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filmfann's avatar

Why did wine coolers fall out of fashion?

Asked by filmfann (52605points) April 13th, 2013

Back in the 80’s, everyone was drinking wine coolers. Now, I don’t know anyone who does. What caused this complete reversal of liquid refreshment?

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18 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Because they were horrible and sweet, and people began to drink decent wine instead of the dregs used in Wine Coolers. Bartles and Jaymes couldn’t choose a grape if it was the only varietal on earth.

(Wine coolers were often made from wine from Thompson seedless grapes).

glacial's avatar

@zenvelo beat me to it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Cuz they’re nasty!

WestRiverrat's avatar

They used cheap wine so they were nasty. The people that like wine coolers are better off making their own from quality ingredients.

Lightlyseared's avatar

The market segment they occupied was taken over by alcopops.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I think they were mostly geared towards kids who hadn’t quite grown out of Kool Aide.

marinelife's avatar

Because they were awful.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Like, Boones Farm. First time I ever got drunk. GAG!!!

Judi's avatar

Because I quit drinking. Actually I was more of a Long Island ice tea person but I drank my share of wine coolers. I’m sad I quit before the wine trend started. I like the culture.

Dutchess_III's avatar

OMG. Don’t even mention Long Island ice tea!!
Wine just doesn’t do much for me.

Judi's avatar

So you know why I had to quit.

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

You have to drink like 50 just to get buzzed..its not worth it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Sugar high.

Bellatrix's avatar

I love long island ice tea. One is enough to have me tipsy though.

Wine coolers or ‘Goon’ as my kids call it = nasty wine. I think you can still buy them here. Not that I’ve tried.

Dutchess_III's avatar

One…man, I didn’t feel a thing after one, so I had another. Didn’t feel much after that, either. Till I tried to stand up. :/ O yeah. I was feelin’ something!

Bellatrix's avatar

They taste delicious but yes, they pack a punch! I don’t drink them very often. It’s a once in a blue moon tipple. :-)

Coloma's avatar

I like Mikes Hard Lemonade, mmmm. :-)

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

In ontario wine coolers are the only “alcoholic” beverage you can buy at the grocery store all other real alcohol is purchased either at the liquor store, beer store or winery!

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