Social Question

Pandora's avatar

Would you rather look distinguished or younger?

Asked by Pandora (32450points) April 17th, 2013

I recently trimmed my husbands beard. I’m not a big fan but I asked that if he intends to keep it that it should at least have a proper shape and look kept.

I think it makes him look years older, (especially since it is almost all white), but it does add some interest to his face.

In the past he has always wanted to keep a beard but he would be lazy and it looked sloppy and puffy. He has a lot of facial hair and would let it grow all the way down his neck.
When he would shave people would also tell him he looks years younger.
Anyway, with the much improved look, everyone at work has been commenting that he looks distinguished. So he really loves his beard now!

I would also like some tips on how to trim the hair under the lower lip area. He doesn’t have a bald spot like most guys on the chin so the whole chin area is covered with hair. (No straight razors please. I suck with that and he will probably bleed to death if I attempt that.)

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25 Answers

janbb's avatar

Since I always wear a tuxwdo, I am already distinguished so I’ll go for younger.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Distinguished. I hope to have pure white long hair when I’m older, it’s soooo pretty and angelic.

Judi's avatar

Younger for me too. Leave distinguished for the gentlemen.

janbb's avatar

I guess for women, the equivalent might be more like handsome, such as a Vanessa Redgrave, or younger. Distinguished isn’t really a word you associate with a woman, although I do think of some older dignified women as handsome.

ucme's avatar

There are plenty of beard trimmers out there, usually with add-on attachments for finer sculpting, should smarten up his upper chin thatch.
I almost always wear “designer stubble” which I scuplt using the above method & that suits me down to the ground, god i’m fucking gorgeous :-)

janbb's avatar

@ucme Pics or it never happened.

ucme's avatar

@janbb As i’ve said before, there are hardly any photos of me lying around, the wife & kids kinda hog the limelight when it comes to family snaps.
I did have my photo up here for a while, but some of the women users were swooning too much…come to think, so did a couple of the guys!?!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ucme F——ing gorgeous? Now I’m curious!!

jonsblond's avatar

I’ve looked younger than my age my entire adult life, but lately I can see how stress has made my face look tired. I hate it. I’ll take that youthful glow.

ucme's avatar

@LittleMissKNOWITALL Ahh, so you think i’m anti-religion, tactless & insensitive, but because i’m a handsome sonbitch you’re interested…I love shallow chicks ;-}

Pandora's avatar

You guys are killing me. LMAO
Any picture of neatly cut beards that show the front of the face would be appreciated. It seems all I can find is side shots or semi side shots, or cartoon like drawings.
I guess for women the equivalent would be maturely sophisticated, or polished but still old looking, or looking young.

ucme's avatar

No, the equivalent for women I believe is known as the “landing strip” :-)

Pandora's avatar

@ucme, Ok, now put out your hand so I can slap it hard with a ruler. You are a bad boy. Back to your corner.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Pandora Oh now you’re gonna get it, that had Catholic-school uniform all over it.

DominicX's avatar

Meh…I’d rather look younger. If I could grow a decent beard, maybe, I’d want to try it, but for the most part, I like the fact that people often think I’m younger than I am. Although being assumed well under 21 at parties and when I go to open houses having realtors ask me if I go to the local high school does get old sometimes :P

Pandora's avatar

@KNOWITALL LOL. True, @ucme will probably only fantasize about that now. :(
Guess I should’ve gone with hitting him on the nose with a newspaper. Much more appropriate.

ucme's avatar…bbu…but i’m a good boy I am…mostly ;-}

ETpro's avatar

My avatar photo should answer for me. I’m not the least interested in looking younger unless I get the whole package, feeling younger, not needing viagra, bulking up quick with exercise instead of having to half kill myself working out to gain a pound of muscle mass. If I can’t have the whole package, I’ll shoot for distinguished. In fact, I’m looking forward to when my beard is full white.

Pandora's avatar

@Etpro, Thanks. LOL

KNOWITALL's avatar

@ETpro I think you have a very nice look personally.

Pandora's avatar

Just in case there was a misunderstanding. I wasn’t laughing at his looks. I was laughing about the idea of him rather looking old and distinguished to match how he felt inside. But he does look distinguished. I always thought @ETpro looked like a author or captain of his own charter boat. I don’t know why that is. He just seems to fit those profiles. :)

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Pandora The Professor Look, imo, I like smart guys.

rojo's avatar

My choice would be distinguished.

JLeslie's avatar

I’ll take young. Not plastic, but young. Youthful for my age. Like if I had been in the sun half as much as the reality of my 45 years, especially I would give back all the damage to my decollete, and the circles under my eyes. That’s my husband, he looks like he could pass for 10 years younger than he is.

I will say most men look much better as a adults well into their 30’s. They fill out, and I guess because of how I associate many young men to be impulsive, irresponsible and sometimes reckless; the look of a man who has a few more years sends a message of maturity, seriousness and calm. I like the latter guy.

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