Meta Question

Plucky's avatar

What Fluther usernames play mind tricks on you?

Asked by Plucky (10319points) April 18th, 2013

Inspired by Pandora’s question about Jelly’s avatars.

There are quite a few names on here that I know I am saying/seeing wrong. Even when I’ve read them so many times. Does anyone else experience this mind trick?

Note: It is not my intention to insult people’s usernames. I’m curious what names other Jellies may say or see differently.

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55 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

talljasperman. i always read it as tallja-sperm-an

Plucky's avatar

I forgot to list some of the ones for me. These ones are the first that come to mind:

filmfann – Flimflam
talljasperman – Talisman
janbb – Jnabb
LuckyGuy – No matter what I still see him as WorriedGuy
aprilsimnel – Aprilsmell
ragingloli – raginoli
ucme – I almost always say it “you ka me”

Plucky's avatar

@pleiades I always see your name as Plejades. What confuses you about Rarebear?

ragingloli's avatar

And then of course there is gailcalled. I always read it as gaycalled.

AshLeigh's avatar

BlondesJon and JonsBlonde always mess me up. XD

Brian1946's avatar

Aprilsimnel > april is me.

Elbanditoroso > elbow and torso.

augustlan's avatar

Until I met her in person, I always called janbb “jaynab” in my mind. For some reason, once I met her in the flesh, it cleared itself up.

Pachy's avatar

Same here, @Ausustian! And in my mind, @Jeruba is Blanchett.

augustlan's avatar

I get called agustian all the time. ;)

Pachy's avatar

Oy, I misspelled augustian. I probably should go back to sleep.

SuperMouse's avatar

He is gone now, but every single time I saw Wundy’s name I heard one-duh-yadda. I never, not once heard it as one day at a.

marinelife's avatar

talljasperman (Same as ragingloli. Kill me now.)
u-c-me (I always pronouned in my mind as Uc-me. I did not get it,

lebber's avatar

I always hear lebber when I see rebbel.
Or the other way around; I’m not sure…

rebbel's avatar

@lebber Strange, that never happens to me.

wilma's avatar

@Plucky I am the same as you for all of those you listed.

livelaughlove21's avatar

Hold up – @wundayatta is gone? How did I miss that?

I always said his username wun-dah-yadda, too. In fact, that’s what I thought it was until this thread.

It took me awhile to figure out @ucme. Now every time I see that name I think of John Cena’s catch phrase, “you can’t see me!”

I definitely read @talljasperman as Talisman as well. And even though I know it’s @ragingloli, I always say “ravioli” in my head.

Plucky's avatar

@livelaughlove21 and @SuperMouse I’ve always seen wundayatta exactly the same way.
Also, @livelaughlove21, I always see yours as live2laugh.
@AshLeigh Lol, I always get the Blondes and Jons mixed up too.

Bellatrix's avatar

@Pied_Pfeffer is @Pied_Piper.

JLeslie's avatar

Qingu is Quingu
Pied_pfeffer is Pied_pfifer
Jaxk is Jakx

CWOTUS's avatar

All form’s of zen confuse me, until I get used to it… and it changes again.

bob_ or bob__ confuses me, too.

jonsblond's avatar

YARNLADY – yamlady

Didn’t she have her name switched to all caps because yarnlady looks like yamlady in lowercase?

Pandora's avatar

@augustlan as August land
@ragingloli as rigatoni
@jonsblond as jons bun
@pied_pfeffer as pied piper
@talljasperman – as tally sperm men
@plucky, I agree with @aprilsmell
almost forgot. For the longest time I thought @Willworkforchocolate was Willy Wonkas Chocolate

livelaughlove21's avatar

Oh my goodness, @tallyspermman for president!

Pandora's avatar

Yeah, when I am on my phone or tablet I really need my reading glasses. It’s too hard to see the ja. So for a long time I thought that was the name.

Dutchess_III's avatar

CWOTUS = See Who?
Janbb = Janabee

ucme's avatar

@Jedi, always playing fucking mind tricks that one.

chyna's avatar

There are those that call me China.

Dutchess_III's avatar


No one is saying a word about the fact that my user name is misspelled! :}~

Brian1946's avatar

@Dutchess_III If your user name was spelled correctly, some of the illiterati might misread it as Douches III. ;-)

Dutchess_III's avatar

LOL! Some of them do anyway, me thinks! :)

fundevogel's avatar

@Dutchess_III CWOTUS is easy. It’s Cyanotic Wasp of the United States.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@fundevogel is a door-to-door razor salesman.

fundevogel's avatar

@WillWorkForChocolate how did you find me out?

CWOTUS's avatar

@fundevogel, you have no idea how easy @CWOTUS really is.

fundevogel's avatar

@CWOTUS cue my seductive mustache twirl.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

LOL! I left that comment because I got this thread confused with the “jelly professions” thread. Whoops. Maybe I need more sleep.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@fundevogel Is some sort of fungus associated with my ex-husband whose last name is “vogler.”

@WillWorkForChocolate Is nakid, covered with chocolate, on a street corner holding a sign. She is a chocolate covered what did she call me? whore. Is that what she called me?

Dutchess_III's avatar

No….she called me a porn star.

@WillWorkForChocolate is a chocolate covered porn star!

Plucky's avatar

I always read @fundevogel as fundgoval.

fundevogel's avatar

Eew. That sounds infectious.

janbb's avatar

@fundevogel I think I have you between my toes!

mangeons's avatar

I used to always read talljasperman’s username as “tallja-sperman” until very recently… I have no idea why! That’s the only one that has consistently confused me in the past, as far as I can remember.

I have heard a lot of people say that they always say my username wrong, though! Lots of people including my own mom! pronounce it “man-gee-owns” or something similar to that. To be fair, though, mine isn’t in English so that makes it a little harder to say!

chyna's avatar

@mangeons I used to pronounce your name as your mom did until I met her in person and she told me the pronunciation of your name. It is so much prettier once I found the correct pronunciation.

wildpotato's avatar

talljasperman = Talia Sperman
syz = xyz

Plucky's avatar

@mangeons I pronounce it man-gee-awns. What is the correct way?

augustlan's avatar

@Plucky It’s French for “eat”, and it sounds more like “mahn zahn”. As I’ve been corrected a million times!

glacial's avatar

Pronunciation of Nous mangeons (We eat)

Though “mangeons” all by itself implies the imperative: “Let’s eat!”

Berserker's avatar

@augustlan ’‘Mahn zhan’’?? lol :p

Granted, that is really hard to ’‘spell out’’ the proper pronunciation when the sounds for that word don’t quite exist in the English language.

Instead of trying to do that, check it out.

EDIT Fuuuuck. The stupid site didn’t retain the word.

AshLeigh's avatar

For like six months I was reading @Symbeline as “Sublime”.....

lillycoyote's avatar

There have been a few. I had the same problem with @filmfan as you did. I always see his name as “flimflam.” And I had trouble with @augustlan for a while. At first I thought her name was “augustian” but since she didn’t seem at all to be a follower of St. Augustine or perceive or present herself as an “august personage” I had to take a second look. And, I don’t know if she’s here anymore, but I also had a problem with @sliceswiththings. I thought her name was “sliceswithwings” so I always pictured slices of pizza, with wings, flying around, like that old screensaver with the flying toasters with wings.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@lillycoyote = a coyote bounding through a field of lilies.

@augustlan = Augusta Land.

jordym84's avatar

@ragingloli makes me think of pasta because I always read it as “ravioli.”
@Symbeline makes me think of Thumbelina.
@augustlan always brings to mind “August Rush” even though I’ve yet to watch the movie.
@mangeons makes me want to eat French food.
Don’t ask me why, but whenever I see @janbb, a picture of a door knob comes to mind.

Plucky's avatar

Thank you for the replies everyone. Good to see I’m not the only one who confuses usernames!

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