Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Why won't Words With Friends load on FB?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) April 21st, 2013

When I click on WWF, it goes to the page, then just spins and spins, looking for friends. Then says it can’t connect to FB. I noticed, however, that if I click on an icon on my toolbar to go somewhere else (like here) suddenly names will populate on the right. I only get a quick glimpse…and they’re really weird names of “people” I have never heard of….

Do you think it has anything to do with this? Or is it a FB problem? No one else is experiencing it.

I downloaded MAMB ? Pro. Paid for it. It found 8 items, all from some pup software something.

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14 Answers

tedibear's avatar

In my opinion it’s just Zynga being Zynga. I go through this problem periodically with WWF and Draw Something. It’s tiresome but it hasn’t stopped me from playing the game.

jonsblond's avatar

I don’t play that specific game, but I am aware that Zynga is having major issues with many of its games right now. It’s a Zynga problem.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That makes me feel a lot better, @jonsblond. It coincided with last nights screaming virus attack, which I think I got cleared up (A million thanks to Espiritus Covum and ETPro.) so the fact that it was still happening had me worried.

I think maybe my son did something. I told him about the problem I was having and he said, “Ha! Now you can’t prove that you beat me for the FIRST TIME (out of about 10 games.)” :)

jonsblond's avatar

I found this in Zynga forums for you-

If you look at the posts from other players you’ll see you aren’t the only one with loading issues. There’s a different game that I play and I couldn’t access my game for a month. I spent a lot of time in the forums trying to find help and you wouldn’t believe how many people are there complaining. I’m surprised Zynga is still in business,

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m curious as to why I seem to be the only one having the problem at the moment…

Dutchess_III's avatar

Wait…..reading your links explains that to me ^^^^ It said, “If you have posted the words ‘pajamas’ and ‘food stamps’ in the same sentence your computer is toast.” :)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Man….I did everything (also got rid of about 20 apps that I didn’t even realized I’d subscribed to)...still no luck. I’ll just keep trying.

Thanks for the help guys.

jerv's avatar

Words with Friends is an unreliable Android app as well; my wife has all sorts of issues with it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s working now. Thanks.

jonsblond's avatar

Don’t get your hopes up too soon. You’ll be lucky if you don’t have more problems in the near future.

Dutchess_III's avatar

But at least I’ll know it isn’t a virus on my computer. That was my biggest concern. I can live without games on FB!

jonsblond's avatar

It is good to know it’s not a virus. :)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes! I was hoppin’ last night!

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