Is my mom wrong for reacting like this?
This morning I had lost my house keys. I searched for them in my backpack up until my mom was at the drop off at school. She stopped the car, pointed to my bookbag and said “Dump everything out” in a rude and snobby tone. I did and of course they weren’t there. I figured they were in my room so I didn’t think much of it and it’d be almost too easy to go make another one at walmart for a low price if they didn’t turn up so I wasn’t too concerned, since I’d obviously pay for them. She freaked out screaming “YESTERDAY YOU LOST YER BACKPACK NOW YOU LOST YER KEYS! GET OUT!” (I quite obviously didn’t lose my backpack since I was rummaging through it, but yesterday my friend had my backpack and I couldn’t find her, that’s all that happened). So I get out of the car and when she sees my back up pair of flip flops I wear to walk home, that I was about to grab she throws them out the car and speeds off before I barely even close the door. Was this an immature reaction to a simple pair of misplaced keys?
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Welcome to Fluther.
Your reaction to the missing key was focused on the cost of a replacement and the inconvenience to do so, both of which are, obviously, pretty minor things to worry about.
Your mother is concerned with the security issue that is presented by a book bag that was “out of your control” for whatever reason, and for whatever length of time, added to the fact that “now your house key is missing” from the place where it should be, in your bag.
Do you see the difference in focus?
Her reaction may be somewhat exaggerated and unhelpful – I’m not here to criticize your mother – but it’s not wholly unwarranted. You say that your friend had your bag yesterday, and as far as you know that is true and your friend is completely trustworthy. But perhaps your friend didn’t have control of your bag every minute yesterday, and perhaps your mom doesn’t know – even if the bag was in your friend’s control every minute yesterday when it was out of your control – how trustworthy your friend is.
Seems a little exaggerated. But maybe she was just having a rough day.
It seems as though your Mom was a little frustrated. Her reaction was a little over the top.
Giver her a break though.
Mom’s are human and contrary to popular belief have a life that sometimes doesn’t involve their children. I would bet a dollar that your mom works. She probably has something going on totally unrelated to you that is stressing her out. Losing your key was just another stress that she didn’t feel like she had time to worry about.
To answer your question, yes, she probably over reacted, but unless she is beating you or something, try and give her a break. Balancing a family and work is hard. Most of us think it will be easier when our kids become teenagers but it’s really harder.
I think she was having a rotten day. Let’s hope she recovers.
Is she usually like that? If not, just give her a break.
Teenagers tend to think that if they aren’t around to see it, it didn’t happen. Maybe she and your dad got into a serious argument that you don’t know about.
She’s tired of you losing things and your flippant attitude about losing the items.
It’s “no big deal to go to Walmart and have another set made.” It’s your mom driving you there and waiting while you get them made. She is the one put out because you lost the keys.
She may have been over the top, but you have to realize you need to take responsibility for your actions.
@chyna Has a very good point. You lose your back pack your mom has to replace it. You lose your keys, your mom has to replace them.
The original act that brought her to her last straw was your own lack of responsibility. Instead of worrying about her behavior, you need to see that yours is beyond reproach.
She wants you to become more responsible for YOUR OWN things , not her.
By behaving like this she hopes ( I think) that you will remember the reaction to avoid doing irresponsible things just like she did?
Possibly beginning menopause? Her reaction was out of control, no doubt, but it may not be all your fault.
my mum still shouts and nags at me as an adult. it’s what mums do.
she will have her reasons though. and they will be special mum reasons that you will never fully understand.
@Crumpet, until you have children of your own.
If my mother ever behaved that way, I’d have been horrified.
Thousands of people misplace their keys every minute of the day—It’s just something that happens.
You know your mother better than any of us, so you should know whether this is typical behaviour for her or a one-off.
Just as an aside, I do find it interesting how parents can get angry and throw tantrums at the most mundane of faults in their children. I usually wonder which party is the child and which is the adult. But apparently we’re all supposed to be understanding and just pass it off as some sort of acceptable stress release.
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