Facebookers: What will make you block someone from your newsfeed? Unfriend someone?
Do you have a criteria? Or do you just get sick of someone one day and block them from showing up in your feed? What makes you delete someone entirely?
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24 Answers
Incivility does it for me. When one of my “friends” starts personal insults against another, then he’s crossed a line and he gets booted with no recourse. Other than that, I tolerate a high degree of disagreement (how bland the world would be if everyone agreed with me all of the time, even if it would run much smoother and more accurately).
I don’t think I’ve unfriended anyone I know irl, but I have unfriended online friends I’ve made if we never interact on fb. I unfriended one because all she did was complain about hangovers.
I blocked several people from my newsfeed during the last presidential election when all they did was post political stuff all day (every day). (I don’t understand the political posts. you are either preaching to the choir or ranting to a brick wall. what’s the point, ya know?)
Annoying (eg constant bragging)—> block from feed
Discover they’re a bad human (eg hate speech)—> unfriend
I just rarely go on facebook now. I can’t block everyone. I’m getting to that age where all of my friends are posting nothing but baby pictures lol.
I unfriend a person for homophobic posts. It doesn’t matter how long I’ve known him/her.
I rarely unfriend anyone. If I don’t want to be “friends”, I don’t accept your request in the first place.
For those who – like my husband’s family – post religious or political topics and then get pissy when you comment in disagreement or think personal attacks are the equivalent of civilised discourse, I “hide” their posts and “unfollow” them.
Whiners and intolerant people get blocked from my news feed. Also, people who post stupid stuff all the damn time.
I recently blocked two people because their main Facebook activity is posting selfies, one of which thinks pursing her lips is the height of cool. Not a duckface, just a rude, sour looking puss. I can’t stand people who post endless selfies. Newsfeed block.
I blocked a friend who posts constant “warnings”.. like.. if you see a paper on the back of your car don’t get out.. it’s a carjacking! All the time. I got tired of looking up her posts on Snopes and posting the link back to her, so I blocked her.
I blocked a friend who posted graphics all the time… with inspirational wordings and such… I’m talking 2 dozen a day.
And the last one I blocked was a picture of Dubya with the words, “Tired of not having an American for President yet?” or something and when I tried to point out that he was born in Hawaii, he actually started the whole “unable to produce a birth certificate” line. That was a level of stupid I couldn’t handle.. so I blocked him too.
I’ve gotten trigger happy with it… either that or people I know are getting VASTLY more annoying.
If they block content from me or have no interaction with me for some significant period (say, 6 months), then I usually delete them. I can defriend people on Facebook and still be friends with them in real life. But I don’t see the point in maintaining a social media link if it’s one-sided.
@poofandmook People who post graphics all the time also get blocked from my news feed, along with people who are always posting conspiracy theories.
I recently blocked a Facebook friend from my news feed because I was sick of his ignorant anti-Obama posts popping up on my feed multiple times a day. I don’t have a problem associating with Republicans (I live in the South after all), but enough is enough.
The only person I’ve ever unfriended was my husband’s grandfather during the election. You guessed it, same reason as above. Constant political posts get under my skin like nothing else.
I have yet to block or unfriend anyone, because I’m pretty selective at who I have as Friends, mostly they’re my relatives and a few friends that have moved away from my area, so not a lot of people to begin with. But there is one person, an acquaintance, for whom I have hidden a lot of their recent posts, all about chemtrails. You can only take so many articles about chemtrails. One was enough, but daily barrages, come on! Otherwise, the person posts delightful photos, restaurants they’ve been to, and cute videos about animals.
I’ve never blocked anyone. I don’t take FB that seriously. I don’t have anyone on my FB that posts racist or homophobic or otherwise intolerant material (that I’ve noticed) and those are the only reasons I would block or ‘unfriend’ someone. People post stuff that doesn’t do it for me, but I can skim that stuff and forget about it.
dumb idea not going to save lives you hear them geting shot in the head or hell in the chest not in the back how dumb give them swat gear i guess ur all on crack come on it’s all on how you raise your kids they need to be spanked or take there toys or phones so on away from them such a croc there is no way of stoping that just like bullying golden spoon feed brats
I gave up on FB once again. It’s just boring and too personal. I have a developer profile now under a different name. That to me is a special interest group. I learn from people there. Otherwise I just find face book an invasion of privacy.
Religious or politcal rants. Stupid postings about how they are wearing tank tops and no bra somewhere like India.
I had to unfriend a friend because I could no longer tolerate the pics of animal cruelty. She was about awareness, but the pictures were too horrible to continue to look at.
Other than that. Being a dick gets you banned.
^^I forgot about the animal cruelty pics. I blocked someone from my feed recently because I was tired of seeing that poor doggy with his body buried and its head sticking out of the ground. Or the pics of children with bruised bodies and faces. Seriously, why do we need to see this stuff? :(
I don’t like the animal cruelty pics either. I try to skim those because they are too upsetting. I understand why people share such things and it’s with best intentions but I know animals are being mistreated and I know there are charities I can and do support. However, I actually think some of those images and shock tactics have the effect of making people switch off rather than support.
I hide quite a few people from my news feed, just because I’m not really interested in what they post and those posts make it more difficult to see the stuff I am interested in. Constant “pity posters” will eventually get hidden, too. (I’m not talking about folks who are going through a rough patch and need support…I’d never hide them.)
I’ve only unfriended two (related) people because a FB argument turned pretty ugly and I wasn’t willing to continue that. I’ve flat out blocked several banned jellies who’ve tried to friend me after getting banned and treating me like absolute shit in the process. WTF? Why would I want to be friends with them after that? Oh, and my mother is blocked. She’s not in my real life, and I don’t want her in my virtual one, either.
I unfollow consistent posters of conspiracy theories (all of which seem to be against the USA posted by people who have never set foot there), and yes the animal cruelty. I really prefer people who actually put up pics they took or tell about what is happening in their lives.
Yes, I also forgot a few people blocked due to animal cruelty pictures.
I just “unliked” Horror Central because they made a poor-taste “joke” about Bruce Campbell being dead. (He’s not).
You don’t fuck with The Chin.
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