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Dutchess_III's avatar

What are some foods you can't let the kids see you prepare because they'll never eat it again?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) April 24th, 2013

I’m getting a couple of the grand kids after school, and thought I’d make some banana bread for them because they like it. But I can’t do it while they’re watching because of the bananas. I freeze bananas when they start to turn over ripe, and use them when I need them. However, after they thaw out and I peel them, they look like nothing so much as a slimy, huge, brown slug….or actually, as though they’d been in somebody’s intestines already and….you know!

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10 Answers

rainbowunbroken's avatar

(As a former kid).. any meat or seafood product that looks completely different in its unprepared form. I loved, absolutely loved fried clams as a kid. The moment I saw the unprepared version, it made me sick to my stomach and I refused to eat fried clams for several years. I’m over the gruesome appearance, now. And, yes, I know fried clams (or fried anything) isn’t healthy any way!

ucme's avatar

Spotted dick :-)

dxs's avatar


Sunny2's avatar

The first (and only) time I served the family one of my favorite foods, lobster with melted butter, my daughter let out a shriek!
“What’s wrong?”
“I just saw the eyes!”
That was the end of that. (except when she isn’t there)

keobooks's avatar

My daughter watches me cook everything I make. She’s only 2. I am hoping she becomes immune to being grossed out by raw ingredients. Luckily I don’t have to kill my own chickens or stuff like that.

Crumpet's avatar

When I was a kid I insisted that I hated eggs.
My dad used to make me a cheese omelette, but he would call it ‘cheese surprise’.
I used to love it. And had no idea that it was made of about 90% eggs because he told me it was a secret recipe and I wasn’t allowed to watch him make it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

^^ :) Funny!

Random1324's avatar

Awwww you gotta tell me that? I loved (used to, anyway) banana bread! I think the #1 food is probably raw chicken liver…

WhyNow's avatar

Mommy… I hate daddy’s’ guts!

Shut up and keep eating! Classic Mad magazine.

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