I think my best friend is trying to make me fat (fattER, at this point)! What should I do!
In about August,
I was telling my best friend about how I didn’t eat at lunch everyday and how I felt like crap. He told me to eat so I wouldn’t feel sick…he’s been reminding me to eat lunch everyday since then and he Has been right. However, in the weeks that have gone by, at least once a week he’s brought me something sweet and delicious to pretty much bribe me to eat. Like about the third week after all of that, he brought me a cupcake two days in a row. The following week, he brought me a muffin bigger than my hand! Whatever he brings me seems to get more and more fattening as the weeks go by, and he brings more each week too. A couple weekends after that, he was texting me to eat during the weekend. Well, I did, and that Sunday, I ate so much that I could barely move! It was then that I noticed my once small tummy was a bit bigger and softer! It’s been several months, and he’s still bringing me food every day! With my kind nature, I’ve not been able to refuse the food once! Well, plus he brings the tastiest (but most fattening) food, and my appetite has gotten MUCH bigger! Before this whole thing, I was about 115 pounds…Now I’m teetering on the 200 pound mark, at 193 pounds to be precise, and still growing. As much as I’d love to stop this, my appetite is so big now that I can’t even control how much I eat anymore. Every time I eat, I become extremely greedy, eat everything I have, and then proceed to ask my friends or family members for anything they’re not going to finish. I need to stop this but I can’t, so I’ll figure that out some other time…But I’m wondering if my best friend is purposefully trying to fatten me up, or if it’s just coincidence and he doesn’t realize it. What should I do? And please, no stupid answers that are insulting either. If you’re going to be mean, don’t give me an answer, because I don’t want it. This is a legitimate question and issue that I’m having!
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33 Answers
So, no one can make you eat. Stop eating pastries and sweets. If he brings you something like that again, just say,“No thank you, I am going to eat something healthy.”
You have been overeating apparently for six months, it may take a while to drop the weight, but you need to eat proteins and vegetables and fresh fruits, and not eat pastries and breads and muffins or cakes, and no potatoes or rice. No fast food! You need to cut way back on your calories.
You can do it! I’ve lost 35 lbs since Christmas by giving up sugar, sweets, and things that get metabolized into sugar.
But be strong with your friend, and tell him if he really cares he will bring you healthy snacks.
Get checked for a metabolic disease. People generally don’t change their eating habits and gain weight like that overnight in the way you describe it. IF this is really happening the way you describe it, I’d check for adrenal, pituitary or thyroid disease.
I just have to mention. Something seems off here…. I am not sure how much of this post to believe.
keobooks, the whole thing didn’t happen over night. My eating habits and weight gain increased over a period of months.
I totally agree with what @keobooks has to say. Get your doctor’s input in this. She may want to refer you to specialists.
In the meantime, if you want something that you can eat till you are ready to pop open, make a fresh spinach salad with a bit of Extra Virgin olive oil and either a balsamic vinegar or lime juice dressing. It takes more calories to digest uncooked spinach than there are in it. So you can absolutely fill up on it, gets lots of vitamins, minerals and fiber, and actually lose weight.
And yeah, have a heart-to-heart talk with this “best friend” about how his “help” is heading you toward an early grave.
80 pounds in a few months is a lot of weight. I have a metabolic disorder and I only gained 40 – 50 pounds a year and that was severe cause for alarm from my doctors.
No one can make you fat without your consent. He’s not tying you down and forcing sweets into your mouth. Sorry but you got into this mess yourself. Time to get out of it. Talk to your doctor and I suggest not eating with this friend anymore.
seekingwolf, I appreciate your response, but it really doesn’t answer my actual question.
@keobooks I feel as though you didn’t read my entire story here…If you’re going to say my question is fake, then please go bother someone else’s thread, as I don’t want someone bashing mine. I want actual answers.
If you’re going to type out a big long response on how fake my question is, stop typing, delete it, and please leave my thread. I want answers, not people bashing on my question.
You asked what you should do. And I told you what I think you should do: doctor’s visit and maybe some distance with your friend.
I’m not sure what else you’re looking for. Do you want us to try and figure out why he’s doing this? Either he likes to show his affection through food, he’s a chubby chaser who likes to fatten women, or he likes to make people gain weight for whatever reason. It doesn’t really matter why he does it. You need and want to lose weight and he’s not a good person to have around if you want to accomplish that.
As someone who has a metabolic issue, yes, your weight gain is really concerning and you need to see a doctor.
I DO have some suspicions about your post. As a woman who has gained over 100 pounds in a short period of time myself, something about what you are posting doesn’t ring true. It’s a little too gleeful “still growing!” and it’s weird how you describe your belly and use lots of exclamation points. It seems VERY familiar to me. Like how guys with fetishes write and try to lure people into into getting people to write about the fetish they are into.
I’m not saying your post is fake. But I am saying it reads more like a letter to Chubby Penthouse than someone who is actually suffering from suddenly gaining a lot of weight in a very short period of time. But I’ll concede that perhaps it’s just your very off the wall writing style.
I gained 110 pounds in a short period of time. I had a ravenous appetite and couldn’t stop eating. I went to the doctor and it turned out I had an atypical kind of thyroid disease that’s been very difficult to treat. I felt miserable that I was getting freak-show fat. I still worry that I can’t lose weight and only stave off the fast gaining and I am still ravenous and never feel like I’ve eaten enough and constantly feel hungry no matter how much I eat.
I still gained less weight than you did in the amount of time you’re talking about. So at least I am metabolically healthier than you! Yippeee!
@keobooks That’s exactly what I’m talking about. That’s what I don’t want to see. You’re bashing my thread, and suggesting a number of untrue things. No, I am NOT a guy with a fetish. I am a girl with a big problem here, and I’m very descriptive in my question. So what? I’m looking for a real answer, not some stupid bashing response from someone like you, because I don’t want it. Go mess with someone else’s post.
Someone like me? Who has also gained a large amount of weight in a short amount of time and is urging you to get a referral to an endocrinologist?
I am going to bed. Like I said, perhaps you just have a really off the wall writing style. I am over it. But if all you see is bashing then too bad.
@keobooks By someone like you, I mean how you’re responding to my question. See this question? It’s under General Selection. That means responses must be HELPFUL and on-topic. Now, your responses: On topic? Yes. Helpful? No, in fact they’re rather rude, and I don’t appreciate your responses. I am done responding to you now, because your responses are just making me upset.
Be honest do you actually want to lose weight completely? Or is there a small part of who that is sort of enjoying this?
It’s okay to say yes.
@seekingwolf Yes, I want to lose weight completely. I’ve not enjoyed this experience, but haven’t had the heart to tell my friend to stop it…I’m not even sure why anymore. :(
You want to lose weight. Eating whatever your best friend gives you to eat is not helping. You “can’t” not eat it. You pose a dilemma that only you can solve. If you are unable to see that, or choose not to see it, perhaps you should seek advice elsewhere, like from a physician. You may not see answers as “helpful,” but that’s your view, and the questioner is not the one who determines if an answer is helpful or on topic; our mods do that. I’ll be watching for a response from you.
I agree with those who suggest a medical exam. As to what your friend is doing, ask him. Better yet, tell him to stop giving you sweets. You need not be nasty about it. Tell him that you appreciate that he solved the original problem, but that has led to a new problem.
Good grief. You’ve shot down every single answer anyone has given you. If you don’t want input from people, don’t post the question on the Internet.
Is he purposely trying to make you fat? How should we know? But you can refuse his treats and you can control your eating habits. You just won’t.
You wrote “What should I do?”
My short answer is: “Don’t eat it. Resist.”
Tell the person tempting you that you will throw it away – And then Do It immediately! While he is watching! Don’t let him control you. Show him you have control over your body. He does not!
Make a promise to yourself that for the next month you will throw it away every time. Then do it! Show your “friend” that he is wasting his money.
Get exercise too by walking away from him. You are letting him control you. You wrote ”...texting me to eat during the weekend. Well, I did, and that Sunday, I ate so much that I could barely move!” Block or stop replying to his texts.
You got some good answers above from people with have experienced rapid weight gain. You might not like the answer “see a doctor” but it might be very applicable.
In the meantime, ditch the destructive “friend”, ditch the fattening food, fill your fridge with healthy celery and carrots. Get mad and get your life back on track. You can do it.
What stands out to me is that you gained 78 pounds before you realized your tummy was “a bit bigger and softer.” That is a significant amount of weight and several clothing sizes. Maybe you got as caught up in this as he did. He may believe you enjoyed eating them just as much he enjoyed bringing them since it doesn’t sound like you’ve asked him to stop.
Has your friendship grown stronger the past few months? If so, maybe he is connecting the bond with the food.
Geez, what’s with the shitty attitude?
It’s easy; “that’s really sweet of you to do, but I’m trying to eat healthy. If you want to bring me food, how about an apple?”
Judging by your responses in this thread, I think your “kind nature” is actually just a figment of your imagination. You seem anything but kind here. It isn’t cool to lash out at people who are simply doing their best to answer your question.
Before I give my answer let me assure you, I read the entire question and since you asked what you should do, I am going to give my opinion.
First you should say no when he offers you food. Don’t eat extra calories and you won’t gain weight. Second, you might consider the fact that this fellow isn’t a very good friend. A good friend does not sit, watch, and feed you as you balloon by 80 pounds in the course of a few months. Finally (and I am bracing myself to incur your wrath after typing this), take @keobooks suggestion and visit a doctor. You could have some metabolic disorder and if you do, it should be diagnosed. Then again, maybe you just don’t have much self-control or self-discipline.
Here is one more idea for you: if you don’t like the advice you are getting here, seek professional help.
And the rest is silence. . . .?
First off, @supacase, I feel like you didn’t read something correctly in there, as I noticed my tummy being a bit bigger only a few weeks into the whole thing, not after I had gained 78 pounds…Second, @supermouse, I appreciate your response greatly, but the only reason I was “lashing out” at keo, is because she was trying to bash on my question, and I didn’t appreciate that at all. I did appreciate her response of going to see my doctor, but bashing on my question was unnecessary. Again, I appreciate your answer, mouse, as it was actually helpful. As were several of these recent answers, and I sincerely thank you all! :)
I had someone do that to me once when he knew that I was dieting.
He left a handfull of hard candies on the counter top by the cash
register , where I worked.
I immediately knew what he was doing, and chose not to eat them.
He came back periodically to check?
Then he asked me “Why’ I did not want any candies?
I reminded him that I am trying to lose weight and that his game
does not work on me since I had disciplined myself to do without sweets.
He walked away, saying nothing, leaving the candies there until midnight
when I left to go home!
I believe that HE ate them instead!
Later I rationalized that he was angry with me about something and this was how he was going to get back at me rather than tell me?
I never found out “Why” or “What” he was angry about, but noticed that he did this quite often ( finding out someones weakness and using it against them) with others too.
A very bad way of handling disagreements.
In short he was immature even though he had University and was over 35 years of age?
I also discovered from my doctor that “Not” to take all sweets out of ones diet.
Because one day someone gave me one tiny square chocolate and from that point on
I could not stop eating chocolate squares!
My doctor informed me that the body was deprived of sugar completely and suggested that I still have at least some sugar in my daily coffee to offset this occurring again. It worked.
I also lost 38 Lbs so far in 6 months, and continually lose more.
I keep looking at catalogue (Sears) of the clothes that I would like to be able to wear again in the sizes that I hope to get down too.
A good motivator to keep at my diet.
Not sure if your friend is angry or not but just thought that I’d mention my episode to you.
One does not need to ban him…just bring healthy snack along when he gives you an unhealthy snack, say “No Thanks, but I have my own today”.
That might work?
Good luck.
Not to be mean, but I think you should not blame your friend. It’s ones responsibility to watch how much one intakes a day. If you truly want to lose weight and someone offers you something on the unhealthy side, it’s up to you to say no. That does not mean you have to sacrifice tasty foods. Try keeping track of your calorie intake and reduce it by 200–500 calories per day and perhaps exercise a little. Also did you ever think your friend wants to be more than friends? If he’s bringing you food all the time and making sure your ok, it sounds to me like he really LIKES you.
I get what you’re saying. He definitely is encouraging your weight gain and if it has reached this point, you both are enjoying it. Maybe you are more than bestfriends, and maybe you’ve always had that appetite to begin with. You seem to be going with the flow, so if you choose to continue doing that you might as well enjoy it.
@tazzz That makes sense. And welcome to Fluther.
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