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Dutchess_III's avatar

Do you ever have a hard time figuring out how to compose a sentence in a certain way so that it makes sense?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) April 18th, 2013

I do, sometimes. Seems like every way you word it it just isn’t quite right.

A fb friend posted a picture of a young man with a 2 or 3 year old child. My fb friend said, “This is a good friends son of our daughters.”
I’m like, “OK. I can figure this out!”

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19 Answers

janbb's avatar

Rarely.(This is the son of a good friend of our daughters.)

glacial's avatar

That sentence is approaching a de-friendable offence.

bookish1's avatar

No, but however, since the dawn of human civilization, that issue is irreputably had by many of who are my student’s.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Shouldn’t it be “of whom@bookish1?

tups's avatar

Yeah, I can have a hard time with that sometimes. Mainly in English since it’s not my native language, but sometimes also in my native language. I think it has got something to do with how my brain works that particular day. Sometimes my brain doesn’t want to work with me.

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^^I would have never guessed English wasn’t your first language. @tups.

glacial's avatar

@bookish1 “since the dawn of human civilization”

That made me snort my tea. I guess it is the historian’s equivalent of “Ever since life evolved” or references to the “primordial ooze”. Oh, undergrads.

gailcalled's avatar

Almost never.

Plucky's avatar

More often than not. Since my brain tumour stuff, I’ve had a horrible time putting together legible sentences. Sometimes I’ll sit here for 10 min trying to find the word that has escaped me. It can be very frustrating and hard on my confidence.

tups's avatar

@Dutchess_III That’s great to know. Thank you.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ah @Plucky :( I can only imagine.

Welcome @tups :)

Jeruba's avatar

@Plucky, I rely heavily on to help me recapture those words that used to be right at my fingertips and now elude my grasp. Give yourself credit for recognizing the right word even if you can no longer remember it without help.

rojo's avatar

All the time. Most of mine are third/fourth attempts.

Plucky's avatar

@Jeruba I rely very heavily on that site as well. Usually, my issue is that I can’t think of any of the words that are similar to the word that I can’t think of…. if that makes sense. To make it increasingly difficult, after trying to find this magic word, I get so lost that I often forget what I was trying to say in the first place.

OpryLeigh's avatar

I have a hard time with this quite a lot. I know what I want to put across but I struggle with the order of the words!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, you do well, @Leanne1986!

OpryLeigh's avatar

@Dutchess_III Thank you. Sometimes I sit here trying to compose an answer for ages. I usually work it out eventually but sometimes I just give up all together and see if someone has said anything similar to what I was thinking and then just give them a GA!!!

jordym84's avatar

Quite often, actually. English is not my first language and, like others above, there are times when I’ll type up an answer on here and I’ll read and re-read what I wrote multiple times to make sure everything is coherent. Unfortunately, the more I read the sentence/paragraph, the less it seems to make sense, and at times I get so frustrated that I scrap the whole thing and give up on answering (or sometimes, like @Leanne1986, I wait and see if someone else says what I was thinking and give them a GA for it).

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