@livelaughlove21 You couldn’t feel comfortable if the club owner thought you were worth $10 million a night?
@ucme I still could do it, but we are now talking about real money. You know, the way the US Congress deals with money. A few hundred billion dollars here and another hundred billion there, pretty soon you’re talking about real money.
@uberbatman $50,000 grand a cum shot. Sign me up.
@Adirondackwannabe Was it that late? I had a little issue here where I almost got arrested today for a bill I didn’t know had gone to judgement and left me in contempt of court. Hence the willingness to work shitty jobs if they pay well. Beats debtor’s prison.
@ragingloli Funny. Those obscene jobs are all SFW, just Not Safe for Humanity.
@Blueroses I suppose it’s possible to habituate to constant exposure to wet genitalia. For the right price, I’d be perfectly willing to see how long that desensitization process would take, though.
@rainbowunbroken I don’t know if I’d be very effective as a fluffer. At my age, even the gay porn shoots probably wouldn’t want me. But the sound tracks of porn are so atrocious and obviously contrived I’d welcome an assignment doing a better job of saying, “Ooh, Ah”!
@bookish1 On the surface, it does seem strange that it is illegal to have sex for money unless) the whole thing is filmed and published for all to see and wank to. Thing is, individual entrepreneurs and small time pimps are doing the former. The commercial porn industry, on the other hand, is a multi-billion dollar enterprise with plenty of lobbying clout to buy the laws they need.
@filmfann Same answer, both threads. How’s this one NSFW? :-)
@SadieMartinPaul On the surface of it, that seems SFW. But given the behavior of teachers, doctors and politicians recently, I think I get the NSFW connection.