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Mama_Cakes's avatar

Do you ever shop at resale shops (thrift shops)

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11178points) April 17th, 2013

Any good finds?

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18 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

All the time, and all the time.

Plus I donate my stuff to them. Here in my idyllic little community, the resale shop’s profits go to a local summer performing arts venue that makes our lives nicer. Both venues are backed by the same generous woman. I often wear my resale outfits to the concerts.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Sure. We have a thrift shop here that gives proceeds to a local no-kill shelter. I’ve found lovely old books and other antique items occasionally.

Judi's avatar

I got my first wedding dress for $60 (in 1981) and it was beautiful and happened to fit me perfectly. It was probably a several hundred dollar dress even back then.

jca's avatar

Yes, not for clothes but for stuff-stuff, like kitchenware, things I collect like salt and pepper shakers, vintage stuff.

genjgal's avatar

Definitely. A few weeks ago I got a very expensive prom dress for $5. Why not shop at thrift stores? The only problem is the extra time it takes to hunt for stuff.
Actually both of my formal dresses came from thrift stores…

marinelife's avatar

Yes, often.

El_Cadejo's avatar

I love shopping at good will. You can literally smell the savings….

jca's avatar

If you read about Goodwill, they’re supposedly bad news.

I found a great “Habitat for Humanity Re-Store” which has wonderful housewares, everything from cabinets to furniture to home renovation stuff. I suggest googling those and going there!

dxs's avatar

I go to thrift stores all the time to search for sheet music. I also look at the shoes sometimes. I like the looks of older styles of shoes compared to newer ones today.
@jca and what about Goodwill? There’s a few stores nearby but I never seem to go in them for some reason.

jca's avatar

If you google “Goodwill bad charity” you’ll find a bunch of articles – too many for me to link.

flutherother's avatar

Not much, I mostly give them stuff I am throwing out.

Kardamom's avatar

All the time, I love thrift store shopping, partly because of the price, but partly because of the thrill of the search. I love vintage clothing so I have found a lot of great pieces. I also love kitchenware, especially stuff from the 40’s and 50’s, and kitschy knick-knacks.

My Mom and I read a lot and get tons of books from the thrift stores. Also, both of us always manage to find our “nice” clothes, you know like for weddings and Thanksgiving and Christmas at the thrift stores. Most of the items that we’ve purchased for fancy affairs have either never been worn, some pieces still had the price tag on them, or at least they are in the condition of having never been worn.

One of my friends likes to sew, so she’s always getting pieces from the thrift store and re-purposing the buttons or the zippers. She said the older zippers from the 70’s and before are of a much better quality than the kind you can find at sewing stores today, plus if you’re only paying 50 cents or a buck, you’re saving a lot of money. She also buys dresses and re-designs them.

YARNLADY's avatar

I do must of my shopping at charity thrift stores. Nearly everything I own is recycled. I just got my youngest grandson his first bike for $12, including the training wheels. He “won” a bike helmet for good behavior in preschool.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Sometimes, sure! The only things I refuse to buy from thrift stores are shoes, undergarments, sheets and towels.

jaytkay's avatar

I picked up a really nice Italian wool sweater a couple of weeks ago for $5.00.

Sunny2's avatar

When I want to take cut flowers from my garden to a friend, I get a vase for them from the thrift store.
I didn’t have bowl for trifle and found a very nice 8 sided glass bowl for very little money at the same store. Worked beautifully.
For a trip to Borneo, I bought 4 men’s cotton shirts, each with 2 pockets on the front. I figured I could wear them with no bra and be cooler. And, they were so inexpensive, I could just leave them behind. That didn’t happen. I brought them back. It gets hot here too, sometimes, and I’m prepared.
I also take all my discarda in for resale..

gailcalled's avatar

@Sunny2 reminded me that I too buy long-sleeved men’s cotton dress shirts for cover when gardening or being out in the sun for long periods of time. The only problem is the starch; after two years, several of the shirts still have some starch in them.

cazzie's avatar

I have been broke and couldn’t even afford thrift shops until recently. I have needed new clothes for work and have found some brilliant things. This week, I found an Abercrombie sweatshirt for $2.00.

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