Have you ever begun watching a television show faithfully after watching a bunch of episodes on a marathon?
Asked by
filmfann (
April 12th, 2013
I never watched House until I saw 6 episodes shown back to back on a cable channel. It had already been on several years at this point, but I became addicted, and began watching the box sets until I got caught up with the new episodes. Have you done this? What shows did this to you?
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28 Answers
Yes—M*A*S*H and West Wing, and more recently, CSI.
Yep – Psych! Don’t know why I like this show so much, but it’s great.
@Pachyderm_in_the_Room: I’m watching M*A*S*H right now! I’ve probably seen every episode three times each!
Yes. West Wing, coincidentally.
Also, I saw some episodes of Everybody Loves Raymond on a flight and started watching it at home.
My wife did this with Everybody Loves Raymond, also.
I have done this with House, Friends, and Law & Order.
I Claudius. Upstairs, Downstairs. Survivor (I’m embarrassed to admit). West Wing. Cheers. but re-reading the question, I was hooked on first viewing, not seeing a bunch of episodes all at once.
I’m embarassed to admit I became fond of that Tori Spelling reality show after a marathon. I didn’t become addicted to it but would watch it when I found it.
Yes, Mad Men and Friends.
I thought of one more. Monk.
Yep! For me it was NCIS (though I no longer watch this regularly) and Law and Order: SVU, which I am now totally addicted to.
Season one of Homeland on DVD. No way to see it on the screen here in cable-free rural New York. I’m waiting for season two to be released this summer.
Yep. House, ER, How I Met your Mother, and Modern Family. And Sherlock. I’m not addicted to all of these, though – (yet) – just to Friends. And House.
I did that with Game of Thrones and True Blood. One of my best friends was already addicted and wanted me to be addicted also. She let me use her dad’s HBOGO account to start off, and it didn’t take me long to get sucked in. Of course, I just had to order HBO afterward, haha!
I did this with House too, but it was a few years ago. It’s been one of my favorite shows ever since.
Law and Order SVU was another one.
In fact, this is probably how I discovered all my favorite shows. Queer as Folk (though it only took one episode for me to get hooked), The Office, Friends (in the 90’s), How I Met Your Mother, Dead Like Me…
Mad Men and 24.
Mad Men is back! Yay!
Yes, I didn’t think I would like Dr Who, but after seeing a marathon I became very interested.
@YARNLADY Doctor Who is what brought this question to the table. I have seen it occasionally over the years, but I have been on vacation this week, and got the chance to watch a dozen of the David Tennant episodes, which were very nice.
Because I was already familiar with it, I did not include it in my answer, but it did prompt me to ask this.
Yes, several. This seems to be the way people discover new shows lately. Is anyone still watching tv on a tv?
@glacial As opposed to what? Netflix? I certainly am. And the OP is talking about a TV marathon, so I’m not the only one.
Netflix, Apple tv, streaming, downloading, file sharing between friends.
@livelaughlove21 Sorry, I thought you were actually asking what I meant.
“And the OP is talking about a TV marathon, so I’m not the only one.”
Ok, but I tend to do tv marathons on my laptop, not on an actual tv. I’m sure there must be others on this thread who do the same.
@glacial I’m sure of that as well. But I think TVs are far from being obsolete.
Most recently, as a family we did this with The Middle.
On my own as a guilty pleasure, I’ve just begun and caught up with Downton Abbey.
I got all hooked up and am now caught up on Californication, Dexter and Durham County < which I am sad that one is over.
I love true blood so much I ordered HBO since the first season and have been watching every episode since it started and I’m patiently waiting for season 6 and apparently now season 7.
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