Do you allow your children to imitate their best friends, as long as it's not something dangerous?
My 12 yr old loves imitating her BFF, when it comes to clothes, hair style, and makeup. I don’t mind it at all, but it frustrates my husband.
Do your kids do this? Does it bother you?
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10 Answers
My daughter is ten. So far, it hasn’t been an issue. She’s pretty good at being herself. If this changes, however, I could see myself being annoyed by it — as it runs counter to everything we’ve taught her.
That’s what they do. It’s how they learn to socialize.
I’ll bet what’s frustrating your husband is seeing his little girl grow up.
I took my 15 year old to a large underage music festival in the city. On route as we approached the city we started to clusters of cloned teens. As we got closer we saw more and more and realized they were all heading to the concert! The girl’s one outfit was short shorts and cut off revealing tops with vans and the boys wore a particular type of shorts made from a chambray material or skinny jeans and vans. These kids came from all over a 4 million population region and all looked the same.
It was funny but then I remember when I was a teen and had to have Levis and a certain type of footwear before I went out!! It’s all about being part of the clan, fitting in and being socialised.
As long as they aren’t doing anything dangerous I’d allow it. It’s normal teenage behaviour. She’ll grow out of it. I remember as a kid feeling very different because my parents wouldn’t let me dress in a similar way to my peers. It made me feel awkward and outside the group.
In middle school and high school, my daughter was a social follower despite my attempts to make her a leader and a tread starter. She is 25 and turned out perfect-despite me. Tell him it’ll be alright. My sons were very individual and not part of the jock clique. They are both perfect too. They are who they are and you have shaped them into the perfect kids they are this far and they’ll be fine.
Something else that just occurred to me when it comes to kids imitating their BFFs at that age. I think they are swapping imitating their mommies for their BFFs. Hmmm. I think I may be onto something. Not that the BFF is anything like you, but just that they are showing their independence from you and shifting to imitating another female they admire and love.
Depends on what they’re imitating. I wouldn’t want them to imitate certain behaviors, for instance. You’re talking about fashion and style, but I’d still say it depends. If the best friend has an overly revealing or overly mature look, I wouldn’t allow my daughter to follow suit. I just wouldn’t want my 12 year old to look ‘sexy’. Otherwise, I don’t see the harm.
Thankfully, it’s nothing provocative. Leggings and oversized tees, rhinestoned denim shorts, funny mismatched socks, etc… And I’ll let her wear some makeup, but nothing too sexy.
Sounds normal! It’s the kind of stuff my 10 year old granddaughter wears.
Yeah, but until she started wanting to dress like her bff, all she wanted to wear was baggy sweat pants, lol. Her bff has her dressing cuter now. :D
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