Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

How can one master the art of being an independent adult nowadays?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) April 14th, 2013

With children living at home until 35 years old… how does one adjust to the new reality when money is short.

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5 Answers

Sunny2's avatar

Best thing to do is get a job if you can. If you can’t, volunteer in a field that interests you. Develop yourself as much as you can. Try out new interests by joining groups in the community. Take classes at a local school. Do NOT sit around and mope!

malle_balle's avatar

I have to agree with @Sunny2 , it’s all about trying to get a job, then learning how to live on the budget your job provides. Short and simple thats what I think independance is about, being able to live and function by yourself.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Are you saying you have 35 year old children living at home?

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Stand up for yourself and set some limits. Make you needs and expectations clear, as well as the consequences.

Inspired_2write's avatar

When you can take others advice into consideration and coming to the realization
that the final decision really rests with you to determine what your actions will be.
The decision that will give you the best possible outcome.

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