Social Question

People who wear baseball caps backwards, what does that say about them?
As Slate Magazine points out in their article about the younger Boston Marathon Bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the guy seems to have been a pretty average American student in his late teens. Dzhokhar’s Twitter account shows up little that’s remarkable, and classmates describe him as the last person they would expect would be a terrorist bomber. But he somehow became one. He was into Eminem, Nutella, sports and Edmund Burke. Only after his older brother began to preach radical Islamic Jihad to him did a few of his Tweets turn darker. But he wore his baseball cap backwards.
Now I am certainly not suggesting that wearing baseball caps backwards has ANYTHING to do with terrorism, or even criminal activity and aggressive behavior. Correlation does not imply causation. But it is an individual choice, and a deliberate perversion of the design intent of that style of hat. It seems to me rather analogous to wearing tee shirts inside out or putting on a pair of jeans three inches too big in the waist so most of your underwear is exposed. What does it say about me if I choose to wear some normal article of clothing in a deliberately abnormal way?