Could the marriage between a 30 year old woman and a 47 year old man be successful?
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April 15th, 2013
What may end up being the nature of that union?
The man being more outgoing than the woman.
The woman being less mature than the man.
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Why not? If they’re both consenting adults, they’d have as much of a chance of lasting as any other couple. Unfortunately, that’s about 50%, but hey…
I doubt if the ages have much to do with whether it will be successful or not. More likely their past experiences and future expectations will play the biggest part.
Sure, lot’s of women like mature men, especially mature men with money to spend on them.
I know that it could be successful.
The older the pair get the message difference really matters.
What if the woman has never been an a relashionship before. The man has been married before to a woman much older than he. That marriage was his first relationship.
Ask Donald Trump. His wife is 24 years younger than he is.
@Judi, did you mean “the less age difference really matters”?
@HULK, the success of any marriage depends on the individuals involved and can’t be answered in generalities.
Sure. My inlaws are ten years apart from each other, had never dated once before they were married, and are celebrating their 60th anniversary in 2014.
Unless, of course, they get divorced before then. ;^)
It can work out as well as any marriage. Which isn’t saying much. However, you see many successful such matches. It’s not a reason to object during the ceremony.
Any marriage between consenting adults can be successful; it just depends on the people involved.
Sure, that’s not that big a difference. It’s right at the ½+7 age barrier!
She will be wanting kids soon, and he will have to deal with being one of the older (but not necessarily oldest) at Back to School night.
A friend of mine is happily married to a woman 15 years younger, he’s 57 now, but she was only 30 when they married.
It totally depends on the two people involved. A 17-year age difference is not insurmountable, especially in mid-life.
Yes! Yes! Yes! I’m all for it via my experience. With my experience I was 26 and he was 49, successful 2 year relationship (lack of understanding each other lead to crumple of relationship and moved on, learning experience for me), 2nd one for me was I was 29 in a relationship with a 51, I loved it. We spend 8 years together…..totally understood each other and we were on the same intelligence and maturity level. The times together were totally worth it and still cherished today.
Let me give you the rules of a May/December from my own experience:
1) one of you two must hold the “patience” potion. The one that has the most patience (that would be me) took care of everything and he can sail smoothly thru life knowing and relying on me (when he paniced over something, I defused it for him)
2) make the time for each other (If you really want to spend time with your significate other, you’ll find a way. If you don’t, you’ll find an excuse)
3) support (no no not monetary means), but support that person in praise, make each other feel wanted, tons of compliments. And lastly, from my experience,disagreements will come and go, but love is more powerful to get you thru it all.
You can make this happen and I’m very excited for you :)
Sure. I often have a problem with questions along this line, because usually it is a 20 year old woman, but by 30 a woman knows what she wants for the most part, is usually already self supporting, and does not look like a child.
I think it is no problem when the ages are 40 and 57 but when it is 60 and 77, the energy levels are substantially divergent. I personally, in my late 60’s simply do not have the get up and go that I did at 50. And I still run 3 or 4 times a week, play tennis, work 7 days a week, so I am by no means a slacker. I should also add that to me, there is a disparity in interests between a 20 year old and a 37 year old.
But as has been said above, there are no absolutes, it is up to the individuals. 50% of marriages end in divorce, so there is always a chance it will work very well.
My husband is 13 years older than me and it works well. We have been married for 8 years, and it is much easier now than when we were first married, i was very young (21), and it felt as if everything that was a “first” for me, he had already done. The first few years were difficult but age is not an issue now.
The age difference is not what will determine the quality of your realtionship.
@HULK, yes. Damned auto correct.
It’s not automatically doomed just for that reason!
Age is just a number. If the relationship breaks down, it is to do with issues of the relationship, not the age of the people in it.
@Headhurts A number? Uh, age is clearly a word. ;)
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