Do you hope the Boston bomber is a white American?
Asked by
josie (
April 17th, 2013
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52 Answers
I’m just hoping they’re caught. My guess is that its not. It seems the preasure cooker is used a lot in the Middle East.
He’s not. He’s already been identified as a ‘dark-skinned’ male. CNN is all but telling what the FBI will announce later today in a press conference.
As for hoping someone is of a certain genetic make up, IMO, that’s ridiculous. I would like to know why and how this person or terrorist cell did this. Further, I’d like to know if the person or persons of interest are responsible for the Ricin laced letters at the Capitol.
I’m just glad that they have the person.
No. What a stupid thing to consider. Ethnicity has nothing to do with crazy.
I do…
It would likely lead to a far more balanced reaction by the American public than if it wasn’t.
That is not that I would be happy because white people killing, just that it would likely lead to less retaliation/killing.
I hope it’s a blue guy. This will temporarily make all the humans band together to hate someone else, not from this planet.
@whitenoise We really don’t need more dark-skinned people being treated poorly because another dark-skinned person did something bad.
This person of interest appears to me to be light complected with dark features. No word as to if he was the person seen dropping the bag down yet. (as you click the photos, you’ll see he’s wearing black and leaping/running away)
For me, skin/hair color are just a descriptors.
@SpatzieLover Isn’t he fleeing from the scene like most people there?
@Mama_Cakes The supposed back story is that someone saw him drop something, then flee. I think we’ll know if there’s a link to these amateur photos and the video from Lord & Taylor’s by the time of the FBI press conference.
One reason why I cannot stand CNN.
I just hope we can get some information to learn how to put a stop to this type of thing.
If i recall correctly, the Saudi guy that was suspected turned out to actually be a victim.
And considering the sloppy work of the bomb, disorganization, odd location to do it, choosing to do it on Patriot’s day which is a regional holiday that would not be likely known to any sort of foreign terrorist organization , and the interestingly timed Ricin letters being sent to people like Obama and Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS) who voted for gun control laws—To me this sounds more like militant gun-toting far-right white men trying to send a message to Washington and they were counting on american xenophobia and racism to cover their tracks. No idiot sends a ricin laced letter and expects it to get through, but it does put people on edge which is what terrorism is (if the media can be assed to call it that.)
The fact that the Muslim response from americans and around the world in social media is to pray that the attacker isn’t Muslim for fear of even more backlash against all of them is really sad statement of our society’s treatment of them.
@Mama_Cakes As far as I know, this story broke on ABC news. CNN just has a better link to it than ABC does
@sinscriven Agreed, very sad. We have child molesters walking the streets every day with their locations noted on the internet and pictures of them, and people would rather harass anyone with brown skin and/or facial or head coverings.
“letters being sent to people like Obama and Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS) who voted for gun control laws—To me this sounds more like militant gun-toting far-right white men trying to send a message to Washington and they were counting on american xenophobia and racism to cover their tracks.”
Yeah, see my response here.
@Blackberry I too have never trusted the Blue Man Group.
Since it has to be something, I hope it is a case of domestic terrorism for the sake of the rest of the world. Don’t really care what color, sex or religion the perpetrator(s) are.
But, no matter what or who, it is our civil liberties that will be the ultimate victim here.
@Mama_Cakes Making assumptions about a group of people, whether white-skinned or brown-skinned, to me is very uncool. How does it make it better to assume ‘militant gun-toting far-right white men’ did this, than those same white men saying all Muslims want to kill us and should pay for it. My God, don’t we ever learn.
No, I have no reason to hope it was a certain kind of person. I might have expectations based on what I’ve seen so far, but whoever it ends up being, it was a horrible act, and I hope that some sort of justice is done.
But to take an example… if I were a middle eastern man, I imagine that I might find myself hoping that the bomber was a white American… simply because it could have repercussions on my own life, or perhaps my children’s lives, if I had them (i.e., in how we were treated or perceived by others). Point being – I have no reason to hope for a specific outcome, but it’s not inconceivable to me that others might.
So… I wrote my answer, and then read the story that you linked. We pretty much say the same thing, except that I didn’t use a loaded term like “white privilege”. @josie, why do you say that his reasoning is not good?
I had not even thought about public reaction based on what color the person is. The reason I was not thinking along those lines, was because in my mind it was either another domestic homocidal nut job, or another foreign one.
What if it is a black or Hispanic American? Is that the same as a white American? Are Muslims like the blue men?
@SpatzieLover Lots of people, though, were dropping stuff and then fleeing. It was a huge problem because all of the dropped bags had to be checked as potential bombs in the aftermath. So if that’s a good reason to suspect someone, there are a lot of suspects roaming around Boston right now.
@KNOWITALL I don’t think @sinscriven or @Mama_Cakes are saying they assume or that it’s better to assume that a white guy did this. They’re saying that if we had to make a guess based on the evidence, that’s more likely at this point. But neither is saying anyone should go on the news and say “white guy is Boston killer, further speculation at 11:00.”
@Patton Yeah, that wasn’t really my point. I just think that if it’s wrong to make assumptions about brown people, it’s wrong to make them about white people, or anyone else.
Liberals keep on attacking rightwingers the way some rightwingers attack illegals, it’s so twisted and wrong, and both sides seem to think it’s okay, we go in circles and the cycle of abuse and assumptions never ends.
I don’t care about the race of the person, but in a way I do hope it’s domestic because that means it’s just some lone crazy guy who will be caught and that will be the end of it; if it’s foreign it might signal a larger threat and future attacks to come.
@KNOWITALL It’s not making an assumption about white people, it’s making an assumption based on previous patterns, that this matches domestic terrorist attacks that have been carried out by far-right extremists (such as Eric Rudolph). It would be no different if this bombing had had the hallmarks of an Islamic extremist and that caused us to assume the attack was carried out by radical Muslims.
@KNOWITALL No one said differently. It’s an obvious point that doesn’t need mentioning unless you’re pushing something.
@Patton, Yes, they did above.
“letters being sent to people like Obama and Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS) who voted for gun control laws—To me this sounds more like militant gun-toting far-right white men trying to send a message to Washington and they were counting on american xenophobia and racism to cover their tracks.”
@KNOWITALL It does sound like that, though. Is it wrong to make an assumption based on patterns?
@DominicX I don’t think so. Think about it, I’m in the middle of the US with hardly any black people, hardly anyone from the middle east or anywhere else (except in colleges and church you don’t see the races mix often here.) So all my assumptions would be based on what, media? How scary is that?
If five Muslim’s kill Americans with bombs in the road, should I assume the sixth will do the same and take him out before he takes me out?
If three black guys approach me, should I assume they’re gangsters?
If one white right-winger that owns guns leaves his entire gun collection in the hands of a twelve year old son, should everyone assume that all white right-wingers that own guns are that ignorant?
@KNOWITALL Wow, quoting people out of context can make them look like they’re saying things they didn’t say. Have any other useful tips for us?
@Patton I think you and I have argued enough today, thanks.
@KNOWITALL That’s not what I’m saying though. I’m saying if this matches patterns of other homegrown right-wing terrorists, there’s nothing wrong with assuming the perpetrator might be the of the same type. I’m not saying to assume all “gun-toters” or whatever are capable of terrorist acts.
@DominicX Ahhhh, I see, thanks for explaining. I thought you were on a ‘militant right wing gun toting rant’, my apologies.
@Patton You know you’re being really odd and aggressive with me here and via PM. Think about it please because action can be taken in these cases.
Blue people done it…I never trusted those fucking smurfs!
@josie He’s chastising me for being a vocal Christian. No apologies will be forthcoming, trust me- lol
I just hope when they catch the guilty ones, they punish them according to the severity of the crime. No smacks on the wrist or life of relative comfort. I would rather see them forced into hard labor for the rest of their lives. Let them crush rock with a sledge hammer, it doesn’t matter what they do, as long as it will make them wish they hadn’t built their little bombs.
@josie I was being sarcastic. Her refusing to back up her accusation is basically just proof that she knows she’s full of shit.
@KNOWITALL Are you really comfortable just outright lying about what I said in my private message? You’re the one who started sending me messages out of nowhere, and all I said was why I’m not sympathetic to your persecution complex. Go be Christian. I don’t care. And that has nothing to do with anything said on this question.
I don’t care what the perpetrator’s race, creed, religion, nationality, complexion, gender or mental condition is, I just want him/her caught quickly and brought to justice.
[mod says] Flame off, folks. Let’s not get personal here.
Guilty! I was hoping it was a tea party member making a statement on Tax day.
So how about two brothers from Chechenia?
Anybody happy about that?
I guess there is no happiness to be found in this misery. Let’s find out what motivated them.
@whitenoise It seems neither boy was born or raised in Chechnya. I guess his father was Chechnyan? They interviewed the uncle of the suspects (he happens to live where Auggie and I grew up) who was very negative about that part of his family. Had basically kept his family away from his brother’s family.
They are Muslim. Media is still not reporting whether they were attached to a larger international group, but it is suspected.
I am happy that I have only seen one Islamaphobic post on my Facebook newsfeed. It came from a surprising source, someone who is usually apolitical. I have a lot of conservative friends that I would have expected it from first.
@JLeslie I felt bad for the uncle. He did seem sincere. It is sad when someone chooses to condemn an entire group of people based on the extreme actions of a few. Muslims, right-wingers and gun owners will always have a bad rap (just throwing a few examples out there. I know there are many others).
@jonsblond In the US, gun owners have only recently come under fire, it wasn’t even an issue a hundred years ago. Gun owners were part of the reason this country even exists outside of British rule.
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