It's time to play Name That Dog!
Thread here! There are pics of him about halfway down.
My husband picked him, and he’s head over heels for him, but he’s not head over heels for his name- Tank.
We prefer two syllable names, whether they’re funny, cute, or sarcastic (like naming a snake Fluffy). He’s a massive German Shepherd, if you like to name pets according to looks/breed.
Will you help me with unique names to suggest to my husband?
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87 Answers
I have renamed all of my rescue dogs and there is no issue at all. It seems to take about a week for them to understand their new name.
Wolfgang. Wolfie for short.
I’ve read that dogs respond well to two-syllable names that end in an “ee” sound (Molly, Sally, Katie, etc.). The cadence is very pleasing to the canine ear. Your dog is clearly All Boy, so he needs a boy’s name.
“Krieger” means “warrior” in German.
“Kaiser” means “emperor” in German.
I’ll provide my list of the best dog names I’ve heard in my life.
Tober My old Australian Shepherd’s name because he was born in October.
Falstaff The owners of this English sheep dog were alcoholics.
Stetson The owner of this dog was a cowboy.
Charger The owner of this poodle was the fan of a losing football team.
Hunter This name should be obvious. The guy was a man whore.
Zeus My daughter’s name for her six pound terrier.
Blackie and Brownie We weren’t really creative as children.
Axel Fans of some old rock band.
Hesse A friend/fan of Herman Hesse and a Gernan Shepherd owner.
My suggestions: Berlin, Klink, Schultz, General
Who’s the guy that designed the MK-42 machine gun for Germany before WWII? His name would be good but I can’t come up with it for anything. Don’t think this answer too odd. :)
I have always wanted a dog named Dog but this dream is still unattained. Please let me live vicariously through you folks and Dog.
Following @SadieMartinPaul‘s sensible suggestions and remembering dogs that I have know and loved;
Barkley (I am particularly fond of this one)
and our dachshund, Hagen (the black knight in Die Gotterdamerung).
I love the name Barkley too. I had a friend who loved Charles Barkley. She named her dalmatian Barkley and it was the perfect name.
Oscar. Don’t ask me why. That’s just what the picture in the other thread said to me.
@bkcinningham, my dog is Axel.
Jedi. As you mentioned in the other thread, that fits your naming scheme (and I love it!)
@Blondesjon Funny, I’ve always wanted a dog named Kitty. :D
@augustlan Unfortunately, my husband doesn’t like that one, either. Pooh.
@Judi, what type of dog is Axel? I like that name too.
I haven’t been around that breed of dog. They are beautiful and look smart. Aren’t they pretty fierce? Like a bear dog?
My MIL just saw a pic of him and said he looks like a Bentley, lol.
He is a good looking creature. I am talking about the dog this time.
Haha, I told my husband what you said and he blushed. Dork!
Next dog I get I want to name “Tooley”....I knew a cat named Tooley and it always stuck with me….
Post a picture of him blushing. Pleassssee.
He looks like a Murphy or a Brody to me. Or maybe a Finn.
I would try to find a new name that sounds like his old name so that it is not too foreign sounding to his ears. No matter though, eventually he will respond to it no matter what you call him. If a name does not instantly spring to mind when I see a dog, I usually wait a while until I get to know his personality, then an appropriate name always seems to spring to mind.
@bkcunningham, I don’t want to hijack the thread, but axel is a sweetie. Way more mellow than I expected.
Thank you for the nice conversation, @Judi. It felt good. We don’t usually jive for whatever reason. But it was nice getting to know you better. I hope @WillWorkForChocolate doesn’t mind. Dogs discussions may be the door to world peace. Dogs or photos of @WillWorkForChocolate‘s dorky husband. ;~)
Growing up we had a huge German Shepherd named Snoopy haha But he was a sweet dog, so the name wasn’t too out of place.
Of the above suggestions, Levi is definitely a favorite! Let us know what you end up choosing.
Max, short, of course for Maxmillian.
When I saw this question, the name Buster popped into my head. I love the pictures of your new dog, and I do like Barkley. However, I’m going to vote with my gut instinct and say Buster.
He looks a little like The Littlest Hobo, a few dogs played that role including London, Toro & Thorn. Not bad names at all, maybe even Hobo itself.
@bkcunningham Of course I don’t mind! I actually encourage hijacking on my own threads, haha, unless I post in General. :)
@jonsblond Ooh, I like Ragnar! But then, I’ve always been a nerd when it comes to naming pets after either TV/movie characters or famous people. Ragnar just happens to be both.
Thanks, everyone! We still haven’t settled on anything, so keep ‘em coming, if you like.
Gabe, how’s that for a cliffhanger¿
I’ve only ever had one boy dawg & we wrote several names on pieces of paper, scrunched them into balls & placed them on the floor next to him. The plan was to name him based on the piece of paper he touched first…some daft bastard wrote Nigel & this is what the pooch “chose”
We gave up on that shite & named him Rebel, my choice & I almost always get my way.
@bkcunningham “I had a friend who loved Charles Barkley. She named her dalmatian Barkley and it was the perfect name.”
I had a girl-doggie named Callie. Paul and I named her for Cal Ripken, Jr.
@Judi As soon as I saw this thread I thought of Oscar, I think it’s a lovely name. We had a German Shepherd X Retriever called Oscar!
@WillWorkForChocolate I also love human names for dogs, my boss has a dog called Reggie which I think is quite sweet. Names like Derek, Keith, Clive and Graham always make me chuckle.
I like Charlie, Romeo, Rocky, Tyson, and Bandit.
@Leanne1986 Oh, I like Oscar a lot.
Also, one vote against the name Barkley. It reminds me of that annoying Sesame Street dog.
Oscar reminds me of that annoying Sesame Street grouch! lol jk
Max. I like that. Max. My vote goes to Max.
@Adirondackwannabe I had a dog called Wolfgang called him Wolfie for short or THE WOOLAF (remember the little lamb cartoon who use to run around saying its the woolaf its the woolaf?)
It’s taken four days, but my husband finally decided on Loki. I like it and just had his new tag made!
Unique with a nice ring. Loki. Good choice guys.
An anagram of Kilo…worth the weight I hope.
I’m seriously depressed now, because we need to give our sweet Loki back to the rescue. My youngest daughter and my newborn nephew (that I babysit Mon-Fri) are both allergic to him, and I can’t get him to leave the baby alone. He did okay with the baby the first couple of times he was around him, but now he keeps getting all up in the baby’s face, making him cry, and he’s even tried to chew on the baby’s feet several times.
I refuse to crate poor Loki 6 hours a day, and I refuse to leave him outside alone all day too, especially with a Texas summer coming up. He gets so intense about the baby, that he won’t listen to any commands, and I refuse to spank him all day. With the allergy problems and the baby problems, it seems best to find him a different home.
This fucking blows. My hubby and I both adore this dog!
And no shitty comments from [you know who you are] about “with the right training and allergy pills” blahblah are necessary.
Oh man! I know that when my grand kids were babies Molly was all in their faces. She didn’t think we were taking good enough care of them and she thought that they didn’t need to wear socks.
Luckily the babies fidnt live with us or we would have had to get rid of her too. The alergies TOTALLY suck. I’m so sorry.
Yeah, it’s so hard to get him away from the baby, because I’ll be sitting down feeding Saxon a bottle, and the dog is so big that he overpowers me in that position, so I have to interrupt the feeding, stand up, and redirect Loki to his bed. That works for about two minutes, then I have to do it again. And Saxon is with me 5 days a week from 7:30 to 1:00.
I’m so disappointed that I keep crying, especially when Loki nuzzles me for attention. But I just can’t put a dog before the kids. Even if I could find a way to keep him away from Saxon, I don’t want to put my daughter on allergy pills and I won’t ask my sister-in-law to give her newborn allergy meds either.
@WillWorkForChocolate I’m so sorry. But the kids have to come first. And that getting all over the baby is a little scary. A large dog can do a lot of damage in an instant. You have to do it. It sucks but it’s the best course.
It’s okay lady. I can feel your tears from my house.
I know. It scared the shit out of me when he went to chew on his foot. I don’t think he was intending to bite the baby, just do the doggy gnaw thing, but I yelled at him, which of course, made the baby cry.
All the trouble I went to, asking my husband for a dog, he finally agreed and picked this precious boy, and now this. And we spent a lot of money buying him toys, food, and his beds, too. :(
@WillWorkForChocolate i’m so sorry. This really sucks. But you do have to put the kids before the dog. {{{hugs}}}
@WillWorkForChocolate It happens. We bring a dog into the family and they have to find their place in the pack. Children and babies make for a lot of issues. I’m extremely careful with young children around dogs. Some people think nothing of it but it can blow up in their face so fast. Plus the allergy issues.
Thanks, y’all. I knew some of you would understand. I don’t think I’ve ever seen my husband so sad about an animal. He really does like this dog and doesn’t want to give him up.
@WillWorkForChocolate I know it hurts. But your family has to come first. You have a major liability issue with the baby. And we never know 100 percent what animals are going to do. I can read most animals very well but I have been surprised. You can’t really risk it.
I know. He’s a great dog, and isn’t really being aggressive, he just wants to play with the baby in the wrong ways. We’ve had him for less than two weeks, and I’m going to miss him like crazy when he leaves us.
@WillWorkForChocolate My brother has a golden retriever. A great dog. Until I went into his pen. He came at me hard. And he’s 93 pounds. We had a seriously mean battle for 10 or 15 minutes. He was biting at my arms hard. I wasn’t going to back down, and finally he did, but my forearms were completely bruised from elbow to wrist. If it had been a kid he would have hurt them bad. I think I broke him of it, but I won’t know until I try it again. We just don’t know with animals. Syz helped me ID what was going on, but that got scary. You can’t take the chance. The upside doesn’t overcome the downside.
Trust me, I know. A neighbor’s dog bit Grace on the face last year, and just barely missed her eye. And I damn near got my finger bitten off my a neighbor’s chow when I was younger. Believe me, I know horror stories from when dogs have snapped.
Yikes. Okay I love dogs, but I know how to read them. Mostly. I’m so so sorry for you guys.
I usually know how to read them too. That’s why I watched Loki with my kids for a good while, before my husband and I talked about adopting him. He does awesome with my kids, but I didn’t borrow my nephew to go to the pet store, so I had no idea Loki would react this way.
That’s typical. The baby is not really that active, so the dog thinks he’s above them in the pack. I don’t have any great ideas other than send him back.
I just spoke with the rescue woman. That was one of the most heartbreaking conversations I’ve ever had.
@WillWorkForChocolate I totally understand. I had to take back a male boxer rescue that had bitten me during dog training class. He bit clear through my hand between the thumb and first finger.
He was clearly the alpha dog and I couldn’t change that. I felt so bad having to take him back, but he was rehomed to a wonderful family that had another dog and they played all day.
@WillWorkForChocolate I’m so sorry. I know the pain of losing a treasured pet. But it has to be done. Maybe try a puppy in a while.
Yeah a pup might be best for you and there are breeds that are supposedly hypoallergenic, Portugese Water Dogs and some say poodles. I think before I would put myself and the dog through this sort of heart break again, I would take everyone who is going to be around the dog along and make sure they can tolerate. This is where a pure bred dog comes into the picture, if you go to a Porty breeder you know that is what you are getting, a rescue is not usually a 100% definable breed. And if you don’t want a pup, a breeder will evaluate you and the family situation the dog is expected to exist in and would not send the dog home with you if they felt it would not fit in with children, etc. I know many have this sort of reverse snobbism regarding pure bred dogs from a reputable breeder, but there are definite advantages! And often they will have a dog who didn’t make it in the show ring or one who is retired, so you are still saving a life. Good luck.
Thanks, guys. @rooeytoo I know my youngest isn’t allergic to poodles, since our previous dog was a schnoodle, and she was just fine. And my nephew doesn’t seem to be allergic to his parents’ dog, which is some type of bird dog breed. My doctor told me that German Shepherds are really high on the list of dogs that cause major allergies… something like in the top five, including bulldogs and Boston terriers. I really should have done some research before adopting Loki, poor dog.
I’ve been researching all day, today, and according to everything I’m reading about allergies and temperament with children/babies, a very young poodle seems ideal for our situation. But now that we’ve spent about $500 on Loki, only to have to give him up and lose that money, I doubt my husband will be inclined to let me rescue another dog for a long time.
It also breaks my heart to think that Loki will wonder, “What did I do wrong?” when we give him back. :(
I’m supposed to take him back to the rescue woman today, and I’m dreading it. And what really pisses me off is that I feel bad enough already, and the rescue lady is guilt tripping me.
Do you need me to come up there on my electric mobility scooter and run her down? I wheel.
Yes, yes I do! It’s only 3:30 in the afternoon, and I’m downing a glass of rum to soothe my feels. Damn the feels.
@WillWorkForChocolate Look the bitch in the eye and ask her if she’ll cover you under her liability insurance. Then nail her with your scooter.
Oh @WillWorkForChocolate. Oh, I am so sad. I posted the name then caught a glimpse of something…so I had to go find it. I am SO sorry. But it’s good you found this out now, while he’s still young, for many reasons.
Yes, family comes first. Gosh. I’d take him if I could.
How is the rescue lady laying a guilt trip on you?
Well personally, I feel sorry for everyone, not least of all the dog. Rescue should have screened you more carefully. But rescue has the onus of rehoming dogs or having them put down so sometimes they rush. Oh the other hand if they are too demanding in their screening process, then prospective adopters bitch about how difficult it is to adopt and how rude the rescue groups are, “Don’t they want the animals to find homes???” is the question asked. See old questions here on fluther and hear that sentiment being echoed. So she is probably pissed at herself for not being more selective, pissed at your for not thinking ahead of the little kids, allergies, etc. and upset most of all for the dog who once again is back there at the orphanage.
So don’t get pissed at the lady,she has a rough job. Instead learn your lesson and be more aware next time.
Obviously she didn’t know the kids were allergic when she got the dog, and obviously the dog gave no indication that he could inadvertently hurt one of the kids.
Some things you can’t know in advance so you can’t screen for them.
Ahhhh Dutchess, a properly screened rescue dog would have been thoroughly checked for safety with children. The problem is so many in rescue are ruled by their hearts and don’t have the knowledge and training to do temperament assessments. I am not an expert on allergies so I don’t know if that could have been predicted or not. I do think though, if it was known that the dog was going to have all the kids in its life on a semi permanent basis, perhaps they should have been included in the selection process. I am not criticising @WillWorkForChocolate I am saying it was a hard lesson for all involved. Neither am I criticising the rescue lady, they both feel badly as does the dog. Nobody won that one.
Allergies didn’t even cross my mind, because my daughter was not allergic to our schnoodle, and my nephew is not allergic to their bird dog mix thing, whatever she is. I had no clue that either one of them would have a reaction, and the rescue lady knew that we’d had a dog before, so neither of us considered allergies at all.
On a possible bright side here though, she did tell me that their policy is to “trade” dogs if an adoption doesn’t work out as planned, so if I like another dog they have, I could get that one for no additional fee. It would just have to be one that’s considered “hypoallergenic” (poodles, schnauzers, bichons, maltese) and I’d have to take the baby with me to see how the dog reacts.
As I said, I am no expert, but I have never heard that maltese, schnauzers or bichons are good for people with allergies. I would double check that with breeders to be sure.
I would also ask how they evaluate temperament. You want to make sure it is safe to be around children. Granted a small dog is not as big a danger as a large one, but even a chihuahua sized dog can take out an eye or mess up a face.
Good luck, I hope you find one that suits your needs. I couldn’t live without my dogs!
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