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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Thespians, scholars, and lovers of Shakespeare, can you help me analyze a speech?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37818points) April 18th, 2013

I don’t know if this will translate to this Internet interface the way I want, but let’s try. I’m auditioning for Jaques in As You Like It.

Would you please look at the way I’ve marked the stresses in the following speech? All-caps mark stresses, and lower case marks unstressed. Please, tell me where you think I’ve made a mistake on the syllables or words. The line numbers, I hope, will make referencing easier in the thread.

Thank you.

2 and ALL the MEN and WOmen MEREly PLAYers;
3 they have their EXits and their ENtrances;
4 and ONE MAN in his TIME PLAYS MAny parts,
5 his ACTS being SEven ages. At FIRST the INfant,
6 MEWLing and PUKing in the NURse’s arms;
7 then the WHIning SCHOOL-BOY, with his SAtchel
8 and SHIning MORning FACE, CREEPing like SNAIL
9 unWIllingly to SCHOOL. And then the LOver,
10 SIGHing like FURnace, with a WOEful BAllad
11 made to his MIStress’ EYEBROW. Then a SOLdier,
12 FULL of STRANGE OATHS, and BEARded like the PARD,
13 jealous in HOnour, SUdden and QUICK in QUArrel,
14 seeking the BUbble repuTAtion
15 even in the CANNON’S MOUTH. And THEN the JUStice,
16 in FAIR ROUND BElly with GOOD capon LIN’D,
17 with EYES seVERE and BEARD of formal CUT,
18 FULL of WISE SAWS and MOdern INstances;
19 and SO he PLAYS his PART. The SIXTH age SHIFTS
20 into the LEAN and SLIpper’d PANtaloon,
21 with SPECtacles on NOSE and POUCH on SIDE,
22 his YOUTHful HOSE, well SAV’D, a WORLD too WIDE
23 for his SHRUNK SHANK; and his BIG MANly VOICE,
24 TURning aGAIN toward CHILdish TREble, PIPES
25 and WHIStles in his SOUND. LAST scene of ALL,
26 that ENDS this STANGE eVENTful HIStory,
27 is SEcond CHILdishness and MERE ObliVIon;
28 sans TEETH, sans EYES, sans TASTE, sans Every thing.

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9 Answers

glacial's avatar

These are the things I’d change (though what do I know?):

4. reads a little Shatner-ish to me. I would probably hit MAN and MANY.
6. nurse’s ARMS
20 into the LEAN and slippered pantaLOON
27 MERE obLIVion
28 sans EVerything

I would probably go a bit softer in lines like the ends of 19 and 25, as if to slip into the next age. But that’s just me.

flutherother's avatar

It seems fine to me. I quite like this version

Judi's avatar

I think you need to video yourself and put it on YouTube. I’m having trouble following it here.

Rarebear's avatar

Agree with Judi.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Try this.

Edit to add: I had a little hiccup between 17 and 18.

Rarebear's avatar

Youtube blocked from work (Not Fluther, ironically enough). I’ll look at it later.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

As a side note, the video is intended strictly to demonstrate the stressed/unstressed syllables and other things such as breathing. It is not at all meant to demonstrate anything at all like acting technique or characterization.

Rarebear's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake Just got home. I like parts of it and not others. Remember, this is just my opinion. I don’t like the the drawing out of the vowels so much. Other than that it’s good.

Sunny2's avatar

Sounds fine to me. I kept seeing gestures, facial expressions and body movements as I read. I trust you do too. I would love to act out the Ages of Man. Have fun.

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