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Dutchess_III's avatar

When you stub your toe, why does cursing actually seem to help?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) April 18th, 2013

I just saw a funny post on fb that said, “When I stub my toe it pushes a button that plays every curse word I know.” And it does. It’s like an automatic “SON OF A BITCH!!! SHIT SHIT SHIT!” Hurting myself in any other way doesn’t necessarily elicit that reaction.
So what’s up with that?

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12 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Few people know of the direct link in the nervous system between the toes and the basest of vocalizations. It’s true.

tom_g's avatar

Studies have shown that cursing helps reduce pain.

tom_g's avatar

a more recent study

Dutchess_III's avatar

Vewwwy interesting, @tom_g. The more one swears on a casual, every day basis, the less it works to alleviate pain. Interesting.

KNOWITALL's avatar

On the same subject, has anyone ever literally wanted to smack somebody for laughing when you stub a toe or something?! I instantly get a red haze of fury when hubby giggles…lol

ragingloli's avatar

Because you subconsciously form a contract with almighty Satan, who then gives you strength.

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^^Is that why I want a burrito right now, Raggy?

Pachy's avatar

I think it’s an emotional release to physical pain.

marinelife's avatar

It relieves the feelings of pain.

ucme's avatar

It only works when combined with manic hopping & vigorous rubbing of the hurt toe-bone.
I know this because the Queen is a firm believer in the method…swears like a bastard she does.

Plucky's avatar

I’ve always thought it was a successful outlet for the utter embarrassment and absolute horrid pain of stubbing, or slamming, one’s own appendages.

rojo's avatar

Remember when you did something really bad and your parents called you by all three of your names? This is one of the few things that happen to us that causes us to include Jesus’ middle name in the curse and everyone knows that when the middle name is used there is some serious shit going down.

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