Good idea to hire girlfriend as a secretary?
Is it a good idea to hire one’s girlfriend as his secretary (or admin or manager) in a bustling 8-to-5 office? Would this eventually damage their romantic relationship in the long run? Might they lose interest in one another sooner or become too comfortable? Thanks for any advice.
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27 Answers
No! Working together is almost always a bad idea. Time apart is essential.
Don’t do it. Too much togetherness. What if the couple broke up on bad terms? How do you fire the office manager without a lawsuit?
Not a good idea but maybe a BAD idea.
Bad Idea, especially if someone already working in the office wants the job too, it will create bad morale or open conflict
Give her a job if she needs a job. Encourage her to find new work as soon as she possibly can.
Bad idea. lovers cant be friends and lovers can’t be employees either.
It is not a good idea. The other people in the office might be concerned about it.
Too much togetherness (especially under stressful working conditions) is not a good thing.
One of the two might begin to not care for the other, and then they would be stuck working together with a relationship going south.
Depends on your chemistry. Maybe it will take you guys to a new height.
I doubt it of course but.. it wouldn’t be the first time something like that worked out.
Maybe you should set some boundaries as to what kinds of signs mean it’s firing time in advance in order to preserve the relationship? I don’t know.. I generally wouldn’t recommend.
No. I mean hell no.
If you’ve been together for, oh, five to ten years or more, are married or otherwise dependent upon each other, and have seen each other through illnesses and family squabbles, and have had a few good fights of your own, then ‘maybe’. Possibly. If one of you has bailed the other out of jail and still wouldn’t think of being with anyone else, or if one or both of you has already been unfaithful, found out, made up… then perhaps it’s not such a bad idea.
@CWOTUS Are you a baby boomer? Have you retired on schedule? Like around 60 or 63? Or even 65?
Why don’t you encourage this person to hire their girlfriend? Most good jobs are 80% who you know. Why doom this person unto the unemployment rolls?
If it was a small office with no more than 5 employees including you and the girlfriend, I might consider it. But to me a bustling business has more than 5 employees.
If it is a large firm and she can work in a different department than you, I would refer her to HR with a recommendation, but I would not hire her if one of you is the supervisor over the other in this situation.
@Imadethisupwithnoforethought Because it is a VERY BAD idea to hire a girlfriend in your office. Who knows how long the relationship will last. Too many things can go wrong.
@chyna I am sorry. You are correct. Hiring a baby boomer woman is probably a bad investment, as they are approaching retirement. If his girlfriend was much younger we can have a different discussion.
No. No. No. And No again.
It has nothing to do with age, @Imadethisupwithnoforethought. Not my age, not his age or his girlfriend’s age. (Except that the younger they are, and the younger the relationship is, the more strained things will eventually be in the home and in the office.)
In any case “secretary” hasn’t been “a good job” for decades, and it’s not getting any better. Help the girlfriend get another job, somewhere else, with better prospects for advancement.
However, I did qualify my earlier answer, too: If they’ve already had and survived some good fights and a fair amount of conflict in the relationship, and it’s not a “blossoming romance”, then it might not be a bad move… if she’s willing to settle for “secretary”. And if the rest of the office staff are willing to have a mole in their midst.
It’s generally not a good idea, for the relationship, for the give-and-take between boss and secretary, and for morale in the rest of the office, unless both of these parties are angels.
Since this question isn’t marked “NSFW” and none of your topics are related to pornography, I’m gonna have to go with “no” on this one.
No. Don’t do it. You (and she) will appear unprofessional to the other employees. You will lose credibility that can never be regained.
A thousand times now. When you and she split – and you will – it will be devastating you everyone in the office.
The upside is, now you can have sex with your secretary without any guilt :D.
Not a good idea. I worked “under” my husband for about 13 years in a family business and it was one of the death knells of our marriage. Other people will resent her, you won’t have enough separate time, and you and she will never be able to assess accurately her job performance. And what happens if the dating relationship breaks up?
Been there, done that, NEVER again.
We should not hire boomers because they might up and retire someday? Bad investments?
Jesus Christ
@woodcutter I told him to hire her, as Boomers have off-shored all the good jobs to gain profit in the short term, I really think you people should at least take care of each other.
@Imadethisupwithnoforethought Before someone else brings it up I may as well do it. “Boomers” What does that name mean to you really? As in, “Boomers have off-shored all the good jobs to gain profit in the short term”. Looks like you are arranging individuals into groups and associating them with the few that may have done things you think are less than desirable?
the hood comes off
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