General Question

talljasperman's avatar

Where can I go to feed my obession with free personality and character selection tests?

Asked by talljasperman (21926points) April 14th, 2013

I like creating new accounts for video games and dating sites, but I rarely go any further and pay for an account. At the moment I have some dungeons and dragons accounts that I don’t play past the first quest before starting over at the character select screen. I also go on dating sites but I have little insight into what I want and who I am so I disregard and remake more accounts.

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8 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

OkCupid has tons of personality tests. Some serious, some silly, a lot of them fun.

jordym84's avatar

This is one of my personal favorite personality tests.

gondwanalon's avatar

You could take the Scientology personality test here

Inspired_2write's avatar
Free tests for character,personality,relationship,money,and so on .
Numerous tests on this website on a variety of categories.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

If this is important to you consult a professional psychologist for a complete personality assessment.

The_Idler's avatar

What I use for the results on my profile here.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Be careful of the link provided above. It has been linked to malware and other browsing dangers.

The_Idler's avatar

my link!? but there are no dodgy scripts on that site…

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