What should Justin Bieber do next, to cement his douchebag status?
The narcissistic heartthrob wrote a completely ridiculous statement in the guest book at the Anne Frank House, saying he hopes Anne Frank would have been a belieber.
Are you serious, Justin? You mean, if she hadn’t been exterminated like vermin, you really hope she would have liked you? How fucking self-centered can you get?
This isn’t the first time the singer has done something incredibly stupid. What do you think he should do next, to really emphasize the douche in douchebag?
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27 Answers
He’ll probably say something self centered about the Boston explosions.
He’s pretty well cemented his position already.
I think if he starts slamming his ex Selena Gomez. John Meyer does that and shows he is an incredible douche bag.
People say “hate is a strong word.” Well, they’re right. But I still need a word stronger than hate to describe my feelings for Biebertard. Instead of apologizing for his stupid comment about Anne Frank, he posted more half naked pictures of himself. He is truly a worthless, narcissistic, jerkwad right now. Maybe he’ll grow out of it, but I doubt it.
And he still has fans???? Just proves that teenage girls go completely stupid when they see the bare chest of a teenage boy.
Some woman from the Anne Frank museum claimed though what he said was crass, there may have been a grain of truth hidden away somewhere. Apparently Anne was a normal teenage girl who had posters of her favourite movie stars on her bedroom wall.
Of course as usual the little prick gets things the wrong way round & arse first, she admired talent.
His next move should be to claim Jesus wore a Bieber tattoo & lo he was crucified for his sins.
Well, earlier it looked like the Biebs was headed for a meltdown. That kind of lifestyle has to get to your head…
A 19-year-old insanely famous male celebrity is full of himself and says stupid things? How strange. Perhaps we should have him hanged.
Where did douchebags get such a bad image? They are never egomaniacal or abusive. Every one I’ve met has been a real softie, nothing remotely like Justin Bieber. They’re just all about good clean water-sports fun.
When I first heard about this on TV I thought he had written “believer” and I was completely disgusted. Now I know it was Belieber, and I am not nearly as upset. He’s a teenager, he wrote something lighthearted in the guest book that kind of describes where he is in his life at this point and time. I think it was in bad taste, because there is nothing lighthearted about the situation Anne Frank was in, but I am not completely down on the guy for it.
Believe me, I’m no Bieber fan, but I suspect he was just trying to be “cute,” not purposely crass. Like true Greats of show business, Bieber’s career got started before he was mature enough to handle the pressures and adulation, and he’s done, and will do, lots of stupid things before his youth and appeal run out.
Thanks to his handlers and to the fawning fans who don’t have a clue how limited Bieber’s talent is, this kid is way too full of himself and far too young and immature to possibly have any deep emotions or knowledge about Anne Frank or the Holocaust, or to intuit how offensive his statement might be to others.
I think years from now he’ll look back and wish he hadn’t written the statement. Me, I’m forgetting about Bieber’s Blunder as soon as I add a period to this sentence.
Marry a Kardashian and/or make a sex tape.
^^ UGH, yes! Celebrities piss me off, but the blind fans who continue to support them piss me off even more.
Have a fight to the death with Chris Brown. Two birds, one stone. ;-)
It’s time for him to stop talking and kearn to listen to others.
Yeah, Chris Brown beat up Rihanna and they had a very public break-up. She made statements later that she’s a stronger and wiser woman because of what happened.
…and then she went back to him.
He’s not the only stupid one.
^^ Yeah, abusing women, there’s no way back from that, or so you’d imagine.
Did you see the gangsta rap stuff he did outside? What a putz.
@Rarebear I hadn’t heard about that. Ugh. Wasn’t there an adult there with him?
@WillWorkForChocolate You know I lurve you :)
But if you don’t like the Biebs, why in the H E double hockey sticks are you following him?
“Instead of apologizing for his stupid comment about Anne Frank, he posted more half naked pictures of himself.” :/
Haha you sound like my daughter who doesn’t like Justin but I love Justin and in fact we live close to his grandparents. I think the pressure of stardom is getting to him and he is just acting like a normal dramatic 19yr old.
Take for example my daughter who recently dyed her hair a shocking color and my initial reaction was not nice, yes it was the wrong reaction :/ and she is 18 she started crying saying she hated her hair, I felt horrible, but I apologized to her and she loves me :)
But after we were talking about Justin and I told her think of that pressure daily because he has many many people who want him to fail and that is way more negative than someone just saying something negative your teenager hair or body.
Teens can be dramatic, they also don’t understand the consequences of their actions at least until they are 25. I have 2 tattoos I got when I was 18, I want to change them, now. lol.
I don’t follow him. I heard about this story from someone else and felt like throwing up.
^ GA. I was hoping you would give that answer. :D
The thought of following someone who is so… Eewww. The weird thing is, I haven’t been able to stand the little schmuck from day one. It’s not just because of this fiasco, it’s because of him. Just eewww.
Awe, but why? He is a great kid. He comes from a small town…which I know well ;) which even has the likes of people such as Colm Feore http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colm_Feore living in the town. Any way the town itself is very great and is very theatrical, so it actually doesn’t surprise me that Justin was dreaming about stardom. I’m proud of him. He got the break that my daughter didn’t and it’s why my daughter has a little smidge of an attitude against him.
♡♬Love is all you need!♪:)♡
I just can’t tolerate vanity, and he has it in spades. Sorry, lol.
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