Have you ever had one of those days when nothing comes out right and you feel like a total axx hole?
Asked by
Judi (
April 24th, 2013
Some days it seems like everything I say is misunderstood and I wish people could just see into my heart instead of listening to my fumbled words. Am I a freak or does anyone else ever have days like this?
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26 Answers
We all have those days. It’s called being human.
You just need to think more positively and stop thinking about what people think of you. Right at this moment, think of something that is positive going on in your life right now..no matter how small it is Then think of something else. You are not a freak, just someone I believe is having a rough day and needs a good drink of something(not necessarily alcohol). Yes I have had days like this, many in fact and I can tell you it works to just think and dream positively. You are having a bad day, but dont let that get you down..your mind is more powerful than that. Go now and get yourself a drink!!!!!
It feels more like a “keep your mouth shut and your head low” day.
@Judi Don’t sweat it. As adults we are supposed to learn how to cut others some slack now and then. We have our standards but we should have a little flex in them. And it helps us out when it’s our bad day.
@Judi Keeping your mouth shut all the time, is not necessarily the answer. As in the movie Tears of the Sun: Evil triumphs when the good remains silent.
I sound like an axxhole most of the time.
@Eggie, not all the time. Just today. Nothing is coming out right. I fear maybe this question didn’t come out right. The words I am using today just don’t seem to convey my intent. It’s frustrating.
@Judi You’re doing just fine. And I think you’ve produced another fluther classic. I love axxhole. It’s right up there with pancakes and frizzer.
Oh crap! I guess I’m in good company the. What was the name of the OP on the frizzer question? I know she had a pool.
^^^ It helps me to consider the day a total washout and use it as a vacation-from-my-life day. Take a walk, have a nap, see a movie or sit on your porch with an unsweetened iced-tea or coffee and a book or a pair of binosc. for looking at the birds.
I am about to take my first walk of the spring down to the streams at the bottom of the hill and see whether the marsh marigolds and wild buttercups and violets are in bloom.
The resident heron showed up yesterday on the pond and made me forget about my knees.
Let the day be a blow-away one. I bet that tomorrow you’ll be more coherent.
Too many times to count. I usually beat myself up wondering when am I going to learn. At the same time, when it is loved ones misunderstanding me I am angry they might think I had bad intentions, because they should know me better than that. It is just a miscommunication usually and I don’t understand why people who know me well would not prefer to clarify and be forgiving if I worded something poorly or had a bad day.
@gailcalled , are wild buttercups the same as wild daffodils? If so, mine are blooming now. I DID buy a sweet pair of binoculars just yesterday and I haven’t had a chance to use them yet. We have golden eagles up here and the bluebirds. (I think, do they have a crown?) just showed up the other day.
I apportion the blame for such as this squarely at the door of those who choose to misinterpret otherwise innocent words.
Judi; Daffodils are usually tall, trumpet-shaped bright yellow flowers on a long, single stalk (there are many variations).
Buttercups are much smaller, have five petals and many blossoms on the same, low bush.
Check out the western bluebird, which is bright blue with a rust wash and compare to the tufted titmouse, which has the tuft, and is a grayish blue with a drabber rust wash.
Birding and tending to your garden require no speaking and are wonderful distractions. Let me know when you are ready to learn the difference between the songs of the titmice and bluebirds…another wonderful part of not-talking to other people.
All the time. Which usually leads me to keep a low profile. I suspect though that I am actually more emotional about it than anyone else.
^^^ Welcome back. Surely not more than anyone else?
For your laugh of the day, remind yourself of what solipsism means.
The view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist.
(Are you settling to your new life in the UK?)
My birds are bigger with a big crest on their heads. They are a really sleek color of royal to navy blue.
Frequently, especially when I have to speak with intimidatingly brilliant professors. I do my best not to beat myself up afterwards, and reassure myself that they probably forgot the stupid things I said anyway :-p
Dear Judi. Welcome to the world of the birder.
You are possibly talking about the blue jay. There is the famous eastern one.
Or Stellar’s Jay (Are you in Oregon?)
@gailcalled. No idea what you are on about! But thanks anyway ;)
UK cold ‘yeah’ and so far not a Psychiatrist in site. (Which is one of the main reasons I am here). Oh well I reckon an emergency appointment in the UK could mean six weeks. Time will tell!
I just looked it up too. They are Stellars Jays
Yes I’m on my mountaintop in Oregon.
Oh, yeah. It comes with the territory (living, breathing human). We all know you are a lovely person, @Judi. Don’t let the bastards get you down. <3
@Judi: If you are interested, listen to his song or call, if possible. That will give you another way of ID’ing him next time.
@LornaLove; We all have a tendency to think we are more or less (fill in emotion here) than everyone else. That’s what solipsism means.)
Has the beautiful English spring arrived where you are living?
@gailcalled. Nope it became extra chilly when I arrived. Specially for me (egocentric) :P.
^^^ Perhaps I am misinformed and there really is no English spring?
Egocentricy implies that I am the center of the universe.
Solipcism implies that I am the universe…“the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist.”
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