Are you patient?
I am wondering specifically about times when you are waiting for something you want a lot or for an exciting event. How do you handle such waiting?
There are other times people are expected to be patient, but I don’t have any time for those right now. :-)
I have had some good news recently, and I have been told to expect more. I want it now!
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35 Answers
I’m a bit of a child. If it’s something I’m really excited about I’m not very patient. I try to keep busy and distract myself when I have to wait. Listen to music, get busy doing something that you have to finish when you start. Clean the fridge out or something.
I hope you can share with us at some point. Glad you are having good news!
I’m fairly patient these days about upcoming events, because time seems to go faster and faster as I get older. What I’m not very patient with are long wait lines at banks and supermarkets, traffic, and replies to emails or phone calls.
I tend to be impatient. I’ll go around doing things to take my mind of what I’m waiting for, but a lot of the time I don’t get much out of the things I do because I’m too distracted thinking about the exciting event to come. Sometimes I think my most creative time is when I’m impatient.
But congratulations with the good news! :)
When I have to be I am not, and when I shouldn’t I have the patience of a saint! Odd uh?
I’ve become more so as I’ve gotten older; but there are things that push my buttons, like when technology doesn’t work properly and when people drive like idiots.
In the circumstances you describe, i’m incredibly patient. The anticipation & excitement felt leading up to an event i’m looking forward to can often be better than the occasion itself.
That’s a feeling that should be bottled & used for medicinal purposes for those who are feeling down, although i’m no doctor…haven’t got the patients! ;-}
Not really, no. I hate waiting.
No. I am especially impatient with people who can’t make a decision.
@Dutchess_III then you won’t like me, I take awhile to do anything. Extremely patient, unless time is of the essence, then I’m extremely impatient.
Pretty patient. I like having things to look forward to, the anticipation brings me happiness. The one torture I do to myself is being worried during the week before that I will get sick and not be able to enjoy myself.
I was actually thinking of my husband at the moment. We have a chance to buy a fridge for only $100. It’s just the right size, and almost new. We have to get it by 3:00 though and it’s about 60 miles from here. Well, my husband says he wants the fridge, and he has to go that way anyway today for business…but he can’t seem to make any firm commitment about getting out there by 3. So that leaves us hanging, the people selling the fridge hanging, leaves everyone hanging…and that’s a common occurrence with my husband. Leaving people hanging.
Seriously….how hard is it to plan to work an extra 30 minutes into the schedule??
I’m too patient and have suffered and benefited for it. I really don’t know why I’m so patient. I just am.
Pictures @WillWorkForChocolate when she was pregnant…“Nine months!!! I’m supposed to wait that fucking long!?! Uh-huh, no way, I want my baby NOW!!!”
I’ve been getting more patient. I used to be the person that switched lanes in traffic to always get in the faster line. I’ve learned there usually isn’t a faster line, and instead stay in one line.
Better as I mature.
Also depends on mood factors.
But I strive for it – as I think it is indeed a virtue.
@ucme Ha, that’s about right!
I’ve always been fairly patient. I am most impatient about being late. If I’m late, I’m usually on time. I find it difficult to wait for people who are always late. Waiting for time to pass for something to happen is not a problem. There’s always something to notice or to think about.
Yes, I’m a mental patient . ,)
Hence the medical term “Patient.” :) Just wait. Your turn will come.
I don’t have time for this drivel! ~
I have learned to be much more patient with most people, except myself.
Like @Random1324, I am extremely patient unless time is of the essence. If I’m running late or running out of time, I get a bit impatient.
@Dutchess_III gratz…
If someone was being impatient with me, I go eveeeen slower, and more patient. ‘Scuse my outburst too, please.
If someone was being impatient with me I would COVER them with pancakes then pour melted butter and syrup all over them.
One problem with that, though, that would make them happier, especially if its a child.
Good… point… SMART! YOU ARE TOO SMART!!! Shuts down.
Absolutely not. I could the most boring thing, but from the minute I press the buy button, I want it. I hate waiting for anything.
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