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Berserker's avatar

If you were a fish, what kind of bait would hook you?

Asked by Berserker (33553points) April 24th, 2013

Just a dumb question for fun, homies.

If you were a fish, what kind of bait would lure you to it? For example, if I was a fish, someone would need to use a pillow to catch me, or at least, a lure that looks like a pillow. Then I’d go to it, and be caught.

What about you, squishies?

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36 Answers

talljasperman's avatar

Coloured mini marshmallows.

zenvelo's avatar

One with a big hunk of lobster meat.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Just put him in the water, and I’m hooked. Hell! I’d jump out of the water for him.

Berserker's avatar

haha oh damn, you might have some competition :D

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Make me a piranha and see what happens to my competition.

Berserker's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake Yeah, well just don’t mess up your prize. :p

woodcutter's avatar



Brian1946's avatar

A horny mermaid about the size of a giant grouper.

woodcutter's avatar

kim kardashian?^^

ucme's avatar

An erect nipple attached to a well rounded breast, must be a hawt woman though…I ain’t biting for no mantittie foo!

Berserker's avatar

lol, mantittie

Only138's avatar

A pair of panties. ;)

ucme's avatar


ucme's avatar

I love that archer fish that spits water from below the surface at it’s oblivious prey, usually a bug of some sort, respect man…I mean fish.
Remember that scene in piranha 3D when the little bastard coughs up that dudes dick…i’m too scared to put my glasses on because it’s rumoured that if you view a severed penis right in your face in 3D you immediately turn gay XD

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Pizza and ice cream bait. I would fall for it hook, line and sinker!

mambo's avatar

A carton of cigarettes and some nice whiskey.

bookish1's avatar

Why do you think I keep tossing pillows into the watering hole, Symby? ;)

I could be caught pretty easily with Kerala mixture on the hook.

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

I am a pisces. I haven’t been hooked yet!

bookish1's avatar

@nofurbelowsbatgirl : I should have guessed you were a water sign ;)

bob_'s avatar

The smell of fish.

* innocent look *

Blackberry's avatar

A gin & tonic.

Random1324's avatar

A robotic fin, or a memory chip, because I’ll say, “Hey that’s mine!”

fremen_warrior's avatar

A military helicopter pilot’s gear + said helicopter – I’d be a flying fish!

Berserker's avatar

I’m also a Pisces.

mandy892's avatar

A vodka + coke wouldn’t do it, but a nights worth with the kebab to top it off. That might be a harder one to refuse.

LuckyGuy's avatar

A blinking blue LED attached to a beeping 3kHz piezo disk molded into the shape of a boob.

That, or a nice piece of melt-in-your-mouth otoro sushi.

Blondesjon's avatar


^^ i know this is in incredibly poor taste, unfortunately the question all but begs for it. @ragingloli does too.

Sunny2's avatar

I truly relate to fish. Salmon caviar with a bit of lemon and sour cream. And ice cold vodka straight.

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

@bookish1 :)
Am I really that transparent?

ETpro's avatar

My answer is NSFW, but fish is a euphemism for it.

bob_'s avatar

@ETpro beat you to it.

ETpro's avatar

@bob_ Story of my life.

Berserker's avatar

LMFAO hatchet wound. Fuckin love that lol

Paradox25's avatar

Pizza, or should I say pitsa ;o)

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

@ETpro funny I never thought of fish. There is this tow company in Canada that has the funniest euphemism and gets away with it as their company name! LMFAO. Or should I say LMF CT O

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