone know, IMHO the prayers worked for today!!! Thank you so much! xx
Hi @nofurbelowsbatgirl I hope your kitty is well on the improve and you are getting some sleep yourself. ( best I can do I don’t pray).
Re: crystals in female cats – my cat had this problem and is female so I don’t get why vet said that, it’s very common we had treatment and changed her diet and she got better. it’s so common (well here anyway) producers of cat food use it in their packaging labeling, the condition is known as FLUTD feline lower urinary tract disease ( I think)
Yikes! $795 seems like an awful lot to spend on an 18 year old cat. Before you spend it ask the vet how long you can expect her to live if he finds the best. That way you can make an educated decision about how to proceed.
@Arewethereyet I don’t think he was saying that female cats don’t get crystals, I think he was saying that it is more urgent and much more of an emergency for males to get crystals. I don’t really remember I was and still am pretty much foggy :/
@Judi It sounds like a lot of $$ but he did say she looks very healthy, and I have pretty much made the decision that only if the circumstances are incurable then she will not get fixed. It’s only money and I am ok for it so I think that is a reasonable rational decision. :)
I might pay that much for 2 years but not for 2 months. I am going through this with Molly. We got her pain meds and they wanted to do blood tests. I finally convinced them that I have had 14 good years with her and if ytge pain meds kill her at least she won’t die in pain. They also wanted to reduce her incontenence meds and I told them that if they did that I would have to put her down. She’s already ruined a $4000 rug and we are all miserable when she pees all over the house.
@Judi I completley understand what you are saying. But other than this strange incident last night of going in and out of the litter box my cat has been extremely healthy and has shown no other health issues. For me money is no object and things are just things they are replacable of course I have pride in things I buy and teach the pets what they should do. Of course I am not a happy camper when it happens but I move on. My one “crazy” dog destroyed a lot of possesions.
2 months or 2 years to me both are worth it, of course that’s my vegan “save all animals” side coming out, unless she is truly suffering. She seems to be acting better and she has had her first dose of meds. So I hope it will be all ok :)
Spoony was having a hard time going, and we saw blood where she would sit after a visit to the litter box. I did a search on Google and found enough people raving about how well ordinary human style soluble fiber works, the sort of stuff you’d stir into oatmeal or mix with breakfast cereal, that I decided to give it a try. Mix in perhaps one eight teaspoon per can of food. It works like a charm.
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